12th SAET Conference – University of Queensland, Australia – June 30 – July 3, 2012

SAET had its 12th conference at University of Queensland, Australia.
The conference featured three days of talks followed by a day-long excursion to Noosa. A description of the excursion and instructions for registration may be found here.

Program Committee

Local Organizing Committee

  • Fabrizio Carmignani (f.carmignani@griffith.edu.au) — Co-Chair
  • Rabee Tourky (rabeetourky@gmail.com) — Co-Chair
  • Juan Carlos Carbajal Ponce (j.carbajalponce@uq.edu.au)
  • Juyoung Cheong (j.cheong@uq.edu.au)
  • Marco Faravelli (m.faravelli@uq.edu.au)
  • Kenan Kalayci (k.kalayci@uq.edu.au)
  • Priscilla Man (t.man@uq.edu.au)
  • Stuart McDonald (s.mcdonald@uq.edu.au)
  • Carlos Oyarzun (c.oyarzun@uq.edu.au)
  • Idione Souza (i.souza@uq.edu.au)
  • Louise West (l.west@uq.edu.au) — Marketing

Local Academic Program Committee

  • Andrew McLennan (a.mclennan2@uq.edu.au) — Co-Chair
  • Flavio Menezes (f.menezes@uq.edu.au) — Co-Chair
  • Begona Dominguez (b.dominguez@uq.edu.au)
  • Heiko Gerlach (h.gerlach@uq.edu.au)
  • Simon Grant (simon.grant@uq.edu.au)
  • Jeffrey Kline (j.kline@uq.edu.au)
  • John Quiggin (j.quiggin@uq.edu.au)
  • Rabee Tourky (rabeetourky@gmail.com)

Session Organizers

Plenary Speakers

Session Details

Advancement of Economic Theory (Organizer: Shino Takaya)

Presenter(s) Topic
Yuichiro Waki (University of Queensland, Australia, y.waki@uq.edu.au) A Polyhedral Approximation Approach to Concave Numerical Dynamic Programming
Terence Yeo (University of Queensland, Australia, cheng.yeo@uqconnect.edu.au), Juyoung Cheong (University of Queensland, Australia), and Shino Takayama (University of Queensland, Australia) Price, Trade Flows, and Free Trade Agreements
Chris Bidner (University of New South Wales, Australia), c.bidner@unsw.edu.au) A Gender-Based Theory of the Caste System of India
Shiko Maruyama (University of New South Wales, Australia, s.maruyama@unsw.edu.au), and Meliyanni Johar (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) Externality and Strategic Interaction in the Location Choice of Siblings under Altruism toward Parents

Aggregative Games (Organizer: Richard Cornes)

Presenter(s) Topic
Richard Cornes (Australian National University, Australia, richard.cornes@anu.edu.au), and Dirk Rubbelke (Basque Centre for Climate Change, Bilbao, Spain) On the Private Provision of Contentious Public Characteristics
Alex Possajennikov (University of Nottingham, UK, Alex.Possajennikov@nottingham.ac.uk) Aggregative Games and Conjectural variations: An Evolutionary Perspective
Jun-ichi Itaya (University of Hokkaido, Japan, itaya@econ.hokudai.ac.jp) Alternative Objectives of Oligopoly: An Aggregative Game Approach
Richard Cornes (Australian National University, Australia, richard.cornes@anu.edu.au), Roger Hartley (University of Manchester, UK), and Doug Nelson (Tulane University) Groups with Intersecting Interests

Ambiguity and Wariness (Organizer: Jean-Philippe Lefort)

Presenter(s) Topic
Simon Grant (University of Queensland and Rice University, Australia and USA, simongrant@uq.edu.au), Robert G. Chambers (University of Maryland), Ben Polak (Yale University), and John Quiggin (University of Queensland, Australia) A Two-Parameter Model of Dispersion Aversion
Aloisio Araujo (IMPA and EPGE/FGV, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, aloisio@impa.br), Rodrigo Novinski (Ibmec Business School, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), and Mario R. Pascoa (Nova SBE, Portugal University of Surrey, UK) On the Optimal Quantity of Money When Agents are Wary
Jean-Philippe Lefort (Université Paris Dauphine, jean-philippe.lefort@dauphine.fr), and Adam Dominiak (Virginia Tech) Agree to Disagreetypes of Results Under Ambiguity

Asset Accumulation and Consumption Over the Life Cycle (Organizer: Stephen Turnovsky)

Presenter(s) Topic
Lucaiano G. Greco (University of Padova, Italy, luciano.greco@unipd.it) A Note on Social Security and Public Debt
Jack Die Ding (Macquarie University, Australia), and Geoffrey Kingston (Macquarie University, Australia, geoff.kingston@mq.edu.au) Asset Allocation when Bequests are Luxury Goods
Jochen O. Mierau (University of Groningen, Netherlands), and Stephen J. Turnovsky (University of Washington, sturn@u.washington.edu) Demographic Structure: Consequences for Capital Accumulation and Consumption
Shino Takayama (University of Queensland, Australia, s.takayama1@uq.edu.au) Price Manipulation, Dynamic Informed Trading and Uniqueness of Equilibrium in a Sequential Trade Model

Asset Bubbles in Equilibrium Models (Organizer: Takashi Kamihigashi)

Presenter(s) Topic
Lise Clain-Chamosset-Yvrard (Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France), and Thomas Seegmuller (Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France, Thomas.SEEGMULLER@univ-amu.fr) Rational Bubbles and Macroeconomic Fluctuations: The (De-)stabilizing Role of Monetary Policy
Tomohiro Hirano (University of Tokyo, Japan, tomohih@gmail.com) and Noriyuki Yanagawa (University of Tokyo, Japan) Asset Bubbles and Bailout
Cuong Le Van (CES, CNRS, University of Paris 1, Hanoi WRU, Cuong.Le-Van@univ-paris1.fr), and Yiannis Vailakis (University of Exeter, UK) Financial Markets with Secured Lending
Takashi Kamihigashi (Kobe University, Japan, tkamihig@rieb.kobe-u.ac.jp) Asset Bubbles in a Small Open Economy

Banking with Sequential Service (Organizer: Paulo Klinger Monteiro)

Presenter(s) Topic
Paulo Klinger Monteiro (FGV/EPGE, Brazil, pklm@fgv.br), Ricardo Cavalcanti (FGV/EPGE, Brazil), and Jefferson Bertolai (FGV/EPGE, Brazil) Convergence of Peck—Shell and Green—Lin Mechanisms in Diamond—Dybvig
Ricardo Cavalcanti (FGV/EPGE, Brazil, ricardoc@fgv.br), and Jefferson Bertolai (FGV/EPGE, Brazil) High Interest Rates: The Golden Rule for Bank Stability in the Diamond-Dybvig Model
Jefferson Bertolai (FGV/EPGE, Brazil, jbertolai@gmail.com), Paulo Klinger Monteiro (FGV/EPGE, Brazil), and Ricardo Cavalcanti (FGV/EPGE, Brazil) Transitions When the Distribution of Money Matters
Kanda Naknoi (Purdue University, knaknoi@purdue.edu) and YiLi Chien (Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis) The Risk Premium and Long Run Imbalances

Capital and Efficiency, Money in Growth Models (Organizer: Cuong Le Van)

Presenter(s) Topic
Jean-Pierre Drugeon (Ecole d”Economie de Paris -Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, Jean-Pierre.Drugeon@univ-paris1.fr) On Three-Period Lifespans, Capital & Efficiency for Overlapping Cohorts Economies
Hiroyuki Ozaki (Keio University, Japan, ozaki@econ.keio.ac.jp) and Eisei Ohtaki (Keio University, Japan) Monetary Equilibria and Knightian Uncertainty
Andrew Clausen (University of Pennsylvania, andrew.p.clausen@gmail.com) Moral Hazard with Counterfeit Signals
Debasis Bandyopadhyay (University of Auckland, New Zealand, debasis@auckland.ac.nz) and Xueli Tang (Deakin University, Australia) Knowledge Spillover and Growth Disparity with Income Redistribution

Contests (Organizer: D. Kovenock)

Presenter(s) Topic
J. Franke (University of Dortmund, Germany, Joerg.franke@tu-dortmund.de), W. Leininger (University of Dortmund, Germany), C. Kanzow (University of Würzburg, Germany), and A. Schwartz (University of Würzburg, Germany) Lottery vs. All-pay Auction Contests: A Revenue Dominance Theorem
J. Thomas (University of Edinburgh, UK), and Z. Wang (Shandong University, China, zheweiwang@sdu.edu.cn) Optimal Punishment in Contests with Endogenous Entry
M. Montero (University of Nottingham, UK, maria.montero@nottingham.ac.uk), A. Possajennikov (University of Nottingham, UK), M. Sefton (University of Nottingham, UK), and T. Turocy (University of East Anglia, UK) The Value of Votes in Weighted Voting Games: An Experiment
D. Arce (U Texas-Dallas), D. Kovenock (Chapman University and University of Iowa, kovenock@chapman.edu), and B. Roberson (Purdue University) Weakest Link Attacker-Defender Games with Multiple Attack Technologies

Contests: Theory and Practice I (Organizer: Luis Corchón)

Presenter(s) Topic
Jingfeng Lu (National University of Singapore, ecsljf@nus.edu.sg), Qiang Fu (National University of Singapore), and Zhewei Wang (Shandong University, China) “Reverse”-Nested-Lottery Contests: Microfoundation and Equilibrium
Maria Cubel (University of Barcelona, Spain, cubel@eco.ub.es), and Santi Sanchez-Pages (University of Barcelona, Spain) Inequality in Confl‡icts
Carmen Beviá (University Autònoma de Barcelona and Barcelona GSE, Spain, carmen.bevia@gmail.com), and Luis Corchón (University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) Relative Difference Contest Success Functions
Galina Zudenkova (University Rovira i Virgil, Spain, galina.zudenkova@gmail.com) A Rationale for Intra-Party Democracy

Contests: Theory and Practice II (Organizer: Luis Corchón, Chair: Carmen Bevia)

Presenter(s) Topic
Qiang Fu (National University of Singapore, bizfq@nus.edu.sg), Jingfeng Lu (National University of Singapore, Singapore), and Yue Pan (IBM China Research Lab., China) Multi-Battle Contests Between Teams
Bettina Klose (University of Zurich, Switzerland), bettina.klose@econ.uzh.ch), and Dan Kovenock (University of Chapman and University of Iowa) Moderating Alliances
Luis Corchón (University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, lcorchon@eco.uc3m.es) Give Peace a Chance: The Effect of Incomplete Information on Mediation
Jörg Franke (Universität Dortmund, Germany), joerg.franke@tu-dortmund.de), and Tahir Öztürk (University of Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain) Conflict Networks

Directed Search (Organizer: Gabriele Camera, Chair: Nejat Anbarci)

Presenter(s) Topic
Alain Delacroix (UQUAM, Canada, Delacroix.alain@uqam.ca), and Shouyong Shi (University of Toronto, Canada) Bargaining and Price Posting with Seller Private Information in a Frictional Environment
Pedro Gomis Porqueras (Monash University, Australia), Benoit Julien (University of New South Wales, Australia, benoit.julien@unsw.edu.au), and Chengsi Wang (University of New South Wales, Australia) Informative Advertising in Directed Search
Ian Paul King (University of Melbourne, Australia, ipking@unimelb.edu.au), and Frank Staehler (University of Otago, Australia) Growth and Unemployment: A Directed Search Approach
Nejat Anbarci (Deakin University, Australia, nejat.anbarci@deakin.edu.au), and Nick Feltovich (University of Aberdeen, UK) Directed Search, Coordination Failure and Seller Profits: an Experimental Comparison of Posted Pricing with Single and Multiple Prices

Economic Growth (Organizer: Chong K. Yip)

Presenter(s) Topic
Chong K. Yip (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, chongkeeyip@cuhk.edu.hk), and Jianpo Xue (Renmin University, China) Aggregate Elasticity of Substitution and Economic Growth: A Synthesis
Zhigang Feng (University of Zurich, Switzerland, z.feng2@gmail.com), and Begona Dominguez (University of Queensland, Australia) The Effect of Capital Taxation on Capital ccumulation
Timothy Kam (Australian National University, Australia, timothy.kam@anu.edu.au, and Yingying Lu (Australian National University, Australia) The Environment, Income and Inequality

Equilibrium Dynamics in Economic Growth Models I (Organizer: Kazuo Nishimura, Chair: Jean-Pierre Drugeon)

Presenter(s) Topic
Yasunobu Tomoda (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan, tomoda@inst.kobe-cufs.ac.jp), Kouichiro Sano (Hiroshima University, Japan), and Makoto Okamura (Hiroshima University, Japan) Optimal Public Education Policy With a Hierarchical Education System
Jean-Pierre Drugeon (Ecole d”Economie de Paris -Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, Jean-Pierre.Drugeon@univ-paris1.fr) On the Equilibrium Structure of Non-Homothetic Steady State Solutions for Competitive Growth Sequences
Alexandre Dmitriev (University of New South Wales, Australia, a.dmitriev@unsw.edu.au), and Ivan Roberts (Reserve Bank of Australia, Australia) Time-Separability, Wealth Effects and International Business Cycles

Equilibrium Dynamics in Economic Growth Models II (Organizer: Kazuo Nishimura, Chair: Thomas Seegmuller)

Presenter(s) Topic
Oscar Pavlov (University of Adelaide, Australia, oscar.pavlov@adelaide.edu.au), and Mark Weder (University of Adelaide, Australia) Countercyclical Markups and News-Driven Business Cycles
Ken-Ichi Akao (Waseda University, Japan, akao@waseda.jp), Takashi Kamihigashi (Kobe University, Japan), and Kazuo Nishimura (Kyoto University, Japan) On the Critical Capital Stock in a Continuous Time Aggregate Growth Model with a Nonconcave Production Function
Carine Nourry (Université de la Méditerranée and GREQAM, France), Thomas Seegmuller (CNRS – GREQAM, France, Thomas.SEEGMULLER@univmed.fr), and Alain Venditty (CNRS – GREQAM and EDHEC, France) Aggregate Instability Under Balanced-budget Consumption Taxes:
A Re-examination
Katsufumi Fukuda (Graduate School of Economics, Kobe
University, Japan, 2katsufumi.fukuda@gmail.com)
An Effect of Further Exposure to International Trade on Welfare in a Coe and Helpman Semi Endogenous Growth Model with Firm Heterogene

Experimental Economics (Organizer: C. C. Yang)

Presenter(s) Topic
Li-Chen Hsu (National Chengchi University, Taiwan), Kamhon Kan (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), C.C. Yang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan, lchsu@nccu.edu.tw), and Chun-Lei Yang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) Experimentation on Dividing Gain Through Politics
Jie Zhang (Fudan University, China, jiezhang2002@fudan.edu.cn), Scott J. Savage (University of Colorado at Boulder), and Yongmin Chen (University of Colorado at Boulder) Consumer Uncertainty and Price Discrimination Through Online Coupons: An Empirical Study of Restaurants in Shanghai
Tsu-Tan Fu (Soochow University, China), Wei-Hsin Kong (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), and C.C. Yang ( Academia Sinica, National Chengchi University and Feng Chia University, Taiwan, ccyang@econ.sinica.edu.tw) Stakes in Ultimatum Games

Financial Economics (Organizer: Chenghu Ma)

Presenter(s) Topic
Guangsug Hahn (POSTECH, Korea, econhahn@postech.ac.kr), and Dongchul Won (POSTECH, Korea) Survival Assumptions for Competitive Equilibrium in Constrained Asset Markets
Hyeng Keun Koo (Ajou University, Korea, hkoo@ajou.ac.kr) Friedman-Savage Revisited: Implications for Intertemporal Consumption and Portfolio Selection
Chenghu Ma (Fudan University, China, machenghu@fudan.edu.cn) Uncertainty Aversion and A Theory of Incomplete Contract
Zhiyong Yao (Fudan University, China, yzy@fudan.edu.cn) A Theory of Credit Rating Cycle

Financial Market Dynamics (Organizer: Bart Taub)

Presenter(s) Topic
Rohan Pitchford (Australian National University, Australia, rohanpitchford@gmail.com), Christopher M. Snyder (University of Queensland, Australia), and Rabee Tourky (University of Queensland, Australia) Mortgage Origination and the Rise of Securitization: An Incomplete-Contracts Model
Dirk Hackbarth (University of Illinois) and Bart Taub (Durham University, UK, bart.taub@durham.ac.uk) Does the Dearth of Mergers Mean More Competition?
Bernard Cornet (University of Kansas and University of Paris 1, USA and France, Bernard.Cornet@univ-paris1.fr) Financial Economies with Convex Risk-Neutral Capacities
Yi Jin (Monash University, Australia)
and Zhixiong Zeng (Monash University, Australia, zhixiong.zeng@monash.edu)
Financial Frictions and Distributional Macroeconomic Policy

Foundational Issues in Game Theory (Organizer: Mamoru Kaneko)

Presenter(s) Topic
Tai-Wei Hu (Northwestern University, t-hu@kellogg.northwestern.edu), and Mamoru Kaneko (University of Tsukuba, Japan) Critical Comparisons between the Nash Noncooperative Theory and Rationalizability
Jeff J. Kline (University of Queensland, Australia, j.kline@uq.edu.au) Evaluations of the Epistemic Depths for Resolving the Muddy Children Puzzle
Mamoru Kaneko (University of Tsukuba, Japan, kaneko@sk.tsukuba.ac.jp), and J. Jude Kline (University of Queensland, Australia) Transpersonal Understanding through Social Roles, and Emergence of Cooperation
Arkadii Slinko (University of Auckland, New Zealand, a.slinko@auckland.ac.nz), Nadja Betzler (Technical University of Berlin, Germany), and Johannes Uhlmann (Technical University of Berlin, Germany) On the Computation of Fully Proportional Representation

Game Theoretic Approaches to Policy (Organizer: D. Kovenock)

Presenter(s) Topic
P. Fong (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, phfong@cityu.edu.hk), and J. Deng(City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) Dynamic Legislative Bargaining with Endogenous Proposers
G. Zudenkova (University Rovira i Virgili, Spain), galina.zudenkova@gmail.com) A Model of Party Discipline in Congress
J. Choi (University of New South Wales and Michigan State University, Australia and USA), and H. Gerlach (University of Queensland, Australia, h.gerlach@uq.edu.au) Global Cartels, Leniency Programs, and International Antitrust Cooperation
I. Chatterjee (University of Western Australia, Australia, Ishita.Chatterjee@uwa.edu.au) Costly Reporting, Ex-post Monitoring, and Commercial Piracy: A Game Theoretic Analysis

Games and Dynamics (Organizer: Rabah Amir)

Presenter(s) Topic
Diego Moreno (University Carlos III-Madrid, Spain), and John Wooders (UTS-Sydney, Australia, jwooders@gmail.com) Equilibrium Dynamics in Markets for Lemons
Svetlana Boyarchenko (University of Texas), sboyarch@eco.utexas.edu) and Sergei Levendorskii (University of Leicester, UK) Preemption Games Under Lévy Uncertainty
Mohamad Alghamdi (The University of Queensland, Australia, mohamad.alghamdi@uq.edu.au), Stuart McDonald (The University of Queensland, Australia), and Bernard Pailthorpe (The University of Queensland, Australia) The Effect of Connectivity, Proximity and Market Structure on R&D Networks
Rabah Amir (University of Arizona, ramir@email.arizona.edu) Supermodular Stochastic Games

Games on Networks (Organizers: Rabah Amir and Nizar Allouch)

Presenter(s) Topic
David Seim (Stockholm University, Sweden, david.seim@iies.su.se), and Andreas Nordvall Lageras (Stockholm University, Sweden) Strategic Complementarities, Network Games and Endogenous Network Formation
Keizo Mizuno (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan), kmizuno@kwansei.ac.jp) and Yasunori Okumura (Han-nan University, Japan) Strategic Location Choice and Network Formation for Entry
Mandar Oak (University of Adelaide, Australia, mandar.oak@adelaide.edu.au) Network Structure and Favor Exchange Under Stochastic Costs

General Equilibrium and Asset Markets (Organizer: Chiaki Hara)

Presenter(s) Topic
Chiaki Hara (Kyoto University, Japan, hara.chiaki.7x@kyoto-u.ac.jp) Heterogeneous Impatience and Dynamic Inconsistency
Hisashi Nakamura (Hitotsubashi University, Japan, hisashi.nakamura@r.hit-u.ac.jp), and Koichiro Takaoka (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) A Continuous-Time Optimal Insurance Design with Costly Monitoring
Jose Fajardo (Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration, Brazil, jose.fajardo@fgv.br) Effectiveness of Enforcement Mechanisms with Collateral Requirements
Renginar Dayangac (Galatasaray University, Turkey, rdayangac@gsu.edu.tr), and Bilge Ozturk Goktuna (Galatasaray University, Turkey) Informal Employment and Retirement: Family Support as a Substitute for Pension

General Equilibrium, Asymmetric Information, and Ambiguity I (Organizer: Nicholas C. Yannelis)

Presenter(s) Topic
Patrick Beißner (Bielefeld University, Germany, pbeissne@math.uni.bielefeld.de) Coherent Price Systems and Uncertainty-Neutral Valuation
Anuj Bhowmik (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, anuj.bhowmik@aut.ac.nz), and Jiling Cao (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand) Blocking Efficiency in an Economy with Asymmetric Information
Yi-Chun Chen (Rice University) and Siyang Xiong (National University of Singapore, xiong@rice.edu) Genericity and Robustness of Full Surplus Extraction
Vina (Zhiwei) Liu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, liu108@illinois.edu) Implementability Under Ambiguity

General Equilibrium, Asymmetric Information, and Ambiguity II (Organizer: Nicholas C. Yannelis, Chair: Walter Trockel)

Presenter(s) Topic
Uwe Dulleck (Queensland University of Technology, Australia, uwe.dulleck@qut.edu.au), and Berthold U. Wigger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) Expert Politicians, Electoral Control, and Fiscal Restraints
Richard Hislop (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, rhislop2@illinois.edu) Large Scale
Pavlo Prokopovych (Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine, prokopo@gmail.com), and Nicholas C. Yannelis (University of Iowa and University of Manchester, US and UK) On Uniform Conditions for the Existence of Mixed Strategy Equilibria
Walter Trockel (Universität Bielefeld, Germany, wtrockel@wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de) An Axiomatic Foundation of the Discrete Raiffa Solution

Incomplete Information and Dynamics in Games, Behavioral Economics and Contract Theory (Organizers: Subir K. Chakrabarti and Wing-Keung Wong)

Presenter(s) Topic
Wing-Keung Wong (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, awong@hkbu.edu.hk), and Martín Egozcue (FCS Universidad de la Republica del Uruguay, Uruguay) Optimal Output for the Regret-Averse Competitive Firm Under Price Uncertainty
Frank N. Caliendo (Utah State University, frank.caliendo@usu.edu), and Lei (Nick) Guo (Utah State University) Time-Inconsistent Preferences and Time-Inconsistent
Subir K. Chakrabarti (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, imxl100@iupui.edu), and Jaesoo Kim (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) Long Run Optimal Contracts Under Adverse Selection with Limited Commitment
Jiwoong Lee (Maastricht University, Netherlands, j.lee@maastrichtuniversity.nl), Rudolf Muller (Maastricht University, Netherlands), and Dries Vermuelen (Maastricht University, Netherlands) A Characterization of Separating Equilibrium in MultiDimensional Signaling Games

Information, Learning, and Implementation (Organizer: Andrew McLennan)

Presenter(s) Topic
Sven Feldman (University of Melbourne, Australia, s@svenfeldman.com) Relying on Non-selfserving Statement: Full Information Revelation in
Cheap-talk Games with Multiple Senders
Simon Loertscher (University of Melbourne, Australia, simonl@unimelb.edu.au) Optimal Term Limits
Andy McLennan (University of Queensland, Australia, a.mclennan@economics.uq.edu.au), and Simon Loertscher (University of Melbourne, Australia) The Mathematics of Bayesian Learning Traps

Information and Uncertainty, Theory and Applications (Organizer: Jack Stecher)

Presenter(s) Topic
Maria Chaderina (Carnegie Mellon University, mchaderi@andrew.cmu.edu) The Pre-Borrowing Motive: A Model of the Coexistence of Debt and Cash Holdings
Simona Fabrizi (Massey University, New Zealand, S.Fabrizi@massey.ac.nz) and Steffen Lippert (University of Otago, New Zealand) Corruption and Public Display of Wealth
Patrick O”Callaghan (University of Warwick, UK, patrickocal@gmail.com) Context and Decision: A Topological Approach
Jack Stecher (Carnegie Mellon University, jstecher@cmu.edu) and Elif Incekara Hafalir (Carnegie Mellon University) Allais Paradox and Presentation Effect

Market Design I (Organizer: Fuhito Kojima, Chair: Peter Troyan)

Presenter(s) Topic
Ning Chen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, ningc@ntu.edu.sg) Ties Matter: Improving Efficiency in Class Registration by Introducing Ties
Takashi Akahoshi (Waseda University, Japan, akahoshi@suou.waseda.jp) A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Stable Matching Rules to be Strategy-Proof
Peter Troyan (Stanford University, petetroyan@gmail.com), Daniel Fragiadakis (Stanford University), Atsushi Iwasaki (Kyushu University, Japan), Surugu Ueda (Kyushu University, Japan), and Makoto Yokoo (Kyushu University, Japan) Strategyproof Matching with Minimum Quotas
Vitalijs A. Butenko (Center of Economic Research, Switzerland, vbutenko@ethz.ch) and Hans Gersbach (Center of Economic Research, Switzerland) Experimentation in Democracy

Market Design II (Organizer: Fuhito Kojima, Chair: Tayfun Sonmez)

Presenter(s) Topic
Georgy Artemov (University of Melbourne, Australia, georgy@gmail.com) College Admission Problem with Clear-In Ranks
Alexandru Nichifor (University of St. Andrews, UK, alexandru.nichifor@gmail.com) Stability and Competitive Equilibrium in Trading Networks
Tayfun Sonmez (Boston College, tayfun.sonmez@bc.edu) Matching with (Branch-of-Choice) Contracts at United States Military Academy
Juan Fung (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, fung5@illinois.edu) and Chia-Ling Hsu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Platform Markets and Matching with Contracts

Matching, Group Formation, and Evolutionary Games (Organizer: Takako Fujiwara-Greve)

Presenter(s) Topic
Michihiro Kandori (University of Tokyo, Japan), Fuhito Kojima (Stanford University), and Yosuke Yasuda (GRIPS, Japan, yyasuda@grips.ac.jp) Understanding Stable Matchings: A Non-Cooperative Approach
Toshimasa Maruta (Nihon University, Japan, maruta.toshimasa@nihon-u.ac.jp) and Akira Okada (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) Group Formation and Heterogeneity in Collective Action Games
Kenichi Amaya (Kagawa University, Japan, amaya@ec.kagawa-u.ac.jp) Perfect Foresight Equilibrium Selection in Signaling Games
Takako Fujiwara-Greve (Keio University, Japan, takakofg@econ.keio.ac.jp), and Masashiro Okuno-Fujiwara (Ryutu Keizai University and University of Tokyo, Japan) Behavioral Diversity in Voluntarily Separable Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

Mathematical Economics (Organizer: Jiling Cao)

Presenter(s) Topic
Andrei Barbos (University of South Florida, USA; andreibarbos@gmail.com) Project-Screening Allocation
Anne van den Nouweland (University of Oregon, USA; annev@uoregon.edu), and Francis Bloch (Ecole Polytechnique, France) Defining the Core of Partition Function Form Games: An Axiomatic Approach
Ronald Stauber (Australian National University, Australia; ronald.stauber@anu.edu.au) Framework for Robustness to Ambiguity of Higher-Order Beliefs
Anuj Bhowmik (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand), and Jiling Cao (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, jiling.cao@aut.ac.nz) Robust Efficiency in Mixed Economies with Asymmetric Information

Mathematical Economics I (Organizers: Satoru Takahashi and Yeneng Sun)

Presenter(s) Topic
Takuo Sugaya (Stanford University, tsugaya@stanford.edu) The Folk Theorem in Repeated Games with Private Monitoring
M. Ali Khan (Johns Hopkins University), Kali P. Rath (University of Notre Dame), Yeneng Sun (National University of Singapore, Singapore), and Haomiao Yu (Ryerson University, Canada, haomiao@ryerson.ca) The Exact Law of Large Numbers and Nash Equilibria of Large Games
Xiang Sun (National University of Singapore, xiangsun@nus.edu.sg) Independent Random Partial Matching with Infinite Types: the Dynamic Case
Satoru Takahashi (Princeton University and National University of Singapore, USA and Singapore, satorut@princeton.edu), and Johannes Hörner (Yale University) How Fast Do Equilibrium Payoffs Converge in Repeated Games?

Mathematical Economics II (Organizer: Yeneng Sun)

Presenter(s) Topic
M. Ali Khan (Johns Hopkins University), Kali P. Rath (University of Notre Dame, rath.1@nd.edu), and Yeneng Sun (National University of Singapore, Singapore) The Nonexistence of Mixed-strategy Nash Equilibria for a Countable Agent Space
Xiang Sun (National University of Singapore, Singapore), and Yongchao Zhang (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China; yongchao@mail.shufe.edu.cn) Nonatomic Games with Actions in an Infinite-dimensional Space
Meng-Yu Liang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan, myliang@econ.sinica.edu.tw), Eric S. Chou (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), and Cheng-Tai Wu (Fu Jen Chatholic University, Taiwan) Partnership Dissolution when Efficiency Warrants Multiple Owners
Yeneng Sun (National University of Singapore, ynsun@nus.edu.sg), Lei Wu (National University of Singapore, Singapore), and Nicholas Yannelis (University of Iowa and University of Manchester, USA and UK) Existence, Incentive Compatibility and Efficiency of the Rational Expectations Equilibrium

Mechanism Design: Theory and Applications (Organizer: Claudio Mezzetti)

Presenter(s) Topic
Jose Rodrigues-Neto (Australian National University, Australia, Jose.Neto@anu.edu.au) Consistency, Self-Consistency and Cycles
Jun Xiao (University of Melbourne, Australia, jux103@psu.edu) Asymmetric All-Pay Contests with Heterogeneous Prizes
Daniel Garret (Toulouse School of Economics, France, danielgarrett2013@u.northwestern.edu) Durable Goods Sales with Dynamic Arrivals and Changing Values
Claudio Mezzetti (University of Melbourne, Australia, cmez@unimelb.edu.au Repeated Nash Implementation

Methods for Dynamic General Equilibrium Models (Organizer: Kevin Reffett)

Presenter(s) Topic
Yiyong Cai (Australian
National University and CSIRO, Australia, yiyong.cai@anu.edu.au)
Stochastic Optimal Growth with Endogenous Labor Supply
Kei Kawakami (University of Melbourne, Australia, keik@unimelb.edu.au) Limited Commitment in Financial Markets
Matthew Hoelle (Purdue University, mhoelle@purdue.edu) Bankruptcy and Access to Credit in General Equilibrium
Antonio Mele (Nuffield College, Oxford, UK, antonio.mele@economics.ox.ac.uk Repeated Moral Hazard and Recursive Lagrangian

Money and Macro (Organizer: Gabriele Camera, Chair: Young Sik Kim)

Presenter(s) Topic
Gaetano Antinolfi (Board of Governors, gaetano@wustl.edu), and Francesco Carli (Washington University in Saint Louis) Costly Monitoring, Dynamic Incentives, and Default
Pedro Gomis Porqueras (Monash University, Australia), Timothy Kam (Australian National University, Australia; timothy.kam@anu.edu.au), and Chris Waller (St Louis Fed) Equilibrium Liquidity Constraints and Nominal Exchange Rate (In)Determinacy
Silvio Contessi (Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, silvio.contessi@stls.frb.org), and Pierangelo De Pace (Pomona College) How does Multinational Production Change Comovement?
Young Sik Kim (Seoul National University, South Korea, kimy@snu.ac.kr), and Manjong Lee (Korea University, South Korea) Separation of Unit of Account from Medium of Exchange

New Directions in Agency Problems (Organizer: Richard Holden)

Presenter(s) Topic
Guillaume Roger (University of New South Wales, Australia, g.roger@unsw.edu.au), and Benoit Julien (University of New South Wales, Australia) Search and Moral Hazard
Alessandro De Chiara (ECARES, FNRS, Belgium, aledechiara@gmail.com), and Luca Livio (ECARES, Belgium) Truthful Reporting, Moral Hazard and Purely Soft Information
Bibhas Saha (University of East Anglia, UK, B.Saha@uea.ac.uk) Should a Bookie Induce Match-Fixing? The Monopoly Case
Richard Holden (University of New South Wales, Australia, richard.holden@unsw.edu.au) Principals and Clueless Agents

Non-Additive Models and Applications (Organizer: Alain Chateauneuf)

Presenter(s) Topic
John Quiggin (University of Queensland, Australia, j.quiggin@uq.edu.au) Unawareness and Ambiguity
Juergen Eichberger (University of Heidelberg, Germany), and Ani Guerdjikova (University of Cergy-Pontoise, France, ani.guerdjikova@u-cergy.fr) Technology Adoption and Adaptation to Climate Change: A Case-Based Approach
Philippe Bich (PSE-CES Université de Paris 1, France, Philippe.Bich@univ-paris1.fr), Alain Chateauneuf (PSE-CES Université de Paris 1, France), and Caroline Ventura (PRISM Université de Paris 1, France) Two New Definitions of Decreasing Inequality

Public Economics and Networks (Organizer: Nizar Allouch)

Presenter(s) Topic
Marco Faravelli (University of Queensland, Australia, m.faravelli@uq.edu.au), and Randall Walsh (University of Pittsburgh) Smooth Politicians and Paternalistic Voters: A Theory of Large Elections
Jonathan Newton (University of Sydney, Australia, jonathan.newton@sydney.edu.au) Coalitions and the Speed of Convergence to Long Run Equilibrium
P. Coralio Ballester Pla (Universidad de Alicante, Spain), Giovanni Ponti (Universidad de Alicante, Spain), and Marco J. van der Leij (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, m.j.vanderleij@uva.nl) Bounded Rationality and Incomplete Information in Network Games
Nizar Allouch (Queen Mary, University of London, UK, n.allouch@qmul.ac.uk) The Cost of Diversity: Public Good Provision and Redistribution

Public Investment, Human Capital, Pollution in Growth Models (Organizer: Cuong Le Van)

Presenter(s) Topic
Philip Bodman (University of Queensland, Australia), Harry Campbell (University of Queensland, Australia) and Thanh Q. Le (University of Queensland, Australia, t.le2@uq.edu.au) Public Investment, Taxation and Growth in Economies with Multi-leveled Governments
Stefano Bosi (University of Evry, France, stefano.bosi@u-cergy.fr) and Hubert Jayet (EQUIPPE, France) Dynamic Fiscal Competition
Alain Ayong Le Kama (Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France), Thai Ha-Huy (Paris School of Economics, France), Cuong Le Van (CNRS, Hanoi WRU, France and Vietnam, Cuong.Le-Van@univ-paris1.fr) and Katheline Schubert (Paris School of Economics, France) A Non-Dictatorial and Anonymous Criterion for Optimal Growth Models

Repeated Games and Applications (Organizer: Johannes Horner)

Presenter(s) Topic
Stefano Lovo (HEC Business School, France, lovo@hec.fr), J. Hoerner (Yale University), and T. Tomala (HEC Business School, France) Belief-free Price Formation
George J. Mailath (University of Pennsylvania, gmailath@econ.upenn.edu), V. Bhaskar (University College London, UK), and Stephen Morris (Princeton University) A Foundation for Markov Equilibria with Finite Social Memory
Johannes Hoerner (Yale University, johannes.horner@yale.edu), S. Takahashi (Princeton University), and N. Vieille (HEC Business School, France) A Recursive Approach to Dynamic Bayesian Games
Steven Callander (Stanford University, sjc@gsb.stanford.edu), and B. Harstad (Northwestern University) Experimentation in Federal Systems

Search and Matching (Organizer: Gabriele Camera, Chair: Cemil Selcuk)

Presenter(s) Topic
Paola Boel (Bowdoin College, pboel@bowdoin.edu) The Distribution of the Welfare Cost of Inflation in a Matching Model of Money – an International Perspective
Pedro Gomis Porqueras (Monash University, Australia, pedro.gomis@monash.edu), Adrian Peralta-Alva (St Louis Fed), and Chris Waller (St Louis Fed) Quantifying the Shadow Economy: Measurement with Theory
Cemil Selcuk (Cardiff University, UK, selcukc@cardiff.ac.uk) Motivated Sellers & Predatory Buyers
Jonas Hedlund (University of Alicante, Spain) and Carlos Oyarzun (University of Queensland, Australia, c.oyarzun@uq.edu.au) Social-Comparison-Based Learning in a Heterogeneous Population

Social Choice and Game Theory (Organizer: Youngsub Chun)

Presenter(s) Topic
Chun-Hsien Yeh (Academia Sinica, Taiwan, chyeh@econ.sinica.edu.tw), Youngsub Chun (Seoul National University, Korea) and Cheng-Cheng Hu (National Cheng Kung Univerisity, Taiwan) Consistency, Converse Consistency and Strategic Justifications in the Airport Problem
Inkee Jang (Seoul National University, Korea; (inkee535@snu.ac.kr) Egalitarianism in the Theory of Justice
Duygu Yengin (University of Adelaide, Australia, duygu.yengin@adelaide.edu.au) Axiomatizing Political Philosophy of Distributive Justice: Equivalence of No-Envy and Egalitarian-Equivalence with Welfare Egalitarianism
Youngsub Chun (Seoul National University, Korea, ychun@snu.ac.kr), and Manipushpak Mitra (Indian Statistical Institute, India) Subgroup Additivity in the Queueing Problem

Stability and Instability in Stochastic Dynamic Models (Organizer: John Stachurski)

Presenter(s) Topic
Shenghao Zhu (National University of Singapore, ecszhus@nus.edu.sg), Jess Benhabib (New York University) and Alberto Bisin (New York University) Bequests, Estate Taxes and Wealth Distribution in a General Equilibrium Model with Idiosyncratic Investment Risk
Partha Chatterjee (University of Delhi, India; (chatterjee.p@gmail.com), and Malik Shukayev (Bank of Canada, Canada) A Stochastic Dynamic Model of Trade and Growth
Christian Bayer (University of Vienna, Austria, christian.bayer1979@googlemail.com), and Klaus Walde (University of Mainz, Germany) Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of Invariant Distributions in Continuous Time Models
John Stachurski (Australian National University, Australia, john.stachurski@anu.edu.au), and Takashi Kamihigashi (RIEB, Kobe University, Japan) Rates of Convergence for Stochastic Monotone Economies

Stopping Time Problems in Economics (Organizer: Svetlana Boyarchenko)

Presenter(s) Topic
Catherine Bobtcheff (Toulouse School of Economics (CNRS-LERNA), France, Catherine.Bobtcheff@univ-tlse1.fr ), Jerome Bolte (Toulouse School of Economics (GREMAQ), France), and Thomas Mariotti (Toulouse School of Economics (CNRS, GREMAQ, IDEI), France) Researcher’s Dilemma
Michi Nishihara (Osaka University, Japan, nishihara@econ.osaka-u.ac.jp) A Real Options Game Involving Multiple Projects
Michi Nishihara (Osaka University, Japan); and Takashi Shibata (Tokio Metropolitan University, Japan, tshibata@tmu.ac.jp) Investment Timing under Financing Constraint with Bank and Market Debt
Svetlana Boyarchenko (University of Texas at Austin), and Sergei Levendorskii (University of Leicester, UK, sl278@le.ac.uk) Jump-Diffusion Models under Ambiguity, and Endogenous Regime-Switching

Strategic Equilibrium (Organizer: Matthew Ryan)

Presenter(s) Topic
John Hillas (University of Auckland, New Zealand, j.hillas@auckland.ac.nz) On an Example of Mertens
John Hillas (University of Auckland, New Zealand) and Dmitriy Kvasov (University of Adelaide, Australia, dmitriy.kvasov@adelaide.edu.au) Backward Induction in Games without Perfect Recall
Priscilla Man (University of Queensland, Australia, t.man@uq.edu.au) Endogenous Reputation in Repeated Games
Francesco De Sinopoli (Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy), Carlos Pimienta (University of New South Wales, Australia, c.pimienta@unsw.edu.au), and Giovanna Iannantuoni (Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy) Scoring Rules: A Game-Theoretical Analysis

Theory of Industrial Organization (Organizer: Baomin Dong)

Presenter(s) Topic
Jiangli Dou (Toulouse School of Economics, France; and Bing Ye (Zhejiang University, China, colinyebing@zju.edu.cn) Versioning Goods and Joint Purchase with Externality
Xiaojian Zhao (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, xjzhao@ust.hk), Soo Hong Chew (National University of Singapore, Singapore), and Wei Huang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China) Selective Memory and Motivated Delusion: Theory and Experiment
Jie Li (Zhejiang University, China, eflijie@hotmail.com), and Baomin Dong (Zhejiang University and Stanford University, China/USA) Pay to Switch: A Model of Targeted Price Discrimination and Consumer Switching
Steffen Lippert (Otago University, New Zealand, steffen.lippert@otago.ac.nz), Simona Fabrizi (Massey University, New Zealand), Clemens Puppe (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), and Stephanie Rosenkranz (Utrecht School of Economics, Netherlands) Suggested Retail Prices with Downstream Competition

Topics in Economic Theory
(Organizer: Nicholas C. Yannelis)

Presenter(s) Topic
Rabee Tourkey (University of Queensland, Australia;, rabeetourky@gmail.com TBA
Myrna Wooders (Vanderbilt University, myrna.wooders@vanderbilt.edu), V. Danilov (Moscow University, Russia), G. Koshovoy (Moscow University, Russia), and F. Page (Indiana University) Elementary Conditions for Existence of Equilibrium with Unbounded Short Sales
Alvaro Sandroni (Northwestern University, USA;, sandroni@kellogg.northwestern.edu Testing Strategic Experts
Nicholas C. Yannelis (University of Iowa and University of Manchester, USA and UK, nicholasyannelis@gmail.com), and Zhiwei Liu (University of Illinois) Implementation under Ambiguity: The Maximin Core

Topics in Financial Stability (Organizer: Udara Peiris)

Presenter(s) Topic
Li Lin (Oxford University, UK, li.lin@sbs.ox.ac.uk) Basel Regulation, Procyclicality and Fire Sales: A DSGE Approach
Dimitrios Voliotis (University of Piraeus, Greece, dvoliotis@unipi.gr), and D.P. Tsomocos (Oxford University, UK) The Quality of Collateral as a Monetary Instrument. A General Equilibrium Model
Udara Peiris (University of Warwick, UK, u.peiris@warwick.ac.uk), C.A.E. Goodhart (London School of Economics, UK), and D.P. Tsomocos (Oxford University, UK) Global Imbalances and Taxing Capital Flows
Pablo Beker (University of Warwick, UK, Pablo.Beker@warwick.ac.uk), Emilio Espino (Universidad T. Di Tella, Argentina) A General Equilibrium Explanation for Financial Markets Anomalies: Limited Enforceability and Belief Heterogeneity

Topics in Game Theory I (Organizer: Xiao Luo)

Presenter(s) Topic
Takashi Kunimoto (Hitotsubashi University, Japan, takashikunimoto9@gmail.com) Robust Virtual Implementation with Almost Complete Information
Yi-Chun Chen (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Xiao Luo (National University of Singapore, Singapore), and Chen Qu (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway, cedricqu@gmail.com) Rationalizability in General Situations
Chih-Chun Yang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan, cyang16@econ.sinica.edu.tw) Weak Assumption and Iterative Admissibility
Xiao Luo (National University of Singapore, Singapore), and Wang Ben (National University of Singapore, wangben@nus.edu.sg) MACA and LPS

Topics in Game Theory II (Organizer: Xiao Luo)

Presenter(s) Topic
Yi-Chun Chen (National University of Singapore, yichun@nus.edu.sg),
Ehud Lehrer (Tel Aviv University, Israel),
Jiangtai Li (National University of Singapore, Singapore),
Dov Samet (Tel Aviv University, Israel), and
Eran Shmaya (Northwestern University)
Agreeing to Agree and Trade
Satoru Takahashi (Princeton University and National University of Singapore, satorut@princeton.edu), and Stephen Morris (Princeton University) Common Certainty of Rationality Revisited
Miao Bin (National University of Singapore, g0800834@nus.edu.sg) Preference for Diversification across Time
Dinko Dimitrov (Saarland University, Germany, dinko.dimitrov@mx.uni-saarland.de), and Shao Chin Sung (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan) Size Monotonicity and Stability of the Core in Hedonic Games

Topics in Revealed Preference Theory (Organizer: Koji Shirai)

Presenter(s) Topic
Yasushi Agatsuma (Waseda University, Japan, y.agatsuma@moegi.waseda.jp) The Core Rationalizability of Payoff Allocations
Susumu Cato (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan, susumu.cato@gmail.com) Rationality and Revealed Preference
Adam Galambos (Lawrence University, adam.galambos@lawrence.edu) Falsifiability, Complexity, and Choice Theories
Koji Shirai (Waseda University, Japan, kshirai1985@gmail.com) A Revealed Preference Test for Normal Demand