14th SAET Conference on Current Trends in Economics
Tokyo, Japan, August 19-21, 2014
The event is being organized in cooperation with Waseda University.
Conference Venue: Waseda University, Waseda Campus, 10th Building.
The conference chair is Mamoru Kaneko.
Satellite Conference and Workshops on 22 (Friday), August 2014
- Conference (Workshop A) – Organized by Masao Ogaki & Toyotaka Sakai and cosponsored by Japanese Economic Review (JER), Keio Economic Society, and Wiley
- Satellite Workshop B – Organized by Yukihiko Funaki & Hans Peters
- Satellite Workshop C – Organized by Chih Chang & Jeff Kline
- Satellite Workshop D – Organized by Simona Settepanella, Hiroaki Terao, Masahiko Yoshinaga and Makoto Nishibe, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY. This workshop will take place at Hokkaido University.
Registration Information
The registration fee for the 2014 SAET Conference includes the conference dinner on 8/19 and three lunches. All persons planning to attend the conference are required to register. Student participates are exempt from paying the registration fee, but need to register in advance.
Hotel Information
Kinki Nippon Tourist (KNT), Nagaoka Branch Office will assist you in your hotel accommodations for the 14th Annual SAET Conference until the end of the work day on August 5, at this time, reservations will need to be made on your own.
Each session is organized by a session organizer, and each paper should be submitted to an appropriate session organizer. If it has still an open slot, the session organizer would consider the paper for presentation. Nevertheless, the conference organizer (Mamoru Kaneko) may distribute a paper to a suitable session as far as there is an open slot.
- Keynote Speakers
- Tutorial
- Program Committee
- Local Organizing Committee
- Session Organizers
- Session Details
Keynote Speakers
- Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro (Princeton University, USA): “Financial Crisis and Public Policy”
- Liu, Fenrong (Tsinghua University, China): “Emergence of Preferences from the Logical Perspective”
- Polemarchakis, Herakles (University of Warwick, UK): “Intervention in Market Economies”
- Hu, Tai-Wei (Northwestern University, USA): “paper” & “slides” for “Prediction/Decision Making in Epistemic Logic”
Program Committee
- Chernozhukov, Victor (MIT)
- Hörner, Johannes (Yale University)
- Kehoe, Timothy (University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
- Kojima, Fuhito (Stanford University)
- Kovenock, Daniel (Chapman University)
- Machina, Mark (University of California, San Diego)
- Prescott, Edward C. (Arizona State University)
- Squintani, Francesco (University of Warwick)
- Yannelis, Nicholas (University of Iowa)
- Zame, William (UCLA)
Local Organizing Committee
- Akiyama, Eizo (University of Tsukuba)
- Araki, Kazunori (Waseda University)
- Funaki, Yukihiko (Waseda University)
- Ishikawa, Ryuichiro (University of Tsukuba)
- Kaneko, Mamoru (Waseda University), Chair
- Shimizu, Kazumi (Waseda University)
- Suga, Koichi (Waseda University)
- Tanaka, Hisanori (Waseda University)
Session Organizers
- Akiyama, Eizo (University of Tsukuba, Japan): Dynamical Systems & Simulation on Social Behavior
- Amir, Rabah (University of Iowa, USA): Complementarities and Games
- Barbos, Andrei (University of South Florida, USA): Industrial Organization and Contract
- Bloch, Francis (Ecole Polytechnique, France): Coalitions and Public Goods I & Coalitions and Public Goods II
- Borgers, Tilman (University of Michigan, USA,): Foundations of Game Theory and Mechanism Design
- Chang, Chih (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan): Cooperative Game Theory I
- Chateauneuf, Alain (PSE-University of Paris I, France): Topics in Decision Theory
- Chun, Younsub (Seoul National University, Korea): Social Choice and Cooperative Game Theory
- Cornet, Bernard (PSE-University of Paris I & University of Kansas, France & USA): Topics in Decision Theory
- Dávila, Julio (CORE – University. c. of Louvain, Belgium): Optimal Taxation
- Eraslan, Hülya (Rice University, USA): Dynamic Political Economy
- Facchini, Giovanni (University of Nottingham, UK): International Trade
- Flesch, János (Maastricht University, The Netherlands): Stochastic Games and Their Applications
- Funaki, Yukihiko (Waseda University, Japan): Economic Experiment and Cognition
- Gahvari, Firouz (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA): Topics in Taxation
- Gao, Zhengyuan (University of Iowa, USA): Contemporary Topics in Econometrics
- Grabisch, Michel (University Paris 1, France,): Solutions of Cooperative Games
- Guo, Jang-Ting (University of California-Riverside, USA): Equilibrium Indeterminacy and Macroeconomic Stability & Macroeconomic Policies
- Hanaki, Nobuyuki (Aix-Marseille University (Aix-Marseille School of Economics), CNRS, EHESS, IUF, France): Experiments on Learning
- Herings, Jean-Jacques (Maastricht University, The Netherlands): Non-cooperative Coalitional Bargaining Theory I & Non-cooperative Coalitional Bargaining Theory II
- Hörner, Johannes (Harvard University & Yale University, USA): Dynamic Models of Trade and Learning I & Dynamic Models of Trade and Learning II
- Hu, Tai-Wei (Northwestern University, USA): Monetary Economics and Mechanism Design
- Ishikawa, Ryuichiro (University of Tsukuba, Japan): Experiments in Games
- Kamihigashi, Takashi (Kobe University, Japan): Dynamic Programming & Time Consistency
- Kaneko, Mamoru (University of Tsukuba, Japan): Foundational Issues in Game Theory and Economics
- Kehoe, Timothy (University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, USA): Advances in International Trade
- Kline, Jeffrey (University of Queensland, Australia): Foundational Issues in Game Theory
- Koh, Youngwoo (Hanyang University, South Korea): Topics in Matching Theory
- Kojima, Fuhito (Stanford University, USA,): Matching and Market Design
- Lippert, Steffen (University of Auckland, New Zealand): Industrial Organization
- Manzini, Paola (University of St Andrews, UK): Bounded Rationality
- Matsushima, Hitoshi (University of Tokyo, Japan): Combinatorial Auctions and Dynamics
- Muto, Shigeo (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan): Cooperative Game Theory II
- Mylovanov, Tymofiy (University of Pittsburg, USA): Persuasion and Communication
- Nachbar, John (Washington University-St. Louis, USA): Stochastic Choice
- Ogaki, Masao (Keio University, Japan): Behavioral Economics
- Okada, Akira (Hitotsubashi University, Japan): Non-cooperative Coalitional Bargaining Theory I & Non-cooperative Coalitional Bargaining Theory II
- Ortner, Juan (Boston University, USA): Political Economy
- Peng, Shin-Kun (Academic Sinica, Taiwan): Trade and Hetergenous Productivity
- Qin, Cheng-Zhong (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA): New Directions in Applied Game Theory
- Reffett, Kevin (Arizona State University, USA): Dynamic General Equilibrium Models
- Rusinowska, Agnieszka (CNRS, Paris School of Economics, University of Paris 1, France): Social Networks
- Sandroni, Alvaro (Northwestern University, USA): Economics of Science and Logic
- Sonderegger, Silvia (University of Nottingham, UK): Evolutionary Foundations of Preferences
- Stecher, Jack (Carnegie Mellon University, USA): Decision Theory
- Suga, Koichi (Waseda University, Japan): Fairness in Economics I & Fairness in Economics II
- Sugaya, Takuo (Stanford University, USA): Dynamic Games, Contracts, and Markets
- Sun, Yeneng (National University of Singapore, Singapore): Mathematical Economics
- Suzuki, Nobu-Yuki (Shizuoka University, Japan): Epistemic Logic and Game Theory
- Takahashi, Satoru (National University of Singapore, Singapore): Incomplete Information in Games and Mechanisms
- Takeuchi, Ai (Ritsumeikan University, Japan): Behavioral Game Theory
- Tanaka, Hisatoshi (Waseda University, Japan): Revealed Preference
- Villamil, Anne (University of Iowa, USA): Allocation and Mis-allocation
- Yamada, Tomoyuki (Hokkaido University, Japan): Logical Perspectives on Social Interaction and Epistemic Justification
- Yannelis, Nicholas C (University of Iowa, USA): Topics in Economic Theory I & Topics in Economic Theory II
- Yano, Makoto (Kyoto University, Japan): Competition Theory and Market Quality
- Yeh, Chun-Hsien (Academic Sinica, Taiwan): Topic on Economic Theory and Its Application
Session Details
Advances in International Trade
Organizer: Timothy J. Kehoe
Presenter | Title |
Yoshinori Kurokawa (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Jiaren Pang (Tsinghua University, China), Yao Tang (Bowdoin College, USA) | Exchange Rate Regimes and Nominal Wage Comovements in a Dynamic Ricardian Model |
Pau S. Pujolàs (McMaster University, Canada), Wyatt Brooks (University of Notre Dame, USA) | Nonlinear Gravity |
Kenji Fujiwara (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan) | Export Versus FDI with a Network Externality |
Timothy J. Kehoe (University of Minnesota, USA), Jack M. Rossbach (NYU, USA), Kim J. Ruhl (University of Minnesota, USA) | Using the New Products Margin to Predict the Industry-Level Impact of Trade Reform |
Allocation and Mis-allocation
Organizer: Anne Villamil
Presenter | Title |
Foivos Xanthos (University of Alberta, Canada) | Non-existence of Weakly Pareto Optimal Allocations |
Jan Wenzelburger (TU Kaiserslautern & University of Liverpool, Germany & UK), Gevorg Hunanyan (TU Kaiserslautern, Germany) | On the Effectiveness of Capital Requirements |
Makoto Nakajima (Federal Reserve Bank-Philadelphia, USA), Didem Tuzemen (Federal Reserve Bank-Kansas City, USA) | Health Care Reform or Labor Market Reform? A Quantitative Analysis of the Affordable Care Act |
Anne Villamil (University of Iowa, USA), David Chivers (University of Oxford, UK), Zhigang Feng (University of Illinois, USA) | Mandated Benefits, Entrepreneurship and Labor Market Mis-allocation |
Behavioral Economics
Organizer: Masao Ogaki
Presenter | Title |
Miles S. Kimball (University of Michigan, USA) | Breaking Through the Zero Lower Bound |
Masao Ogaki (Keio University, Japan), Vipul Bhatt (James Madison University, USA), Yuichi Yaguchi (Chuo University, Japan) | A Reformulation of Normative Economics for Models with Endogenous Preferences |
Daniel J. Benjamin (Cornell University, USA), Aaron Bodoh-Creed (University of California, Berkeley, USA), Matthew Rabin (University of California, Berkeley, USA) | Base-Rate Neglect: Model and Applications |
Behavioral Game Theory
Organizer: Ai Takeuchi
Presenter | Title |
Ai Takeuchi (Ritumeikan University, Japan), Yoshio Kamijo (Kochi University of Technology, Japan), Yukihiko Funaki (Waseda University, Japan) | Learning to Play the Dominated Strategy?: Experimental Analysis of a Public Goods Game with Punishment Institution |
Yoshio Kamijo (Kochi University of Technology, Japan), Tatsuyoshi Saijo (Kochi University of Technology, Japan) | Hearing the Voice of Future Generations: A Laboratory Experiment of ‘Demeny Voting’ |
Daisuke Udagawa (Tomakomai Komazawa University, Japan), Kazumi Shimizu (Waseda University, Japan) | Is Human Life a Peanut? An Antithetical Effect of Quality of Human Lives and Goods to People’s Decision Under Risk |
Naoki Watanabe (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Gabriele Esposito (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies), Eric Guerci (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (I.S.E.M.) and CNRS GREDEG (UMR 7321), France), Nobuyuki Hanaki (Aix-marseille University, CNRS, EHESS, and I.U.F., France), Xiaoyan Lu (Janssen Pharmaceutica, NV) | Meaningful Learning in a Weighted Voting Experiment |
Bounded Rationality
Organizer: Paola Manzini
Presenter | Title |
Paola Manzini (University of St Andrews, UK), Marco Mariotti (University of St. Andrews, UK) | Imperfect Attention and Menu Evaluation |
Collin Raymond (University of Oxford, UK), Yusufcan Masatlioglu (Michigan University, USA) | Reference-Dependence and Choice under Risk |
Kemal Yildiz (Bilkent University, Turkey) | Regularities: A Complexity Classification of Boundedly Rational Choice Theories |
Levent Ulku (ITAM, Mexico), Fernando Payro (ITAM, Mexico) | Similarity-based Mistakes in Choice |
Coalitions and Public Goods I
Organizer: Francis Bloch
Presenter | Title |
Jens Leth Hougaard (University of Copenhagen, Denmark), Hervé Moulin (University of Glagow, UK) | Sharing the Cost of Redundant Items |
Dominik Karos (University of Oxford, UK) | Coalitional Bargaining with Endogenous Claims |
Ben McQuillin (University of East Anglia, UK), Robert Sugden (University of East Anglia, UK) | Backward Induction Foundations of the Shapley Value |
Remy Oddou (Université Paris Ouest, France) | Firm Locations and Sorting |
Coalitions and Public Goods II
Organizer: Francis Bloch
Presenter | Title |
Rajiv Vohra (Brown University, USA), Debraj Ray (New York University, USA) | The Farsighted Stable Set |
Hans Peters (University of Maastricht, The Netherlands), Dominik Karos (University of Oxford, UK) | Indirect Control and Power in Mutual Control Structures |
Rajnish Kumar (Queen’s University Belfast, UK), Ruben Juarez (University of Hawaii, USA) | Strategy-proof Resource Allocation on a Network |
Combinatorial Auction and Dynamics
Organizer: Hitoshi Matsushima
Presenter | Title |
Ryuji Sano (Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University, Japan) | A Dynamic Mechanism Design for Scheduling with Different Use Lengths |
Masayuki Kubota (Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo, Japan) | Sequential Auctions with Heterogeneous Qualities |
Wataru Tamura (Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo, Japan) | Auction Platform Design and the Linkage Principle |
Hitoshi Matsushima (Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo, Japan) | Efficient Combinatorial Allocation: Voluntary Participation versus Stability |
Competition Theory and Market Quality
Organizer: Makoto Yano
Presenter | Title |
Takashi Komatsubara (Kyoto University, Japan), Makoto Yano (Kyoto University, Japan) | Price Competition or Price Leadership |
Yuichi Furukawa (Chukyo University, Japan) | Leapfrogging Cycles in International Competition |
Eric W. Bond (Vanderbilt University, USA), Kamal Saggi (Vanderbilt University, USA) | Bargaining in the Shadow of Compulsory Licensing |
Masahiko Nakazawa (Kyoto University, Japan), Makoto Yano (Kyoto university, Japan) | Macroeconomic Model under Deflation |
Complementarities and Games
Organizer: Rabah Amir
Presenter | Title |
Tarun Sabarwal (University of Kansas, USA), A. Monaco (University of Kansas, USA) | Games with Strategic Heterogeneity |
Junjie Zhou (Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, China), Ying-Ju Chen (University of California-Berkeley, USA) | The Benefits of Sequentiality in Social Networks |
Lukasz Balbus (University of Zielona Gora, Poland), P. Dziewulski (University of Oxford, UK), K. Reffett (Arizona State University, USA), L. Wozny (Warsaw School of Economics, Poland) | Computing Equilibria in Large Static Games |
Rabah Amir (University of Iowa, USA), L. De Castro (Northwestern University, USA) | Games with Quasi-monotone Best Responses |
Contemporary Topics in Econometrics
Organizer: Zhengyuan Gao, Chair: Hiroyuki Kasahara
Presenter | Title |
Hiroyuki Kasahara (University of British Columbia, Canada), Katsumi Shimotsu (University of Tokyo, Japan) | Testing the Number of Components in Finite Mixture Models |
Sébastien Van Bellegem (CORE, University c. of Louvain, Belgium), Daniel Koch (CORE, University c. of Louvain, Belgium) | High Dimensional Portfolio Optimization by Wavelet Thresholding |
Anson Ho (Kansas State University, USA), Kim P. Huynh (Bank of Canada, Canada), David Jacho-Chavez (Emory University, USA) | Productivity Reallocation and Distortions: Evidence from Ecuadorian Firm-Level Data |
Zhengyuan Gao (University of Iowa, USA), Kenneth Judd (Hoover Institute, USA) | Representation and Estimation for Equilibrium Manifolds |
Cooperative Game Theory I
Organizer: Chih Chang
Presenter | Title |
Toru Hokari (Keio University, Japan), Yukihiko Funaki (Waseda University, Japan) | Consistency, Anonymity, and the Core on the Domain of Convex Games |
Koji Yokote (Waseda University, Japan), Yukihiko Funaki (Waseda University, Japan), Yoshio Kamijo (Kochi University of Technology, Japan) | Relationship Between the Shapley Value and Other Solutions |
Meng-Yu Liang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Eric S. Chou (Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), Cheng-Tai Wu (Fu-Jen University, Taiwan) | Comparing Dynamic Random Mechanism |
Chih Chang (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), Peng-An Chen (National Taitung University, Taiwan) | The Lamda-nucleolus for Non-transferable Utility Games and Shapley Procedure |
Cooperative Game Theory II
Organizer: Shigeo Muto
Presenter | Title |
Nobusumi Sagara (Hosei University, Japan) | Fuzzy Extensions of Cooperative Games and the Coincidence of Weber Sets |
Toshiyuki Hirai (University of Toyama, Japan), Naoki Watanabe (University of Tsukuba, Japan) | von Neumann-Morgenstern Stable Set of a Patent Licensing Game |
Shin Kishimoto (Chiba University, Japan), Naoki Watanabe (University of Tsukuba, Japan) | The Kernel of a Patent Licensing Game |
Shigeo Muto (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), Satoru Sekine (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), Jing Fu (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) | Game Theoretic Approaches to Weight Assignments in DEA Problems |
Decision Theory
Organizer: Jack Stecher, Chair: Anna Rubinchik
Presenter | Title |
Konrad Grabiszewski (ITAM, Mexico) | On the Rejectability of Subjective Expected Utility Theory |
Kei Kawakami (University of Melbourne, Australia) | Posterior Renegotiation-Proofness in a Two-Person Decision Problem |
Anna Rubinchik (University of Haifa, Israel), Gabi Gayer (Bar Ilan University, Israel) |
The Frame of Memory |
Dynamic Games, Contracts, and Markets
Organizer: Takuo Sugaya
Presenter | Title |
Colin Stewart (University of Toronto, Canada), Rahul Deb (University of Toronto, Canada) | Optimal Adaptive Testing |
Edoardo Grillo (Collegio Carlo Alberto, Italy), Andrea Gallice (Collegio Carlo Alberto, Italy) | A Model of Educational Investment and Social Status |
Ming Yang (Duke University, USA), Stephen Morris (Princeton University, USA) | Endogenous Information Acquisition, Continuous Choice and Approximate Common Knowledge |
Takuo Sugaya (Stanford University, USA) | The Characterization of the Limit Equilibrium Payoff Set with Mediator and General Monitoring |
Dynamic General Equilibrium Models
Organizer: Kevin Reffett
Presenter | Title |
Rodrigo Raad (Federal University of Minas Gerais and Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil) |
Recursive Equilibrium with Price Perfect Foresight and a Minimal State Space |
Alexis Akira Toda (University of California San Diego, USA) | Securitization and Leverage in General Equilibrium |
Martin Kaae Jensen (University of Leicester, UK), Daron Acemoglu (MIT, USA) | The Economics of Occupational Choice |
Kevin Reffett (Arizona State University, USA), Francesco Agostinelli (Arizona State University, USA), Manjira Datta (Arizona State University, USA), Lukasz Wozny (Warsaw School of Economics, Poland) | Dual Methods for Comparing Recursive Equilibria |
Dynamic Models of Trade and Learning I
Organizer: Johannes Hörner
Presenter | Title |
Stefano Lovo (HEC Paris, France) | Unique Durable Assets |
Chantal Marlats (Université Panthéon-Assas, France) | Information Delay in Teams |
Bertrand Gobillard (Toulouse School of Economics, France) | Public Opinion and the Wisdom of the Crowd |
Johannes Hörner (Harvard University & Yale University, USA) | Miscoordination and Delay in Strategic Experimentation |
Dynamic Models of Trade and Learning II
Organizer: Johannes Hörner, Chair: Marco Scarsini
Presenter | Title |
Anqi Li (Washington University-St. Louis, USA) | Test Contracts |
Francesc Dilmé (Bonn University, Germany) | Slowing Learning Down |
Manuel Mueller-Frank (IESE, Spain) | Learning What Matters |
Marco Scarsini (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore) | Bayesian Social Learning from Consumer Reviews |
Dynamic Political Economy
Organizer: Hulya Eraslan
Presenter | Title |
Wioletta Dziuda (Northwestern University, USA), Antoine Loeper (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) | Dynamic Collective Choice with Endogenous Status Quo |
Hulya Eraslan (Rice University, USA), Ying Chen (Johns Hopkins University, USA) | Dynamic Agenda Setting |
Helios Herrera (HEC Montreal, Canada), Massimo Morelli (Columbia University, USA), Salvatore Nunnari (Columbia University, USA) | Power Wars |
Jan Zapal (IAE-CSIC, Spain & CERGE-EI, Czech Republic) | Simple Markovian Equilibria in Dynamic Spatial Legislative Bargaining |
Dynamic Programming
Organizer: Takashi Kamihigashi
Presenter | Title |
Anna Jaskiewicz (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland), Andrzej S. Nowak (University of Zielona Gora, Poland) | Dynamic Programming with Generalized Discounting and Unbounded Utilities |
Hiroyuki Ozaki (Keio University, Japan) | Logarithmic Dynamic Programming |
Ronald Carpio (University of International Business and Economics, China), Takashi Kamihigashi (Kobe Univeristy, Japan) | Fast Bellman Iteration: A Dual Approach to Dynamic Programming |
Masayuki Yao (Kei University, Japan), Takashi Kamihigashi (Kobe Univeristy, Japan) | Dynamic Programming with Upper Semicontinuous Returns |
Dynamical Systems
Organizer: Eizo Akiyama
Presenter | Title |
Takashi Ikegami (University of Tokyo, Japan) | Complexity and Information in Massive Data Flows |
Ken Suzuki (University of Tokyo, Japan) | Creating the Propagational Investment Currency System |
Yuzuru Sato (Hokkaido University, Japan) | Asymmetric Game Dynamics and its Applications |
Eizo Akiyama (University of Tsukuba, Japan) | Evolution of Behavioral Heterogeneity |
Economic Experiment and Cognition
Organizer: Yukihiko Funaki
Presenter | Title |
Robert Veszteg (Waseda University, Japan), Yukihiko Funaki (Waseda University, Japan) |
Monetary Incentives and Game-theoretical Payoffs in Laboratory Experiments |
Takehito Masuda (Kochitech, Japan), Yoshi Saijo (Kochitech, Japan) |
Simplest Solution to the Free-Rider Problem: Theory and Experiment |
Yukio Koriyama (Ecole Polytechnique, France), Ali Ihsan Ozkes (Ecole Polytechnique, France and Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey) | Endogenous Cognitive Hierarchy Model: Theory and Experiments |
Yukihiko Funaki (Waseda University, Japan) | Strategic Thinking in a Private Information Game: Comparisons of Eye-tracking and Mouse-tracking |
Economics of Science and Logic
Organizer: Alvaro Sandroni, Chair: Alvaro Riascos
Presenter | Title |
Alvaro J. Riascos Villegas (Universidad de los Andes, Columbia) | The Problem of Induction in First Order Theories |
Nicolas Lambert (Stanford University, USA), Christopher P. Chambers (University of California-San Diego, USA) | Dynamically Eliciting Unobservable Information |
Eran Shmaya (Northwestern University, USA) | A Subjective Approach to Quantum Probability |
Epistemic Logic and Game Theory
Organizer: Nobu-Yuki Suzuki
Presenter | Title |
Nobu-Yuki Suzuki (Shizuoka University, Japan) | Decision Criteria and Their Feasibility in Games with Constructive Reasoning |
Yanjing Wang (Peking University, China) | A Dynamic Epistemic View on Two Interpretations of Imperfect Information Extensive-Form Games |
Katsuhiko Sano (Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology, Japan) | Preference Management over Lewis’ System of Spheres |
Thomas Ågotnes (University of Bergen, Norway), Wiebe van der Hoek (University of Liverpool, UK), Paul Harrenstein (University of Oxford, UK), Michael Wooldridge (University of Oxford, UK) | Epistemic Boolean Games |
Equilibrium Indeterminacy and Macroeconomic Stability
Organizer: Jang-Ting Guo
Presenter | Title |
Oscar Pavlov (Queensland University of Technology, Australia), Mark Weder (University of Adelaide, Australia) | Product Scope, Sunspots and Economic Fluctuations |
Yan Zhang (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China), Yan Chen (Shandong University, China) | Indeterminacy with No-Income-Effect Preferences and Externalities: A Re-examination |
Teresa Lloyd-Braga (Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Portugal), Leonor Modesto (Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Portugal) | Government Spending and Fiscal Policy Stabilizing Rules |
Shu-Hua Chen (National Taipei University, Taiwan), Jang-Ting Guo (University of California-Riverside, USA) | Progressive Taxation as an Automatic Destabilizer under Endogenous Growth |
Evolutionary Foundations of Preferences
Organizer: Silvia Sonderegger
Presenter | Title |
Arthur Robson (Simon Fraser University, Canada) | Evolution of Theory of Mind |
Balasz Szentes (London School of Economics, UK), Roberto Robatto (University of Chicago, USA)</td > | A Biological Foundation of Risk Preferences |
Jakub Steiner (CERGE-EI, Czech Republic and University Of Edinburgh, UK), Colin Stewart (University of Toronto, Canada) | Perceiving Prospects Properly |
Silvia Sonderegger (University of Nottingham UK), Fabrizio Adriani (University of Leicester, UK) | Evoulution of Similarity Judgments in Intertemporal Choice |
Experiments in Games
Organizer: Ryuichiro Ishikawa
Presenter | Title |
Nicholas Ziros (University of Cyprus, Cyprus), Iván Barreda-Tarrazona (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain), Aurora García-Gallego (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain), Nikolaos Georgantzís (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain) | Strategic Behavior in Exchange Economies with No-trade Nash Equilibrium |
Alex Possajennikov (University of Nottingham, UK) | Belief Learning in a Signalling Game without Common Prior: An Experiment |
Morimitsu Kurino (Tsukuba University, Japan), Isa E. Hafalir (Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Rustamdjan Hakimov (WZB, Germany), Dorothea Kuebler (WZB, Germany) | College Admissions with Entrance Exams: Centralized versus Decentralized |
Ryuichiro Ishikawa (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Hironori Tsuruzono (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Yoichiro Fujii (Osaka Sangyo University, Japan), Tatsuya Goto (Osaka Sangyo University, Japan) | Experimental Asset Market under Asymmetric Information |
Experiments on Learning
Organizer: Nobuyuki Hanaki
Presenter | Title |
Alan Kirman (GREQAM, Aix-Marseille University, EHESS, France), Paul Pezanis Christou (University of Adelaide, Australia), Nobuyuki Hanaki (Aix-Marseille University (Aix-Marseille School of Economics), CNRS, EHESS, IUF, France) | First things first: Discovering sequential structure |
Sylvie Thoron (University Paris-Est Creteil, France), Eric Guerci (GREDEG, University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, France), Stephania Mortola (University of East Anglia, UK) | Resentment or empathy: How do subjects react to a dictator game? |
Te Bao (University of Groningen, The Netherlands), John Duffy (University of Pittsburgh, USA) | Adaptive and Eductive Learning: Theory and Evidence |
Nobuyuki Hanaki (Aix-Marseille Univeristy (Aix-Marseille School of Economics), CNRS, EHESS, IUF, France), Takashi Yamada (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) | Experiments on Least Unique Positive Integer Games |
Fairness in Economics I
Organizer: Koichi Suga
Presenter | Title |
Ryo-Ichi Nagahisa (Kansai University, Japan), Eiichi Miyagawa (Kobe University, Japan), Koichi Suga (Waseda University, Japan) | Axiomatic Analysis of Moral Code: A Social Choice Approach |
Susumu Cato (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan) | Unanimity, Anonymity, and Infinite Population |
Tsuyoshi Adachi (Takasaki City University of Economics, Japan), Eiichi Miyagawa (Kobe University, Japan) | Sequential Majority Voting and Eliciting Socially Optimal Rankings |
Kohei Kamaga (Sophia University, Japan) | When Do Utilitarianism and Egalitarianism Agree on Evaluation?: Intersection Approach |
Fairness in Economics II
Organizer: Koichi Suga, Chair: Koichi Tadenuma
Presenter | Title |
Jana Vyrastekova (Nijmegen University, The Netherlands), Bjorn Goedhard (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands) | Name It Fair: Field Evidence on Moral Biases |
Koichi Tadenuma (Hitotsubashi University, Japanp), Yongsheng Xu (Georgia State University, USA) | An Axiomatization of the Distribution of the Budget Sets |
Naoki Yoshihara (Hitotsubashi University, Japan), Sou Kaneko (Keio University, Japan) | On the Existence and Characterizations of Unequal Exchange in the Free Trade Equilibrium under Heckscher-Ohlin International Economies |
Reiko Gotoh (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) | Equality of Capabilities- How Should We Identify the Boundary of an Individual’s Capability? |
Foundational Issues in Game Theory
Organizer: Jeffrey Kline
Presenter | Title |
Simon Grant (University of Queensland, Australia), Idione Meneghel (Australian National University, Australia), Rabee Tourky (Australian National University, Australia) | Savage Games |
Samuel Waltener (University Saint Louis, Belgium) | Reconstruction of an Inductively Derived View by an Inductive Continuation Process |
Thierry Lavendhomme (University Saint Louis, Belgium) | A Logical Approach to IGT |
Jeffrey Kline (University of Queensland, Australia), Simon Grant (University of Queensland, Australia), Patrick O’Callaghan (University of Queensland, Australia), John Quiggin (University of Queensland, Australia) | Sub-models for Interactive Unawareness |
Foundational Issues in Game Theory and Economics
Organizer: Mamoru Kaneko
Presenter | Title |
Shuige Liu (Waseda University, Japan), Mamoru Kaneko (Waseda University, Japan) | Eliminations of Dominated Strategies and Inessential Players: An Abstraction Process |
Chen-Ying Huang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), Hui-Kuan Chung (NYU, USA), Tomas Sjostrom (Rutgers University, USA), Hsin-Ju Lee (National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan), Fu-Yun Tsuo (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), Tzai-Shuen Chen (Washington University-St. Louis, USA), Wen-Jui Kuo (National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan), Chen-Ying Huang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) | Why Do Irrelevant Alternatives Matter? An fMRI Study of Context-Dependent Choice |
Byung Soo Lee (University of Toronto, Canada) | Degrees of Caution in Games |
Mamoru Kaneko (Waseda University, Japan) | Approximate Quasi-Linearity for Large Incomes |
Foundations of Game Theory and Mechanism Design
Organizer: Tilman Borgers
Presenter | Title |
Ben Brooks (Princeton, USA), Dirk Bergemann (Yale, USA), Stephen Morris (Princeton, USA) | Extremal Information Structures in the First Price Auction |
Antonio Penta (University of Wisconsin, USA), Mariann Ollar (University of Wisconsin, USA) | Full Implementation and Belief Restrictions |
Takuro Yamashita (University of Toulouse, France) | Revenue Guarantees in Auctions with a Common Prior |
Tilman Borgers (University of Michigan, USA) | Dominated Dominant Strategy Mechanisms |
Incomplete Information in Games and Mechanisms
Organizer: Satoru Takahashi
Presenter | Title |
Takashi Ui (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) | Welfare Effects of Information Acquisition Cost |
Takashi Kunimoto (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) | Rationalizable Implementation under Incomplete Information |
Jiangtao Li (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Yi-Chun Chen (National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Uniform Optimal Path and Foundations of Dominant-Strategy Mechanisms |
Satoru Takahashi (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Yi-Chun Chen (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Siyang Xiong (University of Bristol, UK) | The Weinstein-Yildiz Selection and Robust Predictions with Arbitrary Payoff Uncertainty |
Industrial Organization
Organizer: Steffen Lippert
Presenter | Title |
Arghya Ghosh (University of New South Wales, Australia) | Partial Equity Ownership |
Reiko Aoki (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) | Standards and Innovation |
María Martín-Rodríguez (Nagoya University, Japan) | Better the Devil you Know: A Dynamic Duopoly Model with Switching Costs |
Simona Fabrizi (Massey University, New Zealand), Francis Bloch (Paris School of Economics and Universite Paris 1, France), Steffen Lippert (University of Auckland, New Zealand) | Learning, Entry and Competition with Uncertain Common Entry Costs |
Industrial Organization and Contracts
Organizer: Andrei Barbos
Presenter | Title |
Andrei Barbos (University of South Florida, USA), Yi Deng (Federal Trade Commission, USA) | The Impact of a Public Option in the Health Insurance Market |
Daniel Barron (Northwestern University, USA), Isaiah Andrews (MIT, USA) | The Allocation of Future Business: Dynamic Relational Contracts with Multiple Agents |
Maciej H. Kotowski (Harvard University, USA), Richard J. Zeckhauser (Harvard University, USA) | If Many Seek, Ye Shall Find: Search Externalities and New Goods |
Anne-Katrin Roesler (University of Bonn, Germany) |
Information Disclosure in Markets: Auctions, Contests, and Matching Markets |
International Trade
Organizer: Giovanni Facchini
Presenter | Title |
Vincent Anesi (University of Nottingham, UK), Giovanni Facchini (University of Nottingham, UK) | Coercive Trade Policy |
Gerald Willmann (University of Bielefeld, Germany), Emily Blanchard (Dartmouth College, USA) | Unequal Gains, Prolonged Pain: Dynamic Adjustment Costs and Protectionist Overshooting |
Taiji Furusawa (Hitotsubashi University, Japan), Tomohiro Ara (Fukushima University, Japan) | Relationship Specificity, Market Thickness, and International Trade |
Giovanni Facchini (University of Nottingham, UK), Tommaso Frattini (University of Milan, Italy), Cora Signorotto (University of Milan, Italy) | Mind What Your Voters Read: Media Exposure and International Economic Policy Making |
Logical Perspectives on Social Interaction and Epistemic Justification
Organizer: Tomoyuki Yamada
Presenter | Title |
Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University, Japan) | Logical Dynamics of Speech Acts |
Jeremy Seligman (University of Auckland, New Zealand) | Secret Tweets and Network Discovery |
Bryan Renne (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) | Dynamic Justification Logic for Formal Epistemology |
Hidenori Kurokawa (Kobe University, Japan) | Justification Logics and Their Applications |
Macroeconomic Policies
Organizer: Jang-Ting Guo, Chair: Hung-Ju Chen
Presenter | Title |
Yunfang Hu (Kobe University, Japan), Kazuo Mino (Kyoto University, Japan) | Progressive Taxation and Equilibrium Indeterminacy in an Open Economy |
Chia-Hui Lu (National Taipei University, Taiwan) | Labor Market Search and Optimal Taxation |
Pei-Ju Liao (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Ping Wang (Washington University-St. Louis, USA), Yin-Chi Wang (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Chong Kee Yip (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) | Education and Migration: The Role of Zhaosheng and Zhaogong in China |
Hung-Ju Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) | Child Allowance, Education Subsidies and Economic Growth |
Matching and Market Design
Organizer: Fuhito Kojima
Presenter | Title |
Alex Teytelboym (MIT, USA) | Trading Networks with Bilateral Contracts |
Elizabeth Baldwin (London School of Economics, UK), Paul Klemperer (Oxford University, UK) | Geometry in Matching and Market Equilibrium |
Makoto Yokoo (Kyushu University, Japan), Fuhito Kojima (Stanford University, USA), Akihisa Tamura (Keio University, Japan) | Constrained Matching and M-natural Concavity |
Fuhito Kojima (Stanford University, USA), Yeon-Koo Che (Columbia University, USA), Jinwoo Kim (Seoul National University, South Korea) | Efficient Assignment under Interdependent Values |
Mathematical Economics
Organizer: Yeneng Sun
Presenter | Title |
John Quah (University of Oxford, UK), Hiroki Nishimura (University of California-Riverside, USA), Efe Ok (NYU, USA) | A Unified Approach to Revealed Preference Theory: The Case of Rational Choice |
Roberto Raimondo (University of Melbourne, Australia), Yakar Kannai (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) | Endogenously Dynamically Complete Equilibria for Financial Markets: The General Case |
Yu Chen (Nanjing University, China) | Decentralizability of Multi-Agency Contracting with Bayesian Implementation |
Yeneng Sun (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Wei He (National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Stationary Markov Perfect Equilibria in Discounted Stochastic Games |
Monetary Economics and Mechanism Design
Organizer: Tai-Wei Hu
Presenter | Title |
Yiting Li (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), Jia Jing Lin (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) | Financial Intermediaries, Liquidity, and Payments Fraud |
Yosuke Igarashi (University of Exeter, UK), Pidong Huang (Korea University, South Korea) | Trejos-Wright with a 2-Unit Bound: Existence and Stability of Monetary Steady States |
Luis Araujo (Michigan State University, USA), Tai-Wei Hu (Northwestern University, USA) | Coessentiality of Credit and Money |
Russell Wong (Bank of Canada, Canada), Guillaume Rocheteau (University of California-Irvine, USA), Pierre-Olivier Weill (Paris School of Economics, France) | A Tractable Model of Monetary Exchange with Ex-Post Heterogeneity |
New Directions in Applied Game Theory
Organizer: Cheng-Zhong Qin
Presenter | Title |
Matan Tsur (University of Vienna, Austria) | Financial Contracts and Bargaining |
Yifei Sun (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Yi-Chun Chen (National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Exact Implementation in Backwards Induction |
Jin Yeub Kim (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA) | Endogenous Choice of a Mediator: Inefficiency of Bargaining |
Cheng-Zhong Qin (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA) | Bribery in Rank-Order Tournaments |
Non-cooperative Coalitional Bargaining Theory I
Organizers: P. Jean-Jacques Herings & Akira Okada, Chair: P. Jean-Jacques Herings
Presenter | Title |
Nozomu Muto (Yokohama National University, Japan), Yuichiro Kamada (University of California-Berkeley, USA) | Multi-Agent Search with Deadline |
Akira Okada (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) | A Non-cooperative Bargaining Theory with Incomplete Information: Verifiable Types |
Hannu Salonen (University of Turku, Finlandi) | On Markovian Cake Sharing Problems |
Quan Wen (University of Washington, USA), Marco Mariotti (University of St Andrews, UK) | Subgame Perfect Implementation of Nash Rationing Solutions |
Non-cooperative Coalitional Bargaining Theory II
Organizers: Akira Okada & P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Chair: Akira Okada
Presenter | Title |
Kalyan Chatterjee (Pennsylvania State University, USA), Kaustav Das (University of Exeter, UK) | Decentralised Bilateral Trading with Incomplete Information |
Francis Bloch (Paris School of Economics & Universite Paris 1, France), P. Jean-Jacques Herings (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) | Bargaining on Complex Multiple Issues |
Maria Montero (IKERBASQUE and UPV/EHU, Spain & University of Nottingham, UK) | Legislative Bargaining with Weighted Voting: Some Counterintuitive Results |
P. Jean-Jacques Herings (Maastricht University, The Netherlands), Arkadi Predtetchinski (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) | Bargaining Under Monotonicity Constraints |
Optimal Taxation
Organizer: Julio Dávila
Presenter | Title |
Ryoji Hiraguchi (Chiba University, Japan), Akihisa Shibata (Kyoto University, Japan) | Taxing Capital is a Good Idea: The Role of Idiosyncratic Risk in an OLG Model |
Ye-na Park (University of Pennsylvania, USA) | Constrained Efficiency in a Risky Human Capital Model |
Borys Grochulski (The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, USA), Zhang Yuzhe (Texas A&M University, USA) | Optimal Investment Taxes and Efficient Market Provision of Liquidity in the Diamond-Dybvig Model |
Julio Dávila (CORE University c. of Louvain, Belgium) | Public Domain |
Persuasion and Communication
Organizer: Tymofiy Mylovanov
Presenter | Title |
Andreas Blume (University of Arizona, USA) | Higher-Order Uncertainty About Language |
Anton Kolotilin (University of New South Wales, Australia) | Optimal Information Disclosure: Quantity vs Quality |
Ricardo Alonso (University of Southern California, USA), Odilon Camara (University of Southern California, USA) | Persuading Voters |
Andriy Zapechelnyuk (University of Glasgow, UK), Tymofiy Mylovanov (University of Pittsburgh, USA), Anton Kolotilin (University of New South Wales, Australia), Ming Li (Concordia University, Canada) | Bayesian Persuasion with Heterogenous Audience |
Political Economy
Organizer: Juan Ortner
Presenter | Title |
Salvatore Nunnari (Columbia University, USA), Jan Zapal (IAE-CSIC Barcelona GSE, Spain & CERGE-EI Prague, Czech Republic) | Dynamic Policy Competition, Ideological Polarization and the Value of Veto Rights |
Sambuddha Ghosh (Boston University, USA), Gabriele Gratton (University of New South Wales, Australia), Caixia Shen (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China) | Terrorism: A Model of Intimidation |
Avidit Acharya (University of Rochester, USA), Adam Meirowitz (Princeton University, USA) | Sincere Voting in Large Elections |
Juan Ortner (Boston University, USA) | Political Bargaining in a Changing World |
Revealed Preference
Organizer: Hisatoshi Tanaka, Chair: Koji Shirai
Presenter | Title |
Matthew Polisson (University of Leicester, UK), John Quah (University of Oxford, UK), Ludovic Renou (University of Essex, UK) | Revealed Preferences over Risk and Uncertainty |
Hiroki Nishimura (University of California-Riverside, USA) | Individual Rationality in Collective Choice |
Koji Shirai (Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University, Japan) | Revealed Preference Test for Normal Demand |
Simulation on Social Behavior
Organizer: Eizo Akiyama, Chair: Hitoshi Yamamoto
Presenter | Title |
Yoh Iwasa (Kyushu University, Japan), Joung-Hun Lee (Kyushu University, Japan), Karl Sigmund (University of Vienna, Austria), Ulf Dieckmann (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria) | Harvester-Enforcer Games of Corruption: How to Suppress Illegal Logging |
Koji Oishi (University of Tokyo, Japan) | In-Group Favoritism Caused by Indirect Reciprocity |
Hitoshi Yamamoto (Rissho University, Japan), Isamu Okada (Soka University, Japan), Fujio Toriumi (University of Tokyo, Japan) | Cooperation Accelerated by Defection and Decelerated by Reward in a Generalized Metanorms Game |
Shu-Heng Chen (National Chengchi University, Taiwan), Bin-Tzong Chie (Tamkang University, Taiwan) | Trust, Network, and Wealth Accumulation and Distribution: An Agent-Based Model |
Social Choice and Cooperative Game Theory
Organizer: Youngsub Chun
Presenter | Title |
Rene van den Brink (VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Miklos Pinter (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary) | An Axiomatization of the Shapley Value for Assignment Games Using a Fairness Property |
Biung-Ghi Ju (Seoul National University, Korea), Wonki Jo Cho (University of Manchester, UK) | Independence of Irrelevant Opinions and Symmetry Imply Liberalism |
Shiran Rachmilevitch (University of Haifa, Israel) | Bargaining without Pareto Optimality |
Youngsub Chun (Seoul National University, Korea), Manipushpak Mitra (Indian Statistical Institute, India), Suresh Mutuswami (University of Leicester, UK) | Reordering an Existing Queue |
Social Networks
Organizer: Agnieszka Rusinowska
Presenter | Title |
Noemí Navarro (Basque Country University and IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Spain) | Forward-looking Pairwise Stability in Networks with Externalities Across Components |
Gaëtan Fournier (University of Paris 1, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, France), Marco Scarsini (Singapour University of Technology and Design, Singapore) | Hotelling Games on Networks: Efficiency of Equilibria |
Anja Prummer (Cambridge-INET Institute, University of Cambridge, UK), Jan-Peter Siedlarek (University of Mannheim, Germany) | Institutions and the Preservation of Cultural Traits |
Agnieszka Rusinowska (Paris School of Economics – CNRS, University of Paris 1, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, France), Vassili Vergopoulos (Paris School of Economics, University of Paris 1, France) | Modeling Ingratiation and Favoritism |
Solutions of Cooperative Games
Organizer: Michel Grabisch
Presenter | Title |
Jose Manuel Zarzuelo (The Basque Country University, Spain), Guni Orshan (The Hebrew University, Israël), Peter Sudhölter (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) | The Bilateral Consistent Prekernel for (Boundary) Balanced Games and Ordinal Prekernels for Economic Environments |
Frank Huettner (Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany), André Casajus (Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany) | Egalitarianism, Monotonicity, and Egalitarian Shapley Values |
Josune Albizuri (The Basque Country University, Spain), Peter Sudhölter (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) | The Core and Communication Structures |
Michel Grabisch (Paris Schoool of Economics, University of Paris I, France), Ulrich Faigle (Universität zu Köln, Germany), Andres Jimenez-Losada (University of Seville, Spain), Manuel Ordonez (University of Seville, Spain) | Games on Concept Lattices |
Stochastic Choice
Organizer: John Nachbar
Presenter | Title |
Gerelt Tserenjigmid (Caltech, USA) | The Perception-Adjusted Luce Model |
Pietro Ortoleva (Columbia University, USA) | Deliberately Stochastic: Random Choice and Preferences for Hedging |
Jay Lu (Cornell University, USA) | Random Choice and Private Information |
Paulo Natenzon (Washington University-St. Louis, USA) | Similarity and Substitutability in Random Choice |
Stochastic Games and Their Applications
Organizer: János Flesch
Presenter | Title |
Frank Page (Indiana University, USA), Joana Resende (University of Porto, Portugal) | Noisy Strategic Interactions and the Emergence of Stationary Network Dynamics |
Zsombor Z. Méder (Maastricht University, The Netherlands), János Flesch (Maastricht University, The Netherlands), Ronald Peeters (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) | Naiveté and Sophistication in Dynamic Inconsistency |
Itai Arieli (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel), Yehuda John Levy (University of Oxford, England ) |
Determinacy of Games with Stochastic Eventual Perfect Monitoring |
János Flesch (Maastricht University, The Netherlands), Arkadi Predtetchinski (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) | Subgame-Perfect Equilibria in Perfect Information Games with Common Limit Preferences |
Time Consistency
Organizer: Takashi Kamihigashi, Chair: Philippe Bich
Presenter | Title |
Jean-Bernard Chatelain (Paris School of Economics, France), Kirsten Ralf (ESCE, France) | Stabilizing Time Consistent Policies |
Lisa Morhaim (University of Paris 1, France), Jean-Pierre Drugeon (CNRS/Paris School of Economics, France), Philippe Bich (Paris School of Economics, France) | The Aggregator Approach to Dynamic Programming |
Takaaki Aoki (Kyoto University, Japan) | Some Mathematical Properties of the Dynamically Inconsistent Bellman Equation: A Note on the Two-Sided Altruism Dynamics |
Bertrand Wigniolle (Universitiy of Paris 1, France), Jean-Pierre Drugeon (Paris School of Economics, France) | Time Consistent Policy Rules with Heterogenous Discounting |
Topic on Economic Theory and Its Application
Organizer: Chun-Hsien Yeh
Presenter | Title |
Min-Hung Tsay (Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Cheng-Cheng Hu (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan), Chun-Hsien Yeh (Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan) | Bilateral Consistency and Converse Consistency in Axiomatic and Strategic Justifications for the Nucleolus in the Nested Cost Sharing Problem |
Chiu Yu Ko (National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Common Agency with Budget Constraints |
Qianfeng Tang (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China), Jingsheng Yu (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China) | A New Perspective on School Choice with Consent |
Chun-Hsien Yeh (Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Youngsub Chun (Seoul National University, Korea), Cheng-Cheng Hu (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) | A Strategic Interpretation of the Shapley Value for the Nested Cost Sharing Problem |
Topics in Decision Theory
Organizers: Alain Chateauneuf & Bernard Cornet
Presenter | Title |
Lukasz Wozny (Warsaw School of Economics, Poland) | A Note on Incentives, Temptation and Self-control |
Brian Hill (GREGHEC, HEC Paris, and CNRS, France) | Dynamic Consistency and Ambiguity: A Reappraisal |
Alain Chateauneuf (IPAG Business School & Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1, France), Philippe Bich (Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1, France), Sinem Bas (Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1, France) | Multidimensional Inequalities and Generalized Quantile Functions |
Bernard Cornet (Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1, France & University of Kansas, USA), Alain Chateauneuf (IPAG Business School & Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1, France) | Submodular Financial Markets with Frictions |
Topics in Economic Theory I
Organizer: Nicholas Yannelis, Chair: Larry Selden
Presenter | Title |
Yongchao Zhang (Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, China), M. Ali Khan (Johns Hopkins University, USA) | Formalization and Necessity of Sufficiently-Diffused Information: Private Information Games with General Action Spaces |
Svetlana Boyarchenko (University of Texas at Austin, USA), Sergei Levendorskii (University of Leicester, UK) | Ambiguous Jump-Diffusions and Optimal Stopping |
Zhiwei Liu (Capital University of Economics & Business, China) | The Implementation of the Maximin Rational Expectations Equilibrium Allocations |
Takashi Suzuki (Meiji-Gakuin University, Japan), Nobusumi Sagara (Hosei University, Japan) | Exchange Economies with Infinitely Many Commodities and a Saturated Measure Space of Consumers |
Topics in Economic Theory II
Organizer: Nicholas Yannelis
Presenter | Title |
Larry Selden (Columbia University and University of Pennsylvania, USA), Yakar Kannai (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel), Minwook Kang (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Xiao Wei (University of Pennsylvania, USA) | Risk Neutrality and Least Concave Utility |
Takako Fujiwara-Greve (Keio University, Japan), Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara (Musashino University, Japan) | Evolutionary Stability Reconsidered: The Case of Voluntarily Separable Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma |
Yuichiro Kamada (University of California-Berkeley, USA), Ryota lijima (Harvard University, USA) | Timing of Trades, Welfare, and Price Dispersion |
Nicholas C. Yannelis (University of Iowa, USA), Wei He (National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Equilibrium Theory with Discontinuous and Non-Ordered Preferences |
Topics in Matching Theory
Organizer: Youngwoo Koh
Presenter | Title |
Youngwoo Koh (Hanyang University, Korea), Yeon-Koo Che (Columbia University, USA) | Decentralized College Admissions |
Songzi Du (Simon Fraser, Canada), Yair Livne (Quora, USA) | Rigidity of Transfers and Unraveling in Matching Markets |
Jinwoo Kim (Seoul National University, Korea), Yeon-Koo Che (Columbia University, USA), Fuhito Kojima (Stanford University, USA) |
Stable Matching in Large Economies |
Hidekazu Anno (Waseda University, Japan), Morimitsu Kurino (WZB, Germany) | Second-best Incentive Compatible Allocation Rules for Multiple-type Indivisible Objects |
Topics in Taxation
Organizer: Firouz Gahvari, Chair: Luca Micheletto
Presenter | Title |
Marta Aloi (University of Nottingham, UK), Manuel Lleite-Monteiro (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal), Teresa Lloyd-Braga ( Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal) | Welfare Benefits Reforms and Income Redistribution |
C.C. Yang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Yunmin Chen (National Chengchi University, Taiwan) | Status Quo, Future Generations, and the Dynamics of Social Security |
Luca Micheletto (UCFS, Uppsala University, Sweden, University of Milan & Bocconi University, Italy), Spencer Bastani (UCFS, Uppsala University, Sweden), Sören Blomquist (UCFS, Uppsala University, Sweden) | Child Care Subsidies, Quality, and the Optimal Income Tax |
Trade and Hetergenous Productivity
Organizer: Shin-Kun Peng
Presenter | Title |
Dao-Zhi Zeng (Tohoku University, Japan), Xi Yang (Xiamen University, China) | Firm Selection, Trade Costs and International Inequalities |
Alireza Naghavi (University of Bologna, Italy), Shin-Kun Peng (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Yingyi Tsai (National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan) | Outsourcing, Relationship Investment, and Supplier Heterogeneity |
Wen-Tai Hsu (Singapore Management University, Singapore), Yi Lu (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Guiying Wu (Nanyang Techonological University, Singapore) | A Structural Estimation and Decomposition of Welfare Gains from China’s Entry to WTO |
Yasusada Murata (Nihon University, Japan), Kristian Behrens (University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada), Giordano Mion (University of Surrey, UK), Jens Suedekum (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) | Distorted Monopolistic Competition |