NSF/NBER Math Econ/GE Conference – October 2011
SAET sponsored a conference on Mathematical Economics and General Equilibrium Theory in Iowa City on October 7-9, 2011. The conference was jointly organized by the Henry B. Tippie College of Businesss at the University of Iowa in Iowa City.
Conference Program
Friday: 8:50 – 11:00 am
Chair: John Solow
- Information acquisition and welfare effect in a model of competitive financial markets, Cheng-Zhong Qin (Santa Barbara), qin@econucsb.edu
- On the robustness of the competitive equilibrium: non-utility maximizing behavior and equilibrium points, Subir Chakrabarti (Indiana-Purdue), imxl100@iupui.edu
- Using auction theory to study human capital investment in large many-to-many matching markets with heterogeneous agents, Brent Hickman, (Chicago), hickmanbr@uchicago.edu
- The economics of web search, Michael Choi (Wisconsin), ychoi28@wisc.edu – joint with Lones Smith (Wisconsin)
Friday: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Chair: Ayca Kaya
- Network bargaining: A search-theoretic approach, Thanh Nguyen (Northwestern), tnguyen@kellogg.northwestern.edu
- Bargaining with uncertain commitment: On the limits of disagreement, Rohan Dutta (Wash U), rohandutta@go.wustl.edu
Friday: 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Chair: Teddy Kim
- The dynamics of markups in bidding markets with financial constraints, Pablo Beker (Warwick), Pablo.Beker@warwick.ac.uk – joint with Angel Hernando-Veciana (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)
- Dynamic linear economies with social interactions, Onur Ozgur, (Montreal), onur.ozgur@umontreal.ca – joint with Alberto Bisin (NYU)
- Gift exchange vs monetary exchange: experimental evidence, Daniela Puzzello (Indiana), dpuzzell@indiana.edu – joint with John Duffy (Pittsburgh)
- The (im)possibility of collective risk measurement: Arrovian aggregation of variational preferences, Frederik Herzberg (Bielefeld), fherzberg@uni-bielefeld.de
Friday: 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Chair: Alice Schoonbroodt
- Ambiguous language and differences in beliefs, Willemein Kets (Northwestern), willemien.kets@gmail.com – joint with Joseph Y. Halpern (Cornell)
- Existence of financial quasi-equilibria with restricted participation, Abhishek Ranjan (Paris), abhikislay@gmail.com, – joint with Bernard Cornet (Paris and Kansas)
- Other assets” risk: Asset-prices and perceptions of asset-risk, Theodoros Diasakos, (Torino), theodoros.diasakos@carloalberto.org
- Endogenous indeterminacy and volatility of asset prices under ambiguity, Michael Mandler (London), m.mandler@rhul.ac.uk
- Survival and uncertainty through variational preferences, Pietro da Silva (IMPA, Brazil), pietro@impa.br
Saturday: 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Chair: Forrest Nelson
- Promoting school competition through school choice: A market design approach, Yusuke Narita (MIT), narita@mit.edu – joint with John William Hatfield (Stanford) and Fuhito Kojima (Stanford)
- Improving efficiency in matching markets with regional caps: The case of the Japan Residency Matching Program, Fuhito Kojima (Stanford), fkojima@stanford.edu – joint with Yuichiro Kamada (Harvard)
- Characterizing stability properties in games with strategic substitutes, Tarun Sabarwal (Kansas), sabarwal@ku.edu – joint with Roy Sunanda (Iowa State)
- On the “many more agents than commodities” interpretation of the core-Walras equivalence, Konrad Podczeck (Vienna), konrad.podczeck@univie.ac.at
Saturday: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Chair: George Neumann
- Equilibria in overlapping generations model with transfer policies and exogenous growth, Anna Rubinchik, (Haifa), arubinchik@econ.haifa.ac.il – joint with Jean-Francois Mertens (CORE)
- Expected utility and equilibrium with subjective choice sets and strategic reporting, Jack Stecher (Carnegie Mellon), jstecher@cmu.edu – joint with Debora Di Caprio (Toronto) and Francisco J. Santos-Arteaga (Madrid)
Saturday: 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Chair: Dan Kovenock
- Bankruptcy and access to credit in general equilibrium, Matthew Hoelle (Purdue), mhoelle@purdue.edu
- Uncertainty, efficiency and incentive compatibility, Luciano de Castro Filho, (Northwestern), decastro.luciano@gmail.com
- Finance without probability, Frank Riedel (Princeton and Bielefeld), riedel@unibielefeld.de
- Stopping time games under Knightian uncertainty, Svetlana Boyarchenko (Texas, Austin), sboyarch48@gmail.com – joint with Sergei Levendorskii (Leicester)
Saturday: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Chair: Martin Gervais
- Spectral conditions for coalitionally robust equilibria in repeated games with positive externalities, Matt Elliot (Stanford), matt.elliott@stanford.edu – joint with Benjamin Golub (MIT and Stanford)
- A constructive study of Markov Equilibria in stochastic games with strategic complementarities, Lukasz Balbus (Warsaw), lukasz.balbus@pwr.wroc.pl – joint with Kevin Reffett (ASU) and Lukasz Wozny (Warsaw)
- Network effects, market structure and industry performance, Rabah Amir (Arizona), ramir@email.arizona.edu
- On the limitations of monetary policy, M Udara Peiris, (Warwick), udara.peiris@gmail.com, – joint with Herakles Polemarchakis(Warwick) and Alexandros Vardoulakis (Paris)
Saturday: 6:45 pm
Conference Dinner at Chef’s Table: www.chefstableiowacity.com
Sunday: 9:30 – 11:30 am
Round table discussion on the usefulness, relevance of GE to current affairs and new directions
Coordinator: Nicholas Yannelis
- Aloisio Araujo, aloisioaraujo@gmail.com
- Bernard Cornet, cornet@univ-paris1.fr
- Mark Feldman, mark_d_feldman@fanniemae.com
- Tim Kehoe, tkehoe@umn.edu
- David Levine, david@dklevine.com
- John Nachbar, jhnachbar@gmail.com
- Herakles Polemarchakis, H.Polemarchakis@warwick.ac.uk
- Edward C. Prescott, edward.prescott@asu.edu
- Chris Shannon cshannon@econ.berkeley.edu
- Wayne Shafer, wjshafer9@comcast.net