15th SAET Conference on Current Trends in Economics
University of Cambridge, UK, July 27-31, 2015
The 15th Annual SAET Conference will be held July 27-31, 2015 at the University of Cambridge, UK.
The lectures will take place at The Møller Centre.
The conference chairs are Tiago Cavalcanti, Hamid Sabourian and Nicholas Yannelis.
Conference Sponsors
The Cambridge-INET Institute
University of Iowa Tippie College of Business
The program can be printed by clicking on the above link.
Hotel Information
We have reserved a limited number of rooms in different colleges at Cambridge, all short walking distance from the Møller Centre where the conference will take place. We strongly advise you to book rooms as soon as possible (we suggest by late January 2015). Cambridge has a large number of visitors in the summer and the rooms may be taken. Please find this information and more by clicking on the Hotel Accommodation button below.
Registration Information
Registration is now open for the 2015 SAET Conference in Cambridge, UK. The conference registration fee is $350. The cost will be $450 after March 15th and $550 after May 1st. It is important that all participants are registered for the conference by May 1, 2015, so their names can be included in the program.
Students interested in participating in the SAET Conference, must send a verification letter from their supervisor. Once your request has been approved, you will receive a confirmation email.
The registration for approved student participants will be free, but will NOT include any conference meals.
Plenary Speakers
- Monday, July 27 – Cornet, Bernard (PSE-University of Paris I & University of Kansas) — Presidential Lecture, Chair: Aloisio Araujo (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada): “Ambiguity in Financial Economics”
- Tuesday, July 28 – Townsend, Robert (MIT) — Sir John Hicks Lecture, Chair: Edward C. Prescott (Arizona State University): “A Market Based Solution for Fire Sales and other Price Externalities:
Segregated Security Exchanges and Ex Ante Rights to Trade” - Wednesday, July 29 – Dasgupta, Partha (University of Cambridge) — David Cass Lecture, Chair: Hamid Sabourian (University of Cambridge): “Welfare Axiomatics”
- Thursday, July 30 – Reny, Philip (University of Chicago) — Lionel McKenzie Lecture, Chair: Konrad Podczeck (Universitat Wien): “Sequential Equilibria of Multistage Games with Infinite Sets of Actions and Types”
- Friday, July 31 – Carroll, Gabriel (Stanford University) — Aliprantis Prize Lecture, Chair: Beth Allen (University of Minnesota): “Robust Incentive Contracting”
Program Committee:
- Allen, Beth (University of Minnesota, USA)
- Amir, Rabah (University of Iowa, USA)
- Araujo, Aloisio (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brazil)
- d’Aspremont, Claude (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
- Basile, Achille (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
- Cavalcanti, Tiago (University of Cambridge, UK) — Co-Chair
- Chernozhukov, Victor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
- Cornet, Bernard (PSE-University of Paris I & University of Kansas, France & USA)
- Hammond, Peter (University of Warwick, UK)
- Hervés-Beloso, Carlos (University of Vigo, Spain)
- Horner, Johannes (Yale University, USA)
- Kaneko, Mamoru (Waseda University, Japan)
- Kehoe, Timothy (University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, USA)
- Kojima, Fuhito (Stanford University, USA)
- Kovenock, Dan (Chapman University, USA)
- Levine, David (Washington University-St. Louis, USA)
- Machina, Mark (University of California at San Diego, USA)
- Moulin, Herve (University of Glasgow, Scotland)
- Nishimura, Kazuo (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Plott, Charles (California Institute of Technology, USA)
- Podczeck, Konrad (Universitat Wien, Austria)
- Polemarchakis, Herakles (University of Warwick, UK)
- Prescott, Edward C. (Arizona State University, USA)
- Quah, John (University of Oxford, UK)
- Reny, Philip (University of Chicago, USA)
- Ritzberger, Klaus
(Institute for Advanced Studies-Vienna, Austria) - Sabourian, Hamid (University of Cambridge, UK) — Co-Chair
- Shannon, Chris (University of California-Berkeley, USA)
- Squintani, Francesco (University of Warwick, UK)
- Tourky, Rabee (Australian National University, Australia)
- Tsomocos, Dimitrios (University of Oxford, UK)
- Villamil, Anne (University of Iowa, USA)
- Yannelis, Nicholas (University of Iowa, USA) — Co-Chair
- Zame, William (UCLA, USA)
Local Organizing Committee
- Cavalcanti, Tiago (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Sabourian, Hamid (University of Cambridge, UK)
Session Organizers
- Allen, Beth (University of Minnesota, USA): Topics in Microeconomic Theory II
- Allouch, Nizar (Queen Mary, University of London, UK): Public Economics and Networks
- Alos-Ferrer, Carlos (University of Cologne, Germany): Evolution and Learning I: Games & Evolution and Learning II: Applications
- Amir, Rabah (University of Iowa, USA): Topics in Applied Theory
- Araujo, Aloisio (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brazil): General Equilibrium and Financial Frictions
- Arkolakis, Costas (Yale University and Princeton University, USA): International Trade
- Balasko, Yves (University of York, UK): Applied General Equilibrium Theory
- Bisin, Alberto (New York University, USA): Wealth Distribution: Empirics, Wealth Distribution: Theory I & Wealth Distribution: Theory II
- Bloch, Francis (University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne & PSE, France): Networks
- Blume, Andreas (University of Arizona, USA): Communication
- Bogomolnaia, Anna (University of Glasgow, Scotland): Social Choice
- Bonanno, Giacomo (University of California-Davis, USA): Foundational Issues in Game Theory
- Bond, Eric W. (Vanderbilt University, USA): International Trade and Trade Agreements
- Boulatov, Alex (HSE Moscow, Russia: Microstructure Theory
- Boyarchenko, Svetlana (University of Texas-Austin, USA): Topics in Economic Theory
- Camera, Gabriele (Chapman University, USA): Cooperation and Coordination in Laboratory Experiments
- Carmona, Guilherme (University of Surrey, UK): Repeated Games
- Cavalcanti, Tiago (University of Cambridge, UK): Topics on Economic Development
- Chade, Hector (Arizona State University, USA): Topics in Dynamic Incentives
- Chun, Youngsub (Seoul National University, Korea): Social Choice and Cooperative Game Theory
- Corchon, Luis (Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain) & Beviá, Carmen (UAB, Spain): Contests: Groups and Design & Contests: Theory and Applications
- Cornet, Bernard (PSE-University of Paris I & University of Kansas, France & USA) & Chateauneuf, Alain (PSE-University of Paris I, France): Finance and Decision
- Correia-da-Silva, Joao (University of Porto, Portugal): Economics of Information
- Dávila, Julio (CORE-University of Louvain, Belgium) & Galli, Silvia (CORE, C. University of Louvain, Belgium: Innovation and Growth
- Dos Santos Ferreira, Rodolphe (BETA, University of Strasbourg, France) & d’Aspremont, Claude (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium): Extending Monopolistic Competition Models I & Extending Monopolistic Competition Models II
- Eraslan, Hülya (Rice University, USA) & Anesi, Vincent (University of Nottingham, UK): Dynamic Political Economy
- Espinoza, Raphael (University College London, UK): Fiscal Theory and the European Crisis
- Facchini, Giovanni (University of Nottingham, UK) & Impullitti, Giammari (University of Nottingham, UK): International Trade and Factor Movements I & International Trade and Factor Movements II
- Faias, Marta (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal): Topics in Industrial Organization and Finance
- Faro, Jose Heleno (Insper Institute of Education and Research, Brazil): Ambiguity, Corporations and Pricing
- Friedenberg, Amanda (Arizona State University, USA): Epistemic Game Theory: Theory and Applications
- Fujiwara-Greve, Takako (Keio University, Japan): Dynamic & Repeated Games: Theory and Experiments
- Gottardi, Piero (European University Institute, Italy): Competitive Markets with Adverse Selection
- Grabisch, Michel (Université Paris I, France): Cooperative Game Theory
- Graziano, Maria Gabriella (University of Naples Federico II, Italy): Markets with Many Commodities
- Herings, Jean-Jacques (Maastricht University, The Netherlands): Network Formation
- Hervés-Beloso, Carlos (University of Vigo, Spain): Games and Economic Theory & General Equilibrium
- Imrohoroglu, Selahattin (University of Southern California, USA): Quantitative Macroeconomics
- Kamihigashi, Takashi (Kobe University, Japan): Dynamic Economies, Dynamic Programming & Dynamic Stochastic Models
- Kaplan, Todd R. (University of Exeter, UK): Auctions and Experiments & Experimental Economics
- Kehoe, Timothy (University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, USA): Advances in Macroeconomics, International Trade Theory and Its Applications & Open Economy Macroeconomics
- Kesten, Onur (Carnegie Mellon University, USA): Matching
- Kets, Willemien (Northwestern University, USA): Bounded Rationality and Limited Attention
- Khan, M. Ali (Johns Hopkins University, USA): The Theory of Value: A Memorial Session for Monique Florenzano
- Kim, Kyungmin (Teddy) (University of Iowa): Dynamic Adverse Selection
- Kojima, Fuhito (Stanford University, USA): Matching and Market Design I
- Koutsougeras, Leonidas (University of Manchester, UK): Games and Markets
- Kovenock, Dan (Chapman University, USA): Contests I and Contests II
- Krebs, Tom (University of Mannheim, Germany): Optimal Taxation with Private Information
- Kubler, Felix (University of Zürich, Switzerland): Computational Economics
- Livshits, Igor (University of Western Ontario, Canada): Finance and Political Economy & Financial Contracts and Default
- Luo, Xiao (National University of Singapore, Singapore): Topics in Game Theory I & Topics in Game Theory II
- Manzini, Paola (University of St Andrews, UK) & Mariotti, Marco (Queen Mary University of London, UK): Choice Theory and Bounded Rationality I & Choice Theory and Bounded Rationality II
- McLean, Richard (Rutgers University, USA): Topics in Game Theory
- Menezes, Flavio (University of Queensland, Australia): Competition and Regulatory Economics
- Miao, Jianjun (Boston University, USA): Bubbles, Multiple Equilibria, and Economic Activities I & Bubbles, Multiple Equilibria, and Economic Activities II
- Moreno, Diego (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) & Wooders, John (University of Technology Sydney, Australia): Topics in Auctions, Contests and Markets
- Moreno-García, Emma (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain): Topics in Industrial Organization and Economic Theory
- Moulin, Herve (University of Glasgow, Scotland): Fair Division
- Nachbar, John (Washington University-St. Louis, USA): Learning
- Nishimura, Kazuo (Kyoto University, Japan): Nonlinear Dynamics in the Intertermporal Equilibrium Models
- Page, Frank (Indiana University, USA): Financial Networks and Systemic Risk I & Financial Networks and Systemic Risk II
- Peiris, M. Udara (ICEF, NRU Higher School of Economics, Russia,) & Tsomocos, Dimitrios (University of Oxford, UK): Topics in Financial Stability
- Podczeck, Konrad (Universitat Wien, Austria): Fundamentals of Game Theory
- Prescott, Edward (Federal Reserve Bank-Richmond, USA): Financial Economics
- Qin, Cheng-Zhong (University of California-Santa Barbara & SDU, USA): Bargaining Theory and Applications
- Quah, John (University of Oxford, UK): Complementarity and Revealed Preference & Demand and Revealed Preference
- Rauh, Christopher (University of Cambridge, UK) & Yannelis, Constantine (Stanford University, USA): Education
- Reffett, Kevin (Arizona State University, USA): New Methods in Dynamic General Equilibrium
- Reny, Philip (University of Chicago, USA): Discontinuous Games I & Discontinuous Games II
- Riedel, Frank (Bielefeld University, Germany): Real Option Games
- Rincon-Zapatero, Juan Pablo (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) & Kamihigashi, Takashi (Kobe University, Japan): Dynamic Programming & Dynamic Stochastic Models
- Ritzberger, Klaus
(Institute for Advanced Studies-Vienna, Austria): Game Theory and Applications - Roberson, Brian A. (Purdue University, USA): Contests and Applications
- Rostek, Marzena (University of Wisconsin, USA): Information and Market Design & Risk and Risk Sharing in Decentralized Markets
- Rusinowska, Agnieszka (CNRS – PSE, University of Paris 1, France): Social Networks
- Sabourian, Hamid (University of Cambridge, UK): Dynamic Games & Evolutionary Game Theory and Learning
- Said, Maher (NYU-Stern, USA): Information Acquisition and Production
- Shannon, Chris (University of California-Berkeley, USA): Ambiguity in Games
- Siniscalchi, Marciano (Northwestern University, USA): Epistemic Game Theory and Experiments
- Skreta, Vasiliki (University College London, UK): Advances in Mechanism Design and Information Economics
- Squintani, Francesco (University of Warwick, UK) & Dhillon, Amrita (King’s College, UK): Political Economy I, II, III, IV, V
- Starr, Ross (University of California-San Diego, USA): Money: Theoretical Foundations
- Stecher, Jack (Carnegie Mellon University, USA): Decision Theory: Theoretical Foundations and Experiments
- Sun, Yeneng (National University of Singapore, Singapore): Mathematical Economics
- Taub, Bart (Glasgow University, UK): Market Microstructure
- Teytelboym, Alex (INET-University of Oxford, UK): Network Economics
- Trockel, Walter (Bielefeld University, Germany): Implementation via Markets
- Tvede, Mich (Newcastle University, UK): General Equilibrium and Economic Dynamics & Economic Dynamics
- Unver, M. Utku (Boston College, USA): Matching and Market Design II
- Vardoulakis, Alexandros (Federal Reserve Board, USA): Liquidity, Asset Prices, and Optimal Policy
- Villamil, Anne (University of Iowa, USA) & Mendicino, Caterina (Bank of Portugal, Portugal): Macro Policy I & Macro Policy II
- Vives, Xavier (IESE Business School, Spain): Information Aggregation in Markets
- Vohra, Rakesh (University of Pennsylvania, USA): Allocation of Indivisible Goods & Applications of Optimal Transport to Economics
- Wang, Ping (Washington University-St Louis, USA): Intertemporal Choice and Equilibrium Dynamics, Skill, Technology and Development I & Skill, Technology and Development II
- Weber, Shlomo (Southern Methodist University, USA): Economics of Diversity and Social Interactions
- Wenzelburger, Jan (University of Liverpool, UK): Topics in Financial Decision Making
- Wozny, Lukasz (Warsaw School of Economics, Poland): Dynamic and Stochastic Games
- Xiong, Siyang (University of Bristol, UK): Topics in Microeconomic Theory I
- Yannelis, Nicholas (University of Iowa, USA): Economic Theory I, Economic Theory II & Economic Theory III
- Young, Eric (University of Virginia, USA): Credit Market Frictions
Session Details
15th SAET Conference on Current Trends in Economics
University of Cambridge, UK, July 27-31, 2015
The 15th Annual SAET Conference will be held July 27-31, 2015 at the University of Cambridge, UK.
The lectures will take place at The Møller Centre.
The conference chairs are Tiago Cavalcanti, Hamid Sabourian and Nicholas Yannelis.
Conference Sponsors
The program can be printed by clicking on the above link.
Hotel Information
We have reserved a limited number of rooms in different colleges at Cambridge, all short walking distance from the Møller Centre where the conference will take place. We strongly advise you to book rooms as soon as possible (we suggest by late January 2015). Cambridge has a large number of visitors in the summer and the rooms may be taken. Please find this information and more by clicking on the Hotel Accommodation button below.
Registration Information
Registration is now open for the 2015 SAET Conference in Cambridge, UK. The conference registration fee is $350. The cost will be $450 after March 15th and $550 after May 1st. It is important that all participants are registered for the conference by May 1, 2015, so their names can be included in the program.
Students interested in participating in the SAET Conference, must send a verification letter from their supervisor. Once your request has been approved, you will receive a confirmation email.
The registration for approved student participants will be free, but will NOT include any conference meals.
Plenary Speakers
- Monday, July 27 – Cornet, Bernard (PSE-University of Paris I & University of Kansas) — Presidential Lecture, Chair: Aloisio Araujo (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada): “Ambiguity in Financial Economics”
- Tuesday, July 28 – Townsend, Robert (MIT) — Sir John Hicks Lecture, Chair: Edward C. Prescott (Arizona State University): “A Market Based Solution for Fire Sales and other Price Externalities:
Segregated Security Exchanges and Ex Ante Rights to Trade” - Wednesday, July 29 – Dasgupta, Partha (University of Cambridge) — David Cass Lecture, Chair: Hamid Sabourian (University of Cambridge): “Welfare Axiomatics”
- Thursday, July 30 – Reny, Philip (University of Chicago) — Lionel McKenzie Lecture, Chair: Konrad Podczeck (Universitat Wien): “Sequential Equilibria of Multistage Games with Infinite Sets of Actions and Types”
- Friday, July 31 – Carroll, Gabriel (Stanford University) — Aliprantis Prize Lecture, Chair: Beth Allen (University of Minnesota): “Robust Incentive Contracting”
Program Committee:
- Allen, Beth (University of Minnesota, USA)
- Amir, Rabah (University of Iowa, USA)
- Araujo, Aloisio (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brazil)
- d’Aspremont, Claude (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
- Basile, Achille (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
- Cavalcanti, Tiago (University of Cambridge, UK) — Co-Chair
- Chernozhukov, Victor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
- Cornet, Bernard (PSE-University of Paris I & University of Kansas, France & USA)
- Hammond, Peter (University of Warwick, UK)
- Hervés-Beloso, Carlos (University of Vigo, Spain)
- Horner, Johannes (Yale University, USA)
- Kaneko, Mamoru (Waseda University, Japan)
- Kehoe, Timothy (University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, USA)
- Kojima, Fuhito (Stanford University, USA)
- Kovenock, Dan (Chapman University, USA)
- Levine, David (Washington University-St. Louis, USA)
- Machina, Mark (University of California at San Diego, USA)
- Moulin, Herve (University of Glasgow, Scotland)
- Nishimura, Kazuo (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Plott, Charles (California Institute of Technology, USA)
- Podczeck, Konrad (Universitat Wien, Austria)
- Polemarchakis, Herakles (University of Warwick, UK)
- Prescott, Edward C. (Arizona State University, USA)
- Quah, John (University of Oxford, UK)
- Reny, Philip (University of Chicago, USA)
- Ritzberger, Klaus (Institute for Advanced Studies-Vienna, Austria)
- Sabourian, Hamid (University of Cambridge, UK) — Co-Chair
- Shannon, Chris (University of California-Berkeley, USA)
- Squintani, Francesco (University of Warwick, UK)
- Tourky, Rabee (Australian National University, Australia)
- Tsomocos, Dimitrios (University of Oxford, UK)
- Villamil, Anne (University of Iowa, USA)
- Yannelis, Nicholas (University of Iowa, USA) — Co-Chair
- Zame, William (UCLA, USA)
Local Organizing Committee
- Cavalcanti, Tiago (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Sabourian, Hamid (University of Cambridge, UK)
Session Organizers
- Allen, Beth (University of Minnesota, USA): Topics in Microeconomic Theory II
- Allouch, Nizar (Queen Mary, University of London, UK): Public Economics and Networks
- Alos-Ferrer, Carlos (University of Cologne, Germany): Evolution and Learning I: Games & Evolution and Learning II: Applications
- Amir, Rabah (University of Iowa, USA): Topics in Applied Theory
- Araujo, Aloisio (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brazil): General Equilibrium and Financial Frictions
- Arkolakis, Costas (Yale University and Princeton University, USA): International Trade
- Balasko, Yves (University of York, UK): Applied General Equilibrium Theory
- Bisin, Alberto (New York University, USA): Wealth Distribution: Empirics, Wealth Distribution: Theory I & Wealth Distribution: Theory II
- Bloch, Francis (University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne & PSE, France): Networks
- Blume, Andreas (University of Arizona, USA): Communication
- Bogomolnaia, Anna (University of Glasgow, Scotland): Social Choice
- Bonanno, Giacomo (University of California-Davis, USA): Foundational Issues in Game Theory
- Bond, Eric W. (Vanderbilt University, USA): International Trade and Trade Agreements
- Boulatov, Alex (HSE Moscow, Russia): Microstructure Theory
- Boyarchenko, Svetlana (University of Texas-Austin, USA): Topics in Economic Theory
- Camera, Gabriele (Chapman University, USA): Cooperation and Coordination in Laboratory Experiments
- Carmona, Guilherme (University of Surrey, UK): Repeated Games
- Cavalcanti, Tiago (University of Cambridge, UK): Topics on Economic Development
- Chade, Hector (Arizona State University, USA): Topics in Dynamic Incentives
- Chun, Youngsub (Seoul National University, Korea): Social Choice and Cooperative Game Theory
- Corchon, Luis (Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain) & Beviá, Carmen (UAB, Spain): Contests: Groups and Design & Contests: Theory and Applications
- Cornet, Bernard (PSE-University of Paris I & University of Kansas, France & USA) & Chateauneuf, Alain (PSE-University of Paris I, France): Finance and Decision
- Correia-da-Silva, Joao (University of Porto, Portugal): Economics of Information
- Dávila, Julio (CORE-University of Louvain, Belgium) & Galli, Silvia (CORE, C. University of Louvain, Belgium): Innovation and Growth
- Dos Santos Ferreira, Rodolphe (BETA, University of Strasbourg, France) & d’Aspremont, Claude (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium): Extending Monopolistic Competition Models I & Extending Monopolistic Competition Models II
- Eraslan, Hülya (Rice University, USA) & Anesi, Vincent (University of Nottingham, UK): Dynamic Political Economy
- Espinoza, Raphael (University College London, UK): Fiscal Theory and the European Crisis
- Facchini, Giovanni (University of Nottingham, UK) & Impullitti, Giammari (University of Nottingham, UK): International Trade and Factor Movements I & International Trade and Factor Movements II
- Faias, Marta (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal): Topics in Industrial Organization and Finance
- Faro, Jose Heleno (Insper Institute of Education and Research, Brazil): Ambiguity, Corporations and Pricing
- Friedenberg, Amanda (Arizona State University, USA): Epistemic Game Theory: Theory and Applications
- Fujiwara-Greve, Takako (Keio University, Japan): Dynamic & Repeated Games: Theory and Experiments
- Gottardi, Piero (European University Institute, Italy): Competitive Markets with Adverse Selection
- Grabisch, Michel (Université Paris I, France): Cooperative Game Theory
- Graziano, Maria Gabriella (University of Naples Federico II, Italy): Markets with Many Commodities
- Herings, Jean-Jacques (Maastricht University, The Netherlands): Network Formation
- Hervés-Beloso, Carlos (University of Vigo, Spain): Games and Economic Theory & General Equilibrium
- Imrohoroglu, Selahattin (University of Southern California, USA): Quantitative Macroeconomics
- Kamihigashi, Takashi (Kobe University, Japan): Dynamic Economies, Dynamic Programming & Dynamic Stochastic Models
- Kaplan, Todd R. (University of Exeter, UK): Auctions and Experiments & Experimental Economics
- Kehoe, Timothy (University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, USA): Advances in Macroeconomics, International Trade Theory and Its Applications & Open Economy Macroeconomics
- Kesten, Onur (Carnegie Mellon University, USA): Matching
- Kets, Willemien (Northwestern University, USA): Bounded Rationality and Limited Attention
- Khan, M. Ali (Johns Hopkins University, USA): The Theory of Value: A Memorial Session for Monique Florenzano
- Kim, Kyungmin (Teddy) (University of Iowa): Dynamic Adverse Selection
- Kojima, Fuhito (Stanford University, USA): Matching and Market Design I
- Koutsougeras, Leonidas (University of Manchester, UK): Games and Markets
- Kovenock, Dan (Chapman University, USA): Contests I and Contests II
- Krebs, Tom (University of Mannheim, Germany): Optimal Taxation with Private Information
- Kubler, Felix (University of Zürich, Switzerland): Computational Economics
- Livshits, Igor (University of Western Ontario, Canada): Finance and Political Economy & Financial Contracts and Default
- Luo, Xiao (National University of Singapore, Singapore): Topics in Game Theory I & Topics in Game Theory II
- Manzini, Paola (University of St Andrews, UK) & Mariotti, Marco (Queen Mary University of London, UK): Choice Theory and Bounded Rationality I & Choice Theory and Bounded Rationality II
- McLean, Richard (Rutgers University, USA): Topics in Game Theory
- Menezes, Flavio (University of Queensland, Australia): Competition and Regulatory Economics
- Miao, Jianjun (Boston University, USA): Bubbles, Multiple Equilibria, and Economic Activities I & Bubbles, Multiple Equilibria, and Economic Activities II
- Moreno, Diego (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) & Wooders, John (University of Technology Sydney, Australia): Topics in Auctions, Contests and Markets
- Moreno-García, Emma (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain): Topics in Industrial Organization and Economic Theory
- Moulin, Herve (University of Glasgow, Scotland): Fair Division
- Nachbar, John (Washington University-St. Louis, USA): Learning
- Nishimura, Kazuo (Kyoto University, Japan): Nonlinear Dynamics in the Intertermporal Equilibrium Models
- Page, Frank (Indiana University, USA): Financial Networks and Systemic Risk I & Financial Networks and Systemic Risk II
- Peiris, M. Udara (ICEF, NRU Higher School of Economics, Russia) & Tsomocos, Dimitrios (University of Oxford, UK): Topics in Financial Stability
- Podczeck, Konrad (Universitat Wien, Austria): Fundamentals of Game Theory
- Prescott, Edward (Federal Reserve Bank-Richmond, USA): Financial Economics
- Qin, Cheng-Zhong (University of California-Santa Barbara & SDU, USA): Bargaining Theory and Applications
- Quah, John (University of Oxford, UK): Complementarity and Revealed Preference & Demand and Revealed Preference
- Rauh, Christopher (University of Cambridge, UK) & Yannelis, Constantine (Stanford University, USA): Education
- Reffett, Kevin (Arizona State University, USA): New Methods in Dynamic General Equilibrium
- Reny, Philip (University of Chicago, USA): Discontinuous Games I & Discontinuous Games II
- Riedel, Frank (Bielefeld University, Germany): Real Option Games
- Rincon-Zapatero, Juan Pablo (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) & Kamihigashi, Takashi (Kobe University, Japan): Dynamic Programming & Dynamic Stochastic Models
- Ritzberger, Klaus
(Institute for Advanced Studies-Vienna, Austria): Game Theory and Applications - Roberson, Brian A. (Purdue University, USA): Contests and Applications
- Rostek, Marzena (University of Wisconsin, USA): Information and Market Design & Risk and Risk Sharing in Decentralized Markets
- Rusinowska, Agnieszka (CNRS – PSE, University of Paris 1, France): Social Networks
- Sabourian, Hamid (University of Cambridge, UK): Dynamic Games & Evolutionary Game Theory and Learning
- Said, Maher (NYU-Stern, USA): Information Acquisition and Production
- Shannon, Chris (University of California-Berkeley, USA): Ambiguity in Games
- Siniscalchi, Marciano (Northwestern University, USA): Epistemic Game Theory and Experiments
- Skreta, Vasiliki (University College London, UK): Advances in Mechanism Design and Information Economics
- Squintani, Francesco (University of Warwick, UK) & Dhillon, Amrita (King’s College, UK): Political Economy I, II, III, IV, V
- Starr, Ross (University of California-San Diego, USA): Money: Theoretical Foundations
- Stecher, Jack (Carnegie Mellon University, USA): Decision Theory: Theoretical Foundations and Experiments
- Sun, Yeneng (National University of Singapore, Singapore): Mathematical Economics
- Taub, Bart (Glasgow University, UK): Market Microstructure
- Teytelboym, Alex (INET-University of Oxford, UK): Network Economics
- Trockel, Walter (Bielefeld University, Germany): Implementation via Markets
- Tvede, Mich (Newcastle University, UK): General Equilibrium and Economic Dynamics & Economic Dynamics
- Unver, M. Utku (Boston College, USA): Matching and Market Design II
- Vardoulakis, Alexandros (Federal Reserve Board, USA): Liquidity, Asset Prices, and Optimal Policy
- Villamil, Anne (University of Iowa, USA) & Mendicino, Caterina (Bank of Portugal, Portugal): Macro Policy I & Macro Policy II
- Vives, Xavier (IESE Business School, Spain): Information Aggregation in Markets
- Vohra, Rakesh (University of Pennsylvania, USA): Allocation of Indivisible Goods & Applications of Optimal Transport to Economics
- Wang, Ping (Washington University-St Louis, USA): Intertemporal Choice and Equilibrium Dynamics, Skill, Technology and Development I & Skill, Technology and Development II
- Weber, Shlomo (Southern Methodist University, USA): Economics of Diversity and Social Interactions
- Wenzelburger, Jan (University of Liverpool, UK): Topics in Financial Decision Making
- Wozny, Lukasz (Warsaw School of Economics, Poland): Dynamic and Stochastic Games
- Xiong, Siyang (University of Bristol, UK): Topics in Microeconomic Theory I
- Yannelis, Nicholas (University of Iowa, USA): Economic Theory I, Economic Theory II & Economic Theory III
- Young, Eric (University of Virginia, USA): Credit Market Frictions
Session Details
Advances in Macroeconomics
Organizer(s): Timothy J. Kehoe
Presenter | Title |
Enoch Hill (Wheaton College, USA) David Pérez Reyna(Banco de la República, Colombia) | How Leverage Tips the Scale: Analyzing the Impact of Banks’ Leverage Ratio on Output |
Sewon Hur (University of Pittsburgh, USA) Jose Asturias (School of Foreign Service in Qatar, Georgetown University, Qatar) Timothy J. Kehoe (University of Minnesota, USA) Kim J. Ruhl (Stern School, New York University, USA) | Firm Entry and Exit and Aggregate Growth |
Alessandra Fogli (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, USA) Enoch Hill (Wheaton College, USA) | Spatial Business Cycles |
Timothy J. Kehoe (University of Minnesota, USA) Daniela Costa (University of Minnesota, USA) Gajendran Raveendranathan (University of Minnesota, USA) Kim J. Ruhl (Stern School, New York University, USA) | The Stages of Economic Growth Revisited |
Advances in Mechanism Design and Information Economics
Organizer(s): Vasiliki Skreta
Presenter | Title |
Ben Brooks (University of Chicago, USA) | Lower Bounds on Revenue in the First Price Auction |
Rahul Deb (University of Toronto, Canada) | Optimal Adaptive Testing |
Andy Zapechelnyuk (University of Glaskow, UK) Anton Kolotilin, Ming Li, Tymofiy Mylovanov | Targeted vs. Public Bayesian Persuasion |
Vasiliki Skreta (University College London, UK) Frederic Koessler | Optimal Certification and Mediation with Heterogeneous Consumers |
Allocation of Indivisible Goods
Organizer(s): Rakesh Vohra
Presenter | Title |
Marek Pycia (UCLA, USA) Antonio Miralles (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain) | 2nd Welfare Theorem without Transfers |
Elizabeth Baldwin (London School of Economics, UK) Paul Klemperer (University of Oxford, UK) | Understanding Preferences: “Demand Types”, and the Existence of Equilibrium with Indivisibilities |
Tadashi Hashimoto (Yeshiva University, USA) | The Generalized Random Priority Mechanism with Budgets |
Rakesh Vohra (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Thanh Nguyen (Purdue University, USA) | Near Feasible Stable Matchings with Complementarities |
Ambiguity in Games
Organizer(s): Chris Shannon
Presenter | Title |
Ronald Stauber (Australian National University, Australia) | Irrationality and Ambiguity in Extensive Games |
TBA | |
Igor Muraviev (Bielefeld University, Germany) | Kuhn’s Theorem under Ambiguity |
Ambiguity, Corporations and Pricing
Organizer(s): José Heleno Faro
Presenter | Title |
Lorenzo Garlappi (Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Canada) Ron Giammarino (Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Canada) Ali Lazrak (Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Canada) | Ambiguity and the Corporation: Group Decisions, Time Inconsistency, and Underinvestment |
Bruno Holanda (IMPA, Brazil) Aloisio Araujo (IMPA and EPGE/FGV, Brazil) José Heleno Faro (Insper, Brazil) | Updating Pricing Rules |
Peng Wang (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Parimal Kanti Bag (National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Dominance of Contributions Monitoring in Teams |
José Heleno Faro (Insper, Brazil) Efe Ok (New York University, USA) Gil Riella (Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil) | Bewley ‘meet’ Gilboa and Schmeidler: Legitimate Preferences and Uncertainty |
Applications of Optimal Transport to Economics
Organizer(s): Rakesh Vohra, Chair: Deniz Dizdar
Presenter | Title |
Arnaud Dupuy (CEPS/INSTEAD, France) | Migration in China: to Work or to Wed? |
Ran Shao (Yeshiva University, USA) | Implementability: a View from Optimal Transport |
Deniz Dizdar (University of Montreal, Canada) | Two-sided Investments and Matching with Multi-dimensional Cost Types and Attributes |
Applied General Equilibrium Theory
Organizer(s): Yves Balasko
Presenter | Title |
Vinicius Carrasco (PUC-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) | Robust Monopoly Pricing. |
Steve Spear (Carnegie-Mellon University, USA) | The Market Game with Production and Arbitrary Returns to Scale: Coordination and Price Stickiness |
Octavio Tourinho (UERJ, Brazil) Yves balasko (University of York, UK, UK) | The Law of Proportionality of Factor Contents, Reality or Artifact of CGE Modeling? |
Mich Tvede (University of Newcastle, UK) | Beyond Laissez-faire: The Case of Heterogenous Priors |
Auctions and Experiments
Organizer(s): Todd R. Kaplan
Presenter | Title |
Todd Kaplan (University of Exeter/University of Haifa, UK) Sven Fischer (Max Planck Institute of Economics, Germany) Werner Guth (Max Planck Institute of Economics, Germany) Roi Zultan (Ben-Gurion University, Israel) | Auctions and Leaks: A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation |
Ella Segev (Ben-Gurion University, Israel) Gal Cohensius (Ben-Gurion University, Israel) | Sequential Bidding in Asymmetric First Price Auctions |
Xiaogang Che (Durham University, UK) Tilman Klumpp (University of Alberta, Canada) | Auctions versus Sequential Mechanism When Resale is Allowed |
Theodore Turocy (University of East Anglia, UK) Lucas Rentschler (Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Guatemala) | All-Pay Auctions with Private Signals, Including the Highly Competitive Case |
Bargaining Theory and Applications
Organizer(s): Cheng-Zhong Qin
Presenter | Title |
Fei Li (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA) | Transparency of Outside Options in Bargainin |
Jin Yeub Kim (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA) | The Noncooperative Foundations of the Neutral Bargaining Solution |
Cheng-Zhong Qin (University of California-Santa Barbara, USA) | Complete Characterization and Implementation of Nash Bargaining Solutions with Non-Convex Problems |
Chuang Qu (Shandong University, China) | Monopoly Power and Profit |
Bounded Rationality and Limited Attention
Organizer(s): Willemien Kets
Presenter | Title |
Jakub Steiner (CERGE-EI, Czech Republic) Balazs Szentes | Co-evolution of Utility and Attention |
Roberto Serrano (Brown University, USA) Geoffroy de Clippel (Brown University, USA) Rene Saran (Yale-NUS College, Singapore) | Mechanism Design with Bounded Depth of Reasoning and Small Modeling Mistakes |
Ming Yang (Duke, USA) | Security Design in a Production Economy with Flexible Information Acquisition |
Larbi Alaoui (UPF, Spain) Antonio Penta | Coordination and Sophistication |
Bubbles, Multiple Equilibria, and Economic Activities I
Organizer(s): Jianjun Miao, Chair: Pengfei Wang
Presenter | Title |
Yi Wen (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & Tsinghua University., USA) Feng DongPengfei Wang | Credit Search and Credit Cycles |
Todd Keister (Rutgers University, USA) Huberto Ennis | Optimal Banking Contracts and Financial Fragility |
Leo Kaas (University of Konstanz, Germany) | Public Debt and Total Factor Productivity |
Pengfei Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong) Jianjun Miao (Boston College, USA) | Stock Market Bubbles and Unemployment |
Bubbles, Multiple Equilibria, and Economic Activities II
Organizer(s): Jianjun Miao, Chair: Pengfei Wang
Presenter | Title |
Tomhiro Hirano (University of Tokyo, Japan) Noriyuki Yanagawa (University of Tokyo, Japan) | Asset Bubbles, Inequality, and Trickle-Down Effects |
Bo Zhao (China Center for Economic Research, China) | Rational Housing Bubbles |
Hubert Kempf (Paris School of Economics, France) Russell Cooper (Penn State University, USA) | Deposit Insurance and Bank Liquidation without Commitment: Can we Sleep Well? |
Christophe Chamley (Boston University, USA) Lucia Esposito (Central Bank of Italy, Italy) | Does the Option for Delay Facilitate Coordination? |
Choice Theory and Bounded Rationality I
Organizer(s): Marco Mariotti & Paola Manzini, Chair: Marco Mariotti
Presenter | Title |
Nobuo Koida (Iwate Prefectural University, Japan) | Anticipated Stochastic Choice |
John Rehbeck (UC San Diego, USA) Richard Brady (UC San Diego) | Menu Dependent Stochastic Consideration |
Levent Ulku (ITAM, Mexico) Marco Mariotti (Queen Mary University of London, UK) Paola Manzini (University of St Andrews, UK) | Stochastic Complementarity |
Ernesto Savaglio (Universitta’ di Chieti, Italy) V.Danilov (Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics RAS, Russia) G.Koshevoy (Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics RAS, Russia) | Hyper-relations, Choice Functions, and Orderings of Opportunity Sets |
Choice Theory and Bounded Rationality II
Organizer(s): Paola Manzini & Marco Mariotti, Chair: Paola Manzini
Presenter | Title |
Shaowei Ke (Princeton University, USA) | Boundedly Rational Backward Induction |
Sean Horan (Universite de Montreal, Canada) Levent Ulku (ITAM) | Simplicity in choice |
Doron Ravid (Princeton University, USA) | Focus, then Compare |
Andrew Ellis (London School of Economics, UK) Michele Piccione (London School of Economics, UK) | Complexity, Correlation, and Choice |
Organizer(s): Andreas Blume, Chair: Mark Thordal-Le Quement
Presenter | Title |
In-Uck Park (University of Bristol, UK) Andreas Blume (University of Arizona, USA) | Quid pro Quo: Friendly Information Exchange between Rivals |
Sidartha Gordon (Sciences Po, France) Nicolas Klein (University of Montreal, Canada) | Overcautious or Trigger-Happy Advisors — When Best to Stop |
Toru Suzuki (University of Technology, Sidney, Australia) | Efficient Conversational Rule |
Mark Thordal-Le Quement (University of Bonn, Germany) Christian Kellner (University of Bonn, Germany) | Endogenous Ambiguity in Cheap Talk |
Competition and Regulatory Economics
Organizer(s): Flavio Menezes
Presenter | Title |
Flavio Menezes (The University of Queensland, Australia) | Delegation and the Choice of Strategic Variable in Oligopoly Games |
Chengsi Wang (University of Mannheim, Germany) | Search Platforms: Showrooming and Price Coherence |
Simona Fabrizi (Massey University, New Zealand) Steffen Lippert (University of Auckland, New Zealand) José A. Rodrigues-Neto (ANU Research School of Economics, Australia) | Attack and Defense |
Steffen Lippert (University of Auckland, New Zealand) Nisvan Erkal (University of Melbourne, Australia) Simona Fabrizi (Massey University, New Zealand) | Horizontal Mergers and Innovation |
Competitive Markets with Adverse Selection
Organizer(s): Piero Gottardi
Presenter | Title |
Eduardo Azevedo (Wharton, USA) Dan Gottlieb (Wharton, USA) | Perfect Competition in Markets with Adverse Selection |
Sarah Auster (Bocconi, Italy) Piero Gottardi (EUI) | Competing Mechanisms in Lemons Markets |
Francois Salanie (TSE, France) Andrea Attar (TSE, France) Thomas Mariotti (TSE, France) | Multiple Contracting in Insurance Markets: Cross-Subsidies and Quantity Discounts |
Humberto Moreita (FGV, Brazil) Vitor Farinha Luz (EUI and UBC, Italy & USA) Piero Gottardi (EUI, Italy) | A Multidimensional Competitive Insurance Model |
Complementarity and Revealed Preference
Organizer(s): John K.-H. Quah
Presenter | Title |
Chang-Koo Chi (Aalto University, Finland) | The Value of Information and Posterior Dispersion |
Koji Shirai (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan) Natalia Lazzati (University of Michigan) John K.-H. Quah (University of Oxford, UK) | A Revealed Preference Theory of Monotone Choice and Strategic Complementarity |
John K.-H. Quah (University of Oxford , UK) Matthew Polisson (University of Leicester, UK) Ludovic Renou (University of Essex, UK) | Revealed Preferences Over Risk and Uncertainty |
Matthew Polisson (University of Leicester, UK) Ralph Bayer (University of Adelaide, Australia) Subir Bose (University of Leicester, UK)John K.-H. Quah (University of Oxford, UK) Ludovic Renou (University of Essex, UK) | Testing for Ambiguity |
Computational Economics
Organizer(s): Felix Kubler
Presenter | Title |
Simon Scheidegger (University of Zurich, Switzerland) Johannes Brumm (University of Zurich, Switzerland) | Using Adaptive Sparse Grids to Solve High-Dimensional Dynamic Models |
Walt Pohl (University of Zurich, Switzerland) | A Perturbation Approach to Projection Methods in Asset Pricing |
Karl Schmedders (University of Zurich, Switzerland) Felix Kubler (University of Zürich, Switzerland) | Life-Cycle Portfolio Choice, the Wealth Distribution and Asset Price |
Felix Kubler (University of Zurich, Switzerland) | Asset Pricing in Large Economies with Boundedly Rational Agents |
Contests and Applications
Organizer(s): Brian Roberson
Presenter | Title |
René Kirkegaard (University of Guelph, Canada) Timothy P. Hubbard (Colby College, USA) | Asymmetric Auctions with More than Two Bidders |
Pierre Boyer (University of Mannheim, Germany) Felix Bierbrauer (Max Planck Institute) | Efficiency, Welfare, and Political Competition |
Alexander V. Hirsch (California Institute of Technology, USA) | Policy Contests |
Brian Roberson (Purdue University, USA) Dan Kovenock (Chapman University, USA) | The Optimal Defense of a Flow Network |
Contests I
Organizer(s): Dan Kovenock
Presenter | Title |
Wolfgang Leininger (TU Dortmund, Germany) Jörg Franke (TU Dortmund, Germany) Cédric Wasser (University of Bonn, Germany) | Revenue Maximizing Head Starts in Contests |
Aner Sela (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) | Contests with Prizes for Both Winning and Losing |
Marco Serena (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) | Information in Contests |
Dan Kovenock (Chapman University, USA) Alan Gelder (Chapman University, USA) | Dynamic Behavior and Player Types in Majoritarian Multi-Battle Contests |
Contests II
Organizer(s): Dan Kovenock
Presenter | Title |
Qiang Fu (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Xuyuan Liu (National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Pro Rata or Fixed? Pricing Strategy of Crowdsourcing Contest Intermediaries |
David A. Malueg (University of California Riverside, USA) Stefano Barbieri (Tulane University) | Private-Information Group Contests |
Subhasish M. Chowdhury (University of East Anglia, UK) Kyung Hwan Baik (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) Abhijit Ramalingam (University of East Anglia, UK) | Resources for Conflict: Constraint or Wealth? |
Kai A. Konrad (Max Planck Inst. for Tax Law and Public Finance, Germany) Dan Kovenock (Chapman University, USA) | Interest Groups, Influence Activities and Politicians with Imperfect Commitment |
Contests: Groups and Design
Organizer(s): Luis Corchón and Carmen Beviá, Chair: Luis Corchón
Presenter | Title |
Carmen Beviá (UAB, Spain) Luis Corchon (U. Carlos III, Spain) | Dominant Strategy Implementation in Contests |
Christian Ewerhart (University of Zurich, Switzerland) | An Envelope Approach to Tournament Design |
Iryna Topolyan (Department of Economics, University of Cincinnati, USA) Subhasish M. Chowdhury (East Anglia, UK) | The Group All-pay Auction with Heterogeneous Impact Functions |
Alex Vázquez (UAB, Spain) | Optimal Contest Design with Budget Constraints |
Contests: Theory and Applications
Organizer(s): Luis Corchón and Carmen Beviá, Chair: Carmen Beviá
Presenter | Title |
Luis Corchón (U Carlos III, Spain) Marco Serena (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) | Properties of Contests (if any) |
Jingfeng Lu (Department of Economics, National University of Singapore, Singapore) Xin Feng (Department of Economics, National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Effort-Maximizing Contingent Prize Allocations in Sequential Three-Battle Contests |
Alan Gelder (Chapman University, USA) Dan Kovenock (Chapman University, USA) Brian Roberson (Purdue University, USA) Roman Sheremeta (Case Western Reserve University, USA) | All-Pay Auctions with Ties: Theory and Experiments |
Federico Masera (U Carlos III, Spain) | Size of the Welfare State, Religiosity and Church Participation |
Cooperation and Coordination in Laboratory Experiments
Organizer(s): Gabriele Camera
Presenter | Title |
Maria Bigoni (University of Bologna, Italy) Marco Casari (University of Bologna, Italy) Andrzej Skrzypacz (Stanford University, USA) Giancarlo Spagnolo (SITESSE, Sweden) | Sand in the Wheels: Cooperation with Imperfect Monitoring in Continuous Time |
Enrique Fatas (University of East Anglia, UK) Marco Castillo (George Mason University, USA) Ragan Petrie (George Mason University, USA) Axel Sonntag (University of East Anglia, UK) | Backlash. An Experimental Analysis of Group Cohesion, Sanctions and Sacrifice |
Johannes Leutgeb (WZB, Germany) Steffen Huck (WZB, Germany) Ryan Oprea (UCSB, USA) | Payoff Information may Hamper the Evolution of Cooperation |
Stefania Bortolotti (University of Cologne, Germay) Gabriele Camera (Chapman University & University of Basel, USA & Switzerland) Marco Casari (University of Bologna, Italy) | An Experiment on Retail Payments Systems |
Cooperative Game Theory
Organizer(s): Michel Grabisch
Presenter | Title |
Philippe Solal (Université Jean Monnet, Laboratoire GATE Lyon-Saint-Etienne, France) Sylvain Béal (Université de Franche-Comté, Laboratoire CRESE, France) Eric Rémila (Université Jean Monnet, Laboratoire GATE Lyon-Saint-Etienne, France) | A Simple Proof of Axiomatic Characterizations using Associated Consistency |
José Manuel Zarzuelo (University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain) Peter Sudhölter (University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark) | On Highway Problems |
Peter Sudhölter (University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark) Bezalel Peleg (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) | On Bargaining Sets of Convex NTU Games |
Michel Grabisch (Paris School of Economics, University of Paris I, France) Christophe Labreuche (Thales Research & Technology France, France) | On the Vertices of Some Sets of Multichoice Games and their Application in GAI Models |
Credit Market Frictions
Organizer(s): Eric Young
Presenter | Title |
Eric Young (University of Virginia, USA) Kartik Athreya (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, USA) Juan Sanchez (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, USA) Xuan Tam (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) | Bankruptcy and Delinquency in a Model of Unsecured Debt |
Lukasz Drozd (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, USA) Ricardo Serrano-Padial (University of Wisconsin, USA) | Financial Contracting with Enforcement Externalities |
Mark Huggett (Georgetown University, USA) Alejandro Badel (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, USA) | Taxing Top Earners: A Human Capital Perspective |
Decision Theory: Theoretical Foundations and Experiments
Organizer(s): Jack Stecher
Presenter | Title |
Ken Binmore (Bristol University, UK) | A Minimal Extension of Bayesian Decision Theory |
Jeff Kline (University of Queensland, Australia) Simon Grant (Australian National University, Australia) Idione Meneghel (Australian National University, Australia) John Quiggin (University of Queensland, Australia) Rabee Tourky (University of Queensland, Australia) | A Theory of Robust Experiments for Choice Under Uncertainty |
Laetitia Placido (Baruch College, City University of New York, USA) Olivier Armantier (Federal Reserve Bank of New York, USA) Louis Levy-Garboua (Paris School of Economics, France) Claire Owen (Paris School of Economics, France) | Discovering Preferences: A Theoretical Framework and an Experiment |
Jack Stecher (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Linda Moya (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) | Task Familiarity, Payoff Salience, and the Description-Experience Gap |
Demand and Revealed Preference
Organizer(s): John K.-H. Quah
Presenter | Title |
Joshua Lanier (University of Oxford, UK) | Monotonic Demand and Expected Utility |
Pawel Dziewulski (University of Oxford, UK) | Revealed Time Preference |
Victor Aguiar (Brown University, USA) Roberto Serrano (Brown University, USA) | Slutsky Matrix Norms and Revealed Preference Tests of Consumer Behavior |
Christopher Chambers (University of California-San Diego, USA) Federico Echenique (Caltech, USA) Kota Saito (Caltech, USA) | Testable Implications of Translation Invariance and Homotheticity: Variational, Maxmin, CARA and CRRA Preferences |
Discontinuous Games I
Organizer(s): Philip J. Reny
Presenter | Title |
Paulo Barelli (University of Rochester, USA) Srihari Govindan (University of Rochester, USA) Robert Wilson (Stanford University, USA) | Homotopy Methods in Games with Discontinuities |
Rida Laraki (CNRS, LAMSADE (Univ. of Dauphine and Ecole Polytechnique, France) Philippe Bich (Centre d’économie de la Sorbonne- PSE) | On the Existence of Approximate Equilibria and Sharing Rule Solutions In Discontinuous Games |
Rabee Tourky (Australian National University, Australia) | Fixed Point Theorems in Simply Connected Partially Ordered Spaces |
Richard P. McLean (Rutgers University, USA) Oriol Carbonell-Nicolau (Rutgers University, USA) | Complete and Incomplete Information Games with Discontinuous Payoffs |
Discontinuous Games II
Organizer(s): Philip J. Reny
Presenter | Title |
Wei He (University of Iowa, USA) Nicholas Yannelis (University of Iowa, USA) | Equilibria with Discontinuous Preferences |
Konrad Podczeck (University of Vienna, Austria) Guilherme Carmona (University of Surrey, UK) | Existence of Nash Equilibrium in Ordinal Games with Discontinuous Preferences |
Pavlo Prokopovych (Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine) | Majorized Correspondences and Equilibrium Existence in Discontinuous Games |
Vincenzo Scalzo (DISES, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy) | Remarks on the Existence and Stability of Some Approximate Equilibria in Strategic Form Games |
Dynamic & Repeated Games: Theory and Experiments
Organizer(s): Takako Fujiwara-Greve
Presenter | Title |
Takuo Sugaya (Stanford University GSB, USA) Alexander Wolitzky (MIT, USA) | On the Equilibrium Payoff Set in Repeated Games with Imperfect Private Monitoring |
Naoko Nishimura (Shinshu University, Japan) Tatsuyoshi Saijo (Kochi University of Technology & Hitotsubashi University, Japan) | Demand Reduction in Average-Pricing Multi-unit Discriminatory Auction with Other-Regarding Buyers |
Takako Fujiwara-Greve (Keio University, Japan) Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara (Musashino University, Japan) Naoko Nishimura (Shinshu University, Japan) Nobue Suzuki (Komazawa University, Japan) | Voluntary Partnerships, Cooperation, and Coordination |
Hitoshi Matsushima (University of Tokyo, Japan) Yutaka Kayaba (University of Tokyo, Japan) Tomomi Tanaka (World Bank) Tomohisa Toyama (Kogakuin University, Japan) | Behavioral Approach to Repeated Games with Private Monitoring |
Dynamic Adverse Selection
Organizer(s): Kyungmin (Teddy) Kim
Presenter | Title |
Ilwoo Hwang (University of Miami, USA) | Collapsing Confidence: Dynamic Trading with Developing Adverse Selection |
Francesco Palazzo (Central Bank of Italy, Italy) | Is Time Enough to Alleviate Adverse Selection? |
Lucas Maestri (FGV/EPGE, Brazil) Dino Gerardi (Collegio Carlo Alberto, Italy) | Bargaining over a Divisible Good in the Market for Lemons |
Kyungmin (Teddy) Kim (University of Iowa, USA) | Selling a Lemon under Demand Uncertainty |
Dynamic and Stochastic Games
Organizer(s): Lukasz Wozny
Presenter | Title |
Andrzej S. Nowak (University of Zielona Gora, Polandl) Anna Jaskiewicz (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland) | Stationary Almost Markov Perfect Equilibria in Discounted Stochastic Games |
Kutay Cingiz (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) Janos Flesch (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) P. Jean-Jacques Herings (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) Arkadi Predtetchinski (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) | Doing it now, later or never |
Lukasz Balbus (University of Zielona Gora, Poland) Anna Jaskiewicz (Wrocław University of Technology, Poland) Andrzej S. Nowak (University of Zielona Gora, Poland) | Bequest Games |
Lukasz Wozny (Warsaw School of Economics, Polandl) Lukasz Balbus (University of Zielona Gora, Poland) Pawel Dziewulski (University of Oxford, UK) Kevin Reffett (Arizona State University, USA) | Equilibria in Large Stochastic Games with Complementarities |
Dynamic Economies
Organizer(s): Takashi Kamihigashi
Presenter | Title |
Thomas Seegmuller (GREQM, France) Xavier Raurich (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain) | On the Interplay Between Speculative Bubbles and Productive Investment |
Hiroyuki Ozaki (Keio University, Japan) Eisei Ohtaki (Kanagawa University) | Optimality in a Stochastic OLG Model with Ambiguity |
Alain Venditti (GREQAM, France) Kazuo Nishimura(Kobe University, Japan)Carine Nourry(GREQAM, France)Thomas Seegmuller(GREQAM, France) | Growth and Public Debt: What are the Relevant Tradeoffs? |
Takaaki Aoki (Kyoto University, Japan) | Optimal Control Problem with Quasi-geometric Discounting |
Dynamic Games
Organizer(s): Hamid Sabourian
Presenter | Title |
Mikhail Safronov (Northwestern University, USA) Bruno Strulovici (Northwestern University, USA) | Explicit Renegotiation in Repeated Games |
Rohit Lamba (University of Cambridge, UK) | Dynamic Contracting |
Matthew Elliot (Caltech, USA) | Decentralized Bargaining |
Dynamic Political Economy
Organizer(s): Hulya Eraslan & Vincent Anesi
Presenter | Title |
Santiago Oliveros (University of Essex, UK)Matias Iaryczower(Princeton University, USA) | Competing for Loyalty: The Dynamics of Political Support |
Hulya Eraslan (Rice University, USA) | Uniqueness of Stationary Equilibrium Payoffs in the Baron-Ferejohn Model with Risk Averse Players |
Jan Zapal (CERGE-EI \& IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE, Czech Republic)T. Renee Bowen(Stanford University, USA)Ying Chen(Johns Hopkins University, USA)Hulya Eraslan(Rice University, USA) | Efficiency of Flexible Budgetary Institutions |
Vincent Anesi (University of Nottingham, UK)John Duggan(University of Rochester, USA) | Existence and Indeterminacy of Markovian Equilibria in Legislative Bargaining Games |
Dynamic Programming
Organizer(s): Takashi Kamihigashi & Juan Pablo Rincón-Zapatero, Chair: Juan Pablo Rincón-Zapatero
Presenter | Title |
Anna Jaskiewicz (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)Andrzej S.Nowak(University of Zielona Góra, Poland) | A Dynamic Stochastic Choice Problem with Risk-Sensitive Preferences |
Cuong Le Van (Paris School of Economics, France)Takashi Kamihigashi(Kobe University) | Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Solution of the Bellman Equation to be the Value Function: a General Principle |
Masayuki Yao (Keio University, Japan)Takashi Kamihigashi(Kobe University, Japan) | Dynamic Programming with Upper Semicontinuous Returns |
Juan Pablo Rincón-Zapatero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)Robert A. Becker(Indiana University, USA) | New Results about Existence and Uniqueness of Unbounded from below Recursive Utilities |
Dynamic Stochastic Models
Organizer(s): Takashi Kamihigashi & Juan Pablo Rincón-Zapatero, Chair: Takashi Kamihigashi
Presenter | Title |
Lise Clain-Chamosset-Yvrard (GREQAM, France)Takashi Kamihigashi(Kobe University, Japan) | International Transmission of Bubble Crashes: Stationary Sunspot Equilibria in a Two-Country Overlapping Generations Model |
Yiannis Vailaki (University of Glasgow, UK)Takashi Kamihigashi(Kobe University, Japan)Cuong Le Van(Paris School of Economics, France) | Monotone Concave Operators: Applications to Stochastic Dynamic Programming |
Tim S. Worrall (University of Edinburgh, UK)S. Foss(Heriot-Watt University, UK)V. Shneer(Heriot-Watt University, UK)J.P. Thomas(University of Edinburgh, UK) | Stochastic Stability of Monotone Economies in Regenerative Environments |
Takashi Kamihigashi (Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration (RIEB), Kobe University, Japan)John Stachurski(Australian National University, Australia) | Seeking Ergodicity in Dynamic Economies |
Economic Dynamics
Organizer(s): Mich Tvede
Presenter | Title |
Aditya Goenka (University of Birmingham, UK)Lin Liu(University of Liverpool, UK) | Infectious Diseases, Human Capital and Economic Growth |
Lalaina Rakotonindrainy (Paris School of Economics, University of Paris 1, France)Jean-Marc Bonnisseau(Paris School of Economics, University of Paris 1) | A Note on the Characterization of Optimal Allocations in OLG Economies with Multiple Goods |
Mauro Bambi (York University, UK) | On the Stability and Erratic Behavior of Medium-term Fluctuations |
Indrajit Ray (Cardiff University, UK) | Testable Restrictions of Equilibrium Outcomes in Strategic Market Games |
Economic Theory I
Organizer(s): Nicholas Yannelis, Chair: Larry Selden
Presenter | Title |
Tilman Borgers (University of Michigan, USA)Yan-Min Choo(University of Michigan, USA) | Revealed Relative Utilitarianism |
Andrei Barbos (University of South Florida, USA) | Optimal Contracts with Random Auditing |
Peter Hammond (University of Warwick, UK) | A Notion of Statistical Equilibrium for Games with Many Players |
Larry Selden (Columbia University, USA) | Changing Tastes |
Economic Theory II
Organizer(s): Zhiwei (Vina) Liu & Nicholas Yannelis, Chair: Peter Hammond
Presenter | Title |
Zhiwei (Vina) Liu (International School of Economics and Management, China)Luciano De Castro(University of Iowa, USA)Nicholas C. Yannelis(University of Iowa, USA) | Implementation Under Ambiguity |
Aloisio Araujo (IMPA, Brazil) | Refining Dynamic Equilibria |
Huiyi (Kathy) Guo (University of Iowa, USA)Nicholas Yannelis(University of Iowa, USA) | Full Ambiguous and Robust Implementation |
Anuj Bhowmik (Indian Statistical Institute, India) | Edgeworth’s Conjecture under Asymmetric Information |
Economic Theory III
Organizer(s): Nicholas Yannelis, Chair: Theodoros Diasakos
Presenter | Title |
Edward C. Prescott (Arizona State University & Australian National University, USA & Australia) | Monetary Policy with 100% Fractional Reserve Banking: An Exploration |
Alexandru Nichifor (University of St Andrews & Stanford University, Scotland & USA)John W. Hatfield(University of Texas at Austin, USA)Scott D. Kominers(Harvard University, USA)Michael Ostrovsky(Stanford University, USA)Alexander Westkamp(Maastricht University, The Netherlands) | Chain Stability in Trading Networks |
Idione Meneghel (Australian National University, Australia)Rabee Tourky(Australian National University, Australia) | Statistical Reasoning in Predicting the Unpredictable |
Juan Block (University of Cambridge, UK) | Timing and Codes of Conduct |
Economics of Diversity and Social Interactions
Organizer(s): Shlomo Weber, Chair: Mariya Teteryatnikova
Presenter | Title |
Mariya Teteryatnikova (University of Vienna, Austria)Harald Fadinger(University of Mannheim, Germany)Christian Ghiglino(University of Essex, UK) | Productivity, Networks and Input-Output Structure |
Seungwon (Eugene) Jeong (Stanford University, USA) | Multidimensional second-price and English auctions |
Constantine Sorokin (Higher School of Economics and New Economic School, Russia) | A Multidimensional Theory of Spatial General Equilibrium: Tibout Revisited |
Eric Hoffmann (University of Kansas, USA) | Global Games Selection in Games with Strategic Substitutes or Complements |
Economics of Information
Organizer(s): Joao Correia da Silva
Presenter | Title |
Christoph Siemroth (University of Mannheim, Germany) | The Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets when Forecasts are Self-defeating |
Fabrizio Adriani (University of Leicester, UK)Silvia Sonderegger(University of Nottingham and CeDEx.) | A Theory of Esteem Based Peer Pressure |
Luis Vasconcelos (University of Essex, UK) | Simultaneous Reporting of Credit Ratings May Discipline Rating Agencies |
Joao Correia da Silva (University of Porto, Portugal) | Impossibility of Market Division with Two-sided Private Information about Production Costs |
Organizer(s): Christopher Rauh and Constantine Yannelis, Chair: Constantine Yannelis
Presenter | Title |
Rajesh Ramachandran (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)David D. Laitin(Stanford University, USA)Stephen L. Walter(Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics, USA) | Language of Instruction and Student Learning: Evidence from an Experimental Program in Cameroon |
Christopher Rauh (University of Cambridge, UK) | The Political Economy of Early and College Education – Can Voting Bend the Great Gatsby Curve? |
Jack Willis (Harvard University, USA) | Identifying Spillovers by Predicting Compliance |
Constantine Yannelis (Stanford University, USA) | Asymmetric Information in Student Loans |
Epistemic Game Theory and Experiments
Organizer(s): Marciano Siniscalchi
Presenter | Title |
Paul J. Healy (Ohio State University, USA) | Rationality and Belief Updating in Extensive-Form Games: Experimental Evidence |
Yun Wang (Xiamen University, China) | Belief and Higher-order Belief in the Centipede Game: An Experimental Investigation |
Marciano Siniscalchi (Northwestern University, USA) | Sequential Preferences and Sequential Rationality |
Kiryl Khalmetski (University of Cologne, Germany)Axel Ockenfels(University of Cologne, Germany)Peter Werner(University of Cologne, Germany) | Surprising Gifts: Theory and Laboratory Evidence |
Epistemic Game Theory: Theory and Applications
Organizer(s): Amanda Friedenberg
Presenter | Title |
Lin Hu (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)Amanda Friedenberg(Arizona State University, USA) | On the Persistence of Inefficient Policies |
Byung Soo Lee (University of Toronto, USA) | Degrees of Caution in Games |
Luciano Pomatto (Northwestern University, USA) | Stable Matching Under Forward-Induction Reasoning |
Amanda Friedenberg (ASU, USA)Adam Brandenburger(NYU, USA)Alex Danieli (, Israel) | How Many Levels Do Players Reason? Observational Challenges and Solutions |
Evolution and Learning I: Games
Organizer(s): Carlos Alos-Ferrer
Presenter | Title |
Simon Weidenholzer (University of Essex, UK) | Constrained Mobility and the Evolution of Efficiency |
Johannes Buckenmaier (University of Cologne, Germany)Carlos Alos-Ferrer(University of Cologne) | Cournot vs. Walras: A Reappraisal through Simulations |
Fei Shi (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) | Cournot Competition, Imitation, and Information Networks |
Carlos Alos-Ferrer (University of Cologne, Germany)Nick Netzer(University of Zurich, Switzerland) | On the Convergence of Logit-Response to (strict) Nash Equilibria |
Evolution and Learning II: Applications
Organizer(s): Carlos Alos-Ferrer
Presenter | Title |
Jonathan Newton (University of Sydney, Australia) | Protest, Financial Panic and Shared Intentions |
Christoph Kuzmics (University of Bielefeld, Germany) | Communication before Coordination with Independent Private Values: How Pedestrians Avoid Bumping into Each Other |
Federica Farolfi (University of Cologne, Germany) | Leadership in an Uncertain World. Assessing Complexity and Information within Organizations |
Fabrizio Germano (Universitat Pompeu i Fabra, Spain)Lloyd A. Demetrius(Harvard university, USA) | On the Macroscopic Origins and Consequences of Economic Inequality: An Evolutionary Perspective |
Evolutionary Game Theory and Learning
Organizer(s): Hamid Sabourian
Presenter | Title |
Ingela Alger (Toulouse School of Economics (CNRS, LERNA) & Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, France)Jorgen W. Weibull(Stockholm School of Economics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, Sweden & France) |
Evolution Leads to Kantian Morality |
Abhimanyu Khan (University of Cambridge, UK) | Imitation by Firms in a Differentiated Market |
Mathias Staudigl (Bielefeld University, Germany) | Large Deviations and Stochastic Stability in Games |
Hamid Sabourian (University of Cambridge, UK)Wei Torng Juang(Academia Science Taiwan, Taiwan) | Evolution of Learning Rules |
Experimental Economics
Organizer(s): Todd R. Kaplan
Presenter | Title |
Michalis Drouvelis (University of Birmingham, UK)Vessela Daskalova(University of Cambridge, UK)Nicolaas J. Vriend(Queen Mary University of London, UK) | Social Identity and Punishment in a Minimum Effort Game |
Surajeet Chakravarty (University of Exeter, UK)Miguel Fonseca(University of Exeter, UK)Sudeep Ghosh(Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)Sugata Marjit(Center for Studies in the Social Sciences, India) | Religious Fragmentation, Social Identity and Cooperation: Evidence from an Artefactual Field Experiment in India |
Lawrence Choo (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) | Market Selection and Aggregated Outcomes: An Experiment based on the Hat Puzzle Game |
Jana Vyrastekova (Nijmegen University, The Netherlands)Daan van Soest(Tilburg University, The Netherlands)Jan Stoop(Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands) | Give and Take in Public Goods Games |
Extending Monopolistic Competition Models I
Organizer(s): Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira and Claude d’Aspremont, Chair: Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
Presenter | Title |
Philip Ushchev (National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Russia)Mathieu Parenti(Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)Jacques Thisse(Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) | Toward a Theory of Monopolistic Competition |
Federico Etro (Dept. Economics, Ca Foscari University, Italy)Paolo Bertoletti(Dept. of Economics and Management, University of Pavia, Italy) | A General Theory of Endogenous Market Structures |
Claude d’Aspremont (CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira(BETA, Université de Strasbourg, France) | Oligopolistic vs. Monopolistic Competition: Do Intersectoral Effects Matter? |
André de Palma (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France)Simon Anderson(University of Virginia, USA) | Economic Distributions and Primitive Distributions in Monopolistic Competition |
Extending monopolistic competition models II
Organizer(s): Claude d’Aspremont and Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, Chair: Claude d’Aspremont
Presenter | Title |
Paolo Epifani (University of Nottingham (UK and Ningbo), China)Gino Gancia(CREI and UPF, Spain) | Trade Imbalance and Welfare in Monopolistic Competition |
Sergey Kichko (National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Russia)Kristian Behrens(ESG-UQAM, Montreal, Canada)Philip Ushchev(National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Russia) | Trade Liberalization and Markup Divergence: An Epsilon-CES Approach |
Kristian Behrens (ESG-UQAM, Montreal, Canada)Giordano Mion(Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, Guilford, UK)Yasusada Murata(ARISH, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan)Jens Suedekum(DICE, Heinrich Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany) | Distorted Monopolistic Competition |
Bertrand Koebel (BETA, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, France)Xi Chen(Statec, Luxembourg, Luxembourg) | Fixed Cost, Variable Cost, Markups and Returns to Scale |
Fair Division
Organizer(s): Herve Moulin
Presenter | Title |
Juan Moreno Ternero (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain)Christopher P. Chambers(University of California-San Diego, USA) | Taxation and Poverty |
Jens Lens Hougaard (Copenhagen University, Denmark)Herve Moulin(Uni Glasgow) | Sharing the Cost of Risky Items |
Karol Szwagrzak (University of Souther Denmark, Denmark) | Efficient Fair and Groupstrategyproof Allocation under Network Constraints |
Herve Moulin (University of Glasgow, UK) | One Dimensional Mechanism Design: Fairness and Incentives |
Finance and Decision
Organizer(s): Alain Chateauneuf and Bernard Cornet, Chair: Bernard Cornet
Presenter | Title |
Illia Pasichnichenko (Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine)Victor I. Ivaneko(Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine) | Expected Utility for Nonstochastic Risk |
Yann REBILLE (Institute of Economics and Management of Nantes-IAE, University of Nantes, France) | A de Finetti’s Dutch Book Argument for Non-additive Set Functions |
Thierry CHAUVEAU (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France) | Stochastic Dominance, Risk and Disappointment: A Synthesis. |
Alain CHATEAUNEUF (PSE Université Paris 1 and IPAG business School, France)Bernard CORNET(PSE Université de Paris1 and Kansas University, France) | Submodular Pricing in Finance and Insurance |
Finance and Political Economy
Organizer(s): Igor Livshits
Presenter | Title |
Braz Camargo (Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil) | Credit Constraints and Voting on Human Capital Policies |
Facundo Piguillem (Einaudi, Italy) | Shut Down or Step Up: Political Polarization and Optimal Budget Rules |
Alessandro Dovis (Pennsylvania State University, USA) | Political Economy of Sovereign Debt: Cycles of Debt Crisis and Inequality |
Igor Livshits (University of Western Ontario, Canada) | Sovereign Default and Political Turnover |
Financial Contracts and Default
Organizer(s): Igor Livshits
Presenter | Title |
Natalia Kovrijnykh (Arizona State University, USA) | Who Should Pay for Credit Ratings and How? |
Viktar Fedaseyeu (Bocconi, Italy) | The Economics of Debt Collection: Enforcement of Consumer Credit Contracts |
Ariel Zetlin-Jones (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) | Screening and Adverse Selection in a Frictional Market |
Financial Economics
Organizer(s): Edward S. Prescott
Presenter | Title |
John Boyd (University of Minnesota, USA)Abu Jalal(Suffolk University, UK)John Pokorny(University of Minnesota, USA) | Inflation, Welfare, and the Fisher Effect: Theory and Empirics |
Jean-Edouard Colliard (HEC Paris, France) | Strategic Selection of Risk Models and Bank Capital Regulation |
Thorsten Koeppl (Queen’s University, Canada)Jonathan Chiu(Bank of Canada, Canada) | Livin’ on the Edge with Ratings: Liquidity, Efficiency and Stability |
Edward S. Prescott (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, USA)Douglas Davis(Virginia Commonwealth University, USA) | Fixed Prices and Regulatory Discretion as Triggers for Contingent Capital Conversion: An Experimental Examination |
Financial Networks and Systemic Risk I
Organizer(s): Frank Page
Presenter | Title |
Sofia Priazhkina (Indiana University, USA) | Definition of Systemic Risk in Financial Networks |
Selman Erol (University of Pennsylvania, USA) | Network Formation and Systemic Risk |
Peter Zimmerman (University of Oxford, USA)Rodney Garratt(Federal Reserve Bank of New York, USA) | Does Central Clearing Reduce Counterparty Risk in Realistic Financial Networks |
Jean-Pierre Zigrand (LSE – Systemic Risk Centre, UK) | Arbitrage Networks |
Financial Networks and Systemic Risk II
Organizer(s): Frank Page
Presenter | Title |
Jieshuang He (Indiana University, USA) | Endogenous Bank Networks and Systemic Risk |
Inna Grinis (LSE, UK) | Credit Risk Spillovers, Systemic Importance and Vulnerability in Financial Networks |
Dilyara Salakhova (Banque de France, France) | Payment Delays and Contagion |
Co-Pierre Georg (University of Cape Town, South Africa) | The Extreme Fragility of Financial Intermediation |
Fiscal theory and the European crisis
Organizer(s): Raphael Espinoza
Presenter | Title |
Raphael Espinoza (University College of London, UK) | High Public Debt: Some Consequences |
Zineddine Alla (Sciences Po (Institut d’etudes politiques de Paris), France) | Optimal Fiscal Devaluations in a Currency Union |
Suman Basu (International Monetary Fund, USA) | Heterogeneous Countries in a Financial Union |
Rana Sajedi (European University Institute, Italy) | Structural Reforms and Fiscal Consolidation: Is There a Tradeoff? |
Foundational Issues in Game Theory
Organizer(s): Giacomo Bonanno
Presenter | Title |
Aviad Heifetz (Open University of Israel, Israel)Enrico Minelli | Relational Game Theory |
Burkhard Schipper (University of California, Davis, USA) | Self-confirming Games: Unawareness, Discovery, and Equilibrium |
Antonio Penta (University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA)Larbi Alaoui | Cost-benefit Analysis in Reasoning |
Giacomo Bonanno (University of California, Davis, USA) | Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium and Sequential Equilibrium |
Fundamentals of Game Theory
Organizer(s): Konrad Podczeck
Presenter | Title |
Guilherme Carmona (University of Surrey, UK) | Generic Robustness of Nash Equilibrium to Incomplete Information |
Michael Greinecker (University of Innsbruck, Austria) | Typology of Beliefs and Rationalizability with Many Players |
Christopher Kah (University of Innsbruck, Austria)Michael Greinecker(University of Innsbruck, Austria) | Pairwise Matching in Large Economies |
Eiichiro Kazumori (SUNY-Buffalo, USA) | Bayesian Games with Baire Class 1 Payoff Functions |
Game Theory and Applications
Organizer(s): Klaus Ritzberger
Presenter | Title |
Jörgen Weibull (Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden)Roger Myerson(University of Chicago, USA) | Tenable Strategy Blocks and Settled Equilibria |
Zsuzsanna Fluck (Michigan State University, USA)Naveen Khanna(Michigan State University, USA) | A Theory of Collective Decision-making in Corporate Boards |
Ishita Chatterjee (University of Western Australia, Australia) | Regulating Digital Commercial Piracy: An Ex-post Analysis |
David Kelsey (University of Exeter, UK)Sara le Roux(Oxford Brookes University, UK) | Dragon Slaying with Ambiguity: Theory and Experiments |
Games and Economic Theory
Organizer(s): Carlos Hervés-Beloso
Presenter | Title |
Marta Faias (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)Javier Hervés Estévez(Universidad de Vigo, Spain)Emma Moreno García(Universidad de Salamanca, Spain) | Stability in Price Competition Revisited |
Nicholas Ziros (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)Dimitrios Xefteris(University of Cyprus, Cyprus) | Multi-market Equilibria in Spatial Market Games |
Carmen Quinteiro Sandomingo (Universidad de Vigo, Spain)Miguel Mirás Calvo(Universidad de Vigo, Spain)Estela Sánchez Rodríguez(Universidad de Vigo, Spain) | On the Faces of the Core of a Balanced Game |
Miguel Mirás Calvo (Universidad de Vigo, Spain)Carmen Quinteiro Sandomingo(Universidad de Vigo, Spain)Estela Sánchez Rodriguez(Universidad de Vigo, Spain) | The Core-center of a Bankruptcy Game |
Games and Markets
Organizer(s): Leonidas Koutsougeras
Presenter | Title |
Jayasri Dutta (University of Birmingham, UK)H. Polemarchakis(University of Warwick, UK) | Gaussian Common Knowledge |
Lionel de Boisdeffre (Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’ Adour, France) | Dropping Rational Expectations |
Monica Giovanniello (University of Warwick, UK)Herakles Polemarchakis(University of Warwick, UK) | Markets for Votes: Conflict, Distribution and Welfare |
Leonidas C. Koutsougeras (University of Manchester , UK)Rabah Amir(University of Iowa, USA) | Mediated Trade Across Markets |
General Equilibrium
Organizer(s): Carlos Hervés-Beloso
Presenter | Title |
Angelos Angelopoulos (University of Manchester, UK) | Walrasian and Value Allocations under Ambiguity in Coalitional Dependent Large Economies with Differential Information |
Sebastian Cea Echenique (PSE – University Paris 1, France)Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez(University of Chile, Chile) | Credit Segmentation in General Equilibrium |
Geghard Bedrosian (Bielefeld University, Germany)Frederik S. Herzberg(Bielefeld University, Germany) | Microeconomic Foundation of Representative Agent Models by Means of Ultraproducts |
Carlos Hervés Beloso (University of Vigo, Spain) | Endogenous Control of Externalities in Economies with Tradable Rights |
General Equilibrium and Economic Dynamics
Organizer(s): Mich Tvede
Presenter | Title |
Vincent Maurin (European University Institute, Italy) | Re-using Collateral: A General Equilibrium Model of Rehypothecation |
Herve Cres (NYU, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)Mich Tvede(Newcastle University, UK) | Economic Correctness: Why Incomplete Markets Might Never Fail |
Matias Fuentes (Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina) | Marginal Pricing and Marginal Cost Pricing Equilibria in Economies with Externalities and Infinitely many Commodities |
Milan Horniacek (Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia)Lubica Simkova(Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia) | Innovation and Efficiency in Dynamic Oligopolistic General Equilibrium |
General Equilibrium and Financial Frictions
Organizer(s): Aloisio Araujo
Presenter | Title |
Jean-Pierre Drugeon (Paris School of Economics and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France)Philippe Bich(Paris School of Economics and Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France)Lisa Morhaim(Université de Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, France) | Aggregators, Recursive Payoffs and Dynamic Programming |
Juan Pablo Gama (IMPA, Brazil)Aloisio Araujo(IMPA and FGV, Brazil)Alain Chateauneuf(Universite de Paris 1, France)Rodrigo Novinski(Ibmec faculdades, Brazil) | General Equilibrium, Risk Loving, Ambiguity and Volatility |
Mauricio Villalba (IMPA, Brazil)Aloisio Araujo(IMPA and FGV, Brazil) | Bankruptcy Might Lead to Pareto Improvement in a Non Convex Economy |
Implementation via Markets
Organizer(s): Walter Trockel, Chair: Ata Atay
Presenter | Title |
Patrick Beißner (IMW, Bielefeld University, Germany) | Non-Implementability of Arrow Debreu Equilibria by Continuous Trading and Volatility Uncertainty |
Guangsug Hahn (POSTECH, Korea)Joon Yeop Kwon(POSTECH, Korea) | Market-based CEO Compensation under Ambiguity |
Theodoros M. Diasakos (University of St Andrews, UK)Kostas Koufopoulos(University of Pireaus, Greece) | Optimal Mechanism under Adverse Selection: The Canonical Insurance Problem |
Ata Atay (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)Francesc Llerena(U. Rovira i Virgili-CREIP, Spain)Marina Nunez(Universitat de Barcelona, Spain) | Generalized Three-sided Assignment Markets: Consistency and the Core |
Information Acquisition and Production
Organizer(s): Maher Said, Chair: Raphael Boleslavsky
Presenter | Title |
Romans Pancs (Unaffiliated, USA)Arina Nikandrova(Birkbeck, UK) | Dynamic Project Selection |
Ina Taneva (University of Edinburgh, UK) | Information Design |
Anne-Katrin Roesler (University of Bonn, Germany) | Is Ignorance Bliss? Rational Inattention and Optimal Pricing |
Raphael Boleslavsky (University of Miami, USA)Christopher Cotton(Queen’s University, Canada) | Limited Capacity in Project Selection: Competition Through Evidence Production |
Information Aggregation in Markets
Organizer(s): Xavier Vives
Presenter | Title |
Anna Bayona (ESADE Business School, Spain) | Supply Function Competition, Market Power and the Neglect of the Information Content of Prices: A Laboratory Study |
Stephen Morris (Princeton University, USA) | Information and Market Power |
Alessandro Pavan (Northwestern University, USA) | Attention, Coordination, and Bounded Recall |
Xavier Vives (IESE Business School, Spain) | Endogenous Public Information and Welfare in Market Games |
Information and Market Design
Organizer(s): Marzena Rostek, Chair: Rohit Rahi
Presenter | Title |
Nicolas Lambert (Stanford University GSB, USA)Michael Ostrovsky(Stanford GSB, USA)Michael Panov(Stanford GSB, USA) | Strategic Trading in Informationally Complex Environments |
Haoxiang Zhu (MIT, USA)Darrell Duffie(Stanford GSB)Piotr Dworczak(Stanford GSB, USA) | Benchmarks in Search Markets |
Songzi Du (Simon Fraser University, Canada,)Haoxiang Zhu(MIT, USA) | Welfare and Optimal Trading Frequency in Dynamic Double Auctions |
Rohit Rahi (LSE Finance, UK)Jean-Pierre Zigrand(LSE Finance, UK) | Information Aggregation in a Competitive Economy |
Innovation and Growth
Organizer(s): Julio Dávila and Silvia Galli
Presenter | Title |
Pedro Bento (West Virginia University, USA,) | Patent Protection and Product-Market Regulation with Vertical and Horizontal Innovation |
Réka Juhász (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK) | Temporary Protection and Technology Adoption: Evidence from the Napoleonic Blockade |
SIlvia Galli (CORE, C. University of Louvain, Belgium)Guido Cozzi(University of Saint Gallen, Switzerland) | Stories from the Frontier |
Julio Dávila (CORE, C. University of Louvain, Belgium) | Public Domain |
International Trade
Organizer(s): Costas Arkolakis, Chair: Peter Neary
Presenter | Title |
Swati Dhingra (London School of Economics, UK) | Input Mix and Product Adoption: Evidence from India |
Mathieu Parenti (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) | David vs. Goliath |
Giammario Impullitti (University of Nottingham, UK)Leonardo Baccini(London School of Economics, UK)Edmund J. Malesky(Duke University, USA) | Globalization and State Capitalism: Assessing Vietnam Accession to WTO |
Peter Neary (University of Oxford, UK)Monika Mrázová(Surrey and Geneva, UK)Mathieu Parenti(CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) | Technology, Demand, and the Size Distribution of Firms |
International Trade and Factor Movements I
Organizer(s): Giovanni Facchini and Giammario Impullitti, Chair: Giammario Impullitti
Presenter | Title |
Holger Breinlich (University of Essex, UK)Volker Nocke(University of Mannheim, Germany)Nicolas Schutz(University of Mannheim, Germany) | Merger Policy in a Quantitative Model of International Trade |
Rahul Mukherjiee (IHEID Geneva, Switzerland)Ron Alquist(King’s Peak Asset Management)Linda L. Tesar(University of Michigan, USA) | Liquidity Driven FDI |
James Lake (Southern Methodist University, USA)Maia Linask(University of Richmond, USA) | Could Tariffs be Pro-cyclical? |
Richard Chisik (Ryerson University, Canada)Julian Emami Namini(Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands) | International Trade and Labor Market Discrimination |
International Trade and Factor Movements II
Organizer(s): Giovanni Facchini and Giammario Impullitti, Chair: Giammario Impullitti
Presenter | Title |
John Morrow (University of Essex, UK) | Is Skill Dispersion a Source of Productivity and Exporting in Developing Countries? |
Luca David Opromolla (Banco de Portugal, Portugal)Giordano Mion(University of Surrey, UK)Alessandro Sforza(LSE, UK) | Managers Mobility and Knowledge Transfer |
Gabriel Felbermayr (University of Munich and Ifo, Germany)R. Aichele(University of Munich and Ifo, Germany)I. Heiland(University of Munich and Ifo, Germany) | Going Deep: The Trade and Welfare Effects of TTIP |
Julien Prat (CREST, Francer)Giammario Impullitti(University of Nottingham, UK)Gabriel Felbermayr(University of Munich and Ifo, Germany) | Firm Dynamics and Residual Inequality in Open Economy |
International Trade and Trade Agreements
Organizer(s): Eric Bond
Presenter | Title |
Meredith Crowley (University of Cambridge, UK)Lu Han(University of Cambridge, UK)Huasheng Song(Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China) | Local Market Conditions, Import Prices and Exchange Rate Pass Through: Evidence from Chinese Exports to the European Union |
Benjamin Zissimos (University of Exeter , UK)Matthew Cole(University of Oregon) | Too Small To Protect? The Role of Firm Size in Trade Agreements |
Yan Ma (Kobe University, Japan) | Supermodularity, Comparative Advantage, and Global Supply Chains |
Eric Bond (Vanderbilt University, USA)Kamal Saggi(Vanderbilt University, USA) | Compulsory Licensing and Patent Protection: A North-South Perspective |
International Trade Theory and its Applications
Organizer(s): Timothy J. Kehoe
Presenter | Title |
Radoslaw Stefanski (University of St Andrews, UK) | Spend, Baby, Spend: Windfalls, Specialization and Misallocation |
Pau S. Pujolàs (McMaster University, Canada)Timothy J. Kehoe(University of Minnesota, USA)Kim J. Ruhl(New York University Stern School of Business, USA) | Solving Monopolistic Competition Trade Models with Multiple Dimensions of Heterogeneity |
Teodora Borota Milicevic (Uppsala University, Sweden)Rita Ginja(Uppsala University, Sweden)Selva Baziki(Uppsala University, Sweden) | Import Competition and Technological Changes: Mobility of Workers and Firms |
Illenin Kondo (Federal Reserve Board, USA) | Optimal Taxation and Trade Reforms |
Intertemporal Choice and Equilibrium Dynamics
Organizer(s): Ping Wang, Chair: Costas Azariadis
Presenter | Title |
Costas Azariadis (Washington University in St. Louis, USA) | Corruption in Growth Theory |
YiLi Chien (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, USA)Hanno Lustig(UCLA)Kanda Naknoi(University of Connecticut, USA) | Why Are Exchange Rates So Smooth? A Segmented Asset Markets Explanation |
Chia-Ying Chang (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) | Status, Inheritance, and Growth |
Guillaume Vandenbroucke (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, USA)Yu-Chien Kong(La Trobe University, Australia)B. Ravikumar(Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, USA) | Explaining Differences in Life Cycle Earnings across Cohorts |
Organizer(s): John Nachbar
Presenter | Title |
Laurent Mathevet (New York University, USA) | An Axiomatic Perspective on Bounded Rationality in Games |
Ignacio Esponda (Washington University-St Louis, USA)Demian Pouzo(UC Berkeley, USA) | Berk-Nash Equilibrium: A Framework for Modeling Agents with Misspecified Models |
Yehuda Levy (Oxford University, UK) | Limits to Rational Learning |
Jacob Leshno (Columbia University, USA) | Universal Communication via Robust Coordination |
Liquidity, Asset Prices, and Optimal Policy
Organizer(s): Alexandros Vardoulakis, Chair: Skander Van den Heuvel
Presenter | Title |
David Rappoport (Federal Reserve Board, USA) | A Dynamic Model of Leverage and Interest Rates |
Regis Breton (Banque de France, France)Jung-Hyun Ahn (NEOMA Business School, France)Vincent Bignon (Banque de France, France)Antoine Martin(Federal Reserve Bank of New York, USA) | Market for Liquidity and Central Bank Policy |
David Arseneau (Federal Reserve Board, USA)David Rappoport(Federal Reserve Board, USA)Alexandros Vardoulakis(Federal Reserve Board, USA) | Secondary Market Liquidity and the Optimal Capital Structure |
Skander Van den heuvel (Federal Reserve Board, USA) | The Welfare Costs of Bank Liquidity and Capital Requirements |
Macro Policy I
Organizer(s): Anne Villamil, Chair: Caterina Mendicino
Presenter | Title |
Fan Liu (University of Iowa, USA) | Microfinance in the U.S. |
Gevorg Hunanyan (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany) | On the Effectiveness of Capital Requirements |
Paola Boel (Riksbank, Sweden)Christopher Waller(Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, USA) | On the Efficacy of Quantitative Easing at the Zero Lower Bound |
Caterina Mendicino (Bank of Portugal, Portugal) | Tax Benefits of Debt-financing and the Optimal Rate of Inflation |
Macro Policy II
Organizer(s): Caterina Mendicino and Anne Villamil, Chair: Rajnish Mehra
Presenter | Title |
Anne Villamil (University of Iowa, USA) | Health Insurance and Talent Misallocation |
Antonio Antunes (Bank of Portugal, Portugal) | Consumer Default Effects of Capital Income Tax Cuts |
Ettore Panetti (Bank of Portugal, Portugal)Elena Mattana | A Dynamic Quantitative Macroeconomic Model of Bank Runs |
Hye-jin Cho (University of Paris 1, Pantheon Sorbonne, France) | Speculative Bubble Burst |
Market Microstructure
Organizer(s): Bart Taub
Presenter | Title |
Christian Julliard (LSE, UK)Albina Danilova(LSE, UK) | Information Asymmetries, Volatility, Liquidity, and the Tobin Tax |
Shmuel Baruch (University of Utah, USA)Lawrence Glosten(Columbia University, USA) | Fleeting Orders |
Anna Amirdjanova (University of California at Berkeley, USA) | Insider Trading: Effects on Uninformed Traders with Bounded Rationality |
Alex Boulatov (HSE, Russia)Bart Taub(Glasgow University, UK) | How High-Frequency Traders Make Their Money |
Markets with Many Commodities
Organizer(s): Maria Gabriella Graziano
Presenter | Title |
Francesca Centrone (Universita del Piemonte Orientale, Italy)Anna Martellotti(Università di Perugia, Italy) | Coalitional Extreme Desirability in Finitely Additive Exchange Economies |
Takashi Suzuki (Meiji-Gakuin University, Japan) | A Coalitional Production Economy with Infinitely many Indivisible Commodities |
Ioannis A.Polyrakis (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) | Geometric Properties of Cones and Equilibrium |
Maria Gabriella Graziano (University of Naples Federico II and CSEF, Italy)Achille Basile(University of Naples Federico II , Italy)Ciro Tarantino(University of Naples Federico II , Italy) | Coalitional Fairness with many Commodities |
Organizer(s): Onur Kesten
Presenter | Title |
Alexander S. Nesterov (WZB, Germany) | Matching with Cardinal Preferences |
Sinan Ertemel (ITU, Turkey) | A Study of the Turkish High School Admissions System |
Ayse Yazici (Durham, UK) | More on Incentives in Decentralized Random Matching |
Onur Kesten (Carnegie Mellon, USA) | The Curse of Stability: Designing the Appeals Round in School Choice |
Matching and Market Design I
Organizer(s): Fuhito Kojima
Presenter | Title |
Fuhito Kojima (Stanford University, USA)Yuichiro Kamada(Berkeley Haas, USA) | Stability Concepts in Matching under Distributional Constraints |
Maciej Kotowski (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA)Sangram V. Kadam(Harvard University, USA) | Multi-period Matching |
Zhiwei Chong (China Economcis and Management Academy, Central University of Finance and Economics, China) | Decentralized Two-Sided Matching Markets: Game-Theoretic Analyses and Design |
Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)Yusuke Kasuya(Yokohama National University, Japan) | Stable and Strategy-Proof Rules in Matching Markets with Contracts |
Matching and Market Design II
Organizer(s): M. Utku Unver
Presenter | Title |
Jean-Jacques Herings (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) | Equilibrium and Matching under Price Controls |
Umut Dur (North Carolina State University, USA)Onur Kesten (Carnegie Melon University, USA)Utku Unver(Boston College, USA) | Flexible Top Trading Cycles and Chains Mechanism: Maintaining Diversity in Erasmus Student Exchange |
Alexander Westkamp (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)John Hatfield (University of Texas-Austin, USA)Scott Kominers(Harvard University, USA) | Strategy-proofness and Stability for Matching with Contracts |
Utku Unver (Boston College, USA)Haluk Ergin(University of California-Berkeley, USA)Tayfun Sonmez(Boston College, USA) | Lung Exchange |
Mathematical Economics
Organizer(s): Yeneng Sun
Presenter | Title |
Roberto Raimondo (University of Melbourne, Australia) | Pathwise Smooth Splittable Congestion Games |
Xiang Sun (Wuhan University, China)Haomiao Yu(Ryerson University) | On the Equivalence of Randomized Strategy Equilibria in No-atomic Games |
Yishu Zeng (National University of Singapore, Singapore)Xiang Sun(Wuhan University, China) | Perfect Equilibria in Large Games |
Yeneng Sun (National University of Singapore, Singapore)Darrell Duffie(Stanford University, USA)Lei Qiao(National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Continuous-Time Random Matching |
Microstructure Theory
Organizer(s): Alex Boulatov
Presenter | Title |
Sergei Severinov (University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada) | Optimal Mechanism with Budget Constrained Bidders |
Dmitry Livdan (UC Berkeley, USA) | Optimal Double Auction |
Bart Taub (Glasgow University, UK) | A Dynamic Mechanism Approach to Asset Equilibria with a Martingale Property |
Dmitry Makarov (NES, Moscow, Russia) | Competition among Portfolio Managers and Asset Specialization |
Money: Theoretical Foundations
Organizer(s): Ross M. Starr
Presenter | Title |
Gabriele Camera (Chapman University and University of Basel, USA and Switzerland)Maria Bigoni(University of Bologna, Italy)Marco Casari(University of Bologna, Italy) | Money is More than Memory |
Dror Goldberg (The Open University of Israel, Israel)Gabriele Camera(Chapman University, USA)Avi Weiss(Bar Ilan University, Israel) | The Emergence of Decentralized and Centralized Trading Institutions: Money vs. Walras in the Laboratory |
Ross M. Starr (University of California, San Diego, USA) | Government-Endorsed Fiat Money: Natural Monopoly in a Trading Post Economy |
Network Economics
Organizer(s): Alex Teytelboym
Presenter | Title |
C. Matthew Leister (University of California, Berkeley, USA) | Information Acquisition and Response in Peer-effects Networks |
Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi (Columbia Business School, USA)Marco Di Maggio(Columbia Business School) | Microeconomic Origins of Macroeconomic Tail Risks |
Kostas Bimpikis (Stanford GSB, USA) | Cournot Competition in Networked Markets |
Alex Teytelboym (INET, University of Oxford, UK)Yongwhan Lim(MIT, USA)Asuman Ozdaglar(MIT, USA) | Cascades in Networks: A Simple Theory and Applications |
Network Formation
Organizer(s): P. Jean-Jacques Herings
Presenter | Title |
Sanjeev Goyal (University of Cambridge, UK)Diego Cerdeiro(University of Cambridge, UK)Marcin Dziubinski(Warsaw University, Poland) | Individual Security and Network Design |
Ana Mauleon (Université de Saint-Louis-Bruxelles, Belgium)P. Jean-Jacques Herings(Maastricht University)Vincent Vannetelbosch(University of Louvain, Belgium) | Stability of Networks under Level-K Farsightedness |
Frank Page (Systemic Risk Centre, LSE, London, UK)Jieshuang He(Indiana University, Bloomington, USA) | Bilateral Incentive Compatibility and Delegated Networking |
Rajiv Vohra (Brown University, USA)Bhaskar Dutta(University of Warwick, UK) | Rational Expectations and Farsighted Stability |
Organizer(s): Francis Bloch, Chair: Rene van den Brink
Presenter | Title |
Leonie Baumann (University of Hamburg, Germany) | Time Allocation in Friendship Networks |
Maia King (Queen Mary, University of London, UK) | Who Can You Trust? Reputation and Cooperation in Networks |
Timo Hiller (University of Bristol, UK) | Peer Effects in Endogenous Networks |
Rene van den Brink (VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands) | Polluted River Problems and Games with a Permission Structure |
New Methods in Dynamic General Equilibrium
Organizer(s): Kevin Reffett
Presenter | Title |
Christopher Sleet (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)Matthias Messner(Bocconi University, Italy)Nicola Pavoni(Bocconi University, Italy) | Recursive Dual Methods: Theory and Examples |
Martin Kaae Jensen (University of Leicester, UK)Herakles Polemarchakis(University of Warwick) | Redistributional Policies and Uninsurable Risk |
Sevin Yeltekin (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) | Poverty and Self-Control |
Manjira Datta (Arizona State University, USA)Kevin Reffett(Arizona State University, USA)Lukasz Wozny(Warsaw School of Economics, Poland) | Comparing Indeterminancies |
Nonlinear Dynamics in the Intertermporal Equilibrium Models
Organizer(s): Kazuo Nishimura
Presenter | Title |
Harutaka Takahashi (Meiji Gakuin University, Japan) | Unbalanced Growth in A Neoclassical Two-sector Optimal Growth Model with Sector Specific Technical Progress: Baumol’s Unbalanced Growth Revisited |
Ngo Van Long (McGill University, Canada) | Capital Labor Substitution, Structural Change, and the Labor Income Share |
Kazumichi Iwasa (Kobe University, Japan)Kazuo Nishimura(Kobe University, Japan) | Trade and Indeterminacy |
Ken-Ichi Akao (Waseda University, Japan)Hiroki Sakamoto(Waseda University, Japan) | A Theory of Disasters and Long-run Growth |
Open Economy Macroeconomics
Organizer(s): Timothy J. Kehoe
Presenter | Title |
Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba Martos (Universidad de Málaga, Spain)José Luis Torres(Universidad de Málaga, Spain) | Public Debt Frontiers: The Greek Case |
Laura Sunder-Plassmann (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) | Incomplete Sovereign Debt Relief |
Andrea Waddle (University of Richmond, USA) | Globalization and Jobless Recoveries |
Timothy Uy (University of Cambridge, UK) | Bond Auctions and Sovereign Default |
Optimal Taxation with Private Information
Organizer(s): Tom Krebs
Presenter | Title |
Nicolas Werquin (Toulouse School of Economics, France)Mikhail Golosov(Princeton University, USA)Aleh Tsyvinski(Yale University, USA) | A Variational Approach to the Analysis of Tax Systems |
Nicola Pavoni (Bocconi University, Italy)Arpad Abraham(EUI)Sebastian Koehne(SIIE, Sweden) | Optimal Income Taxation with Asset Accumulation |
Sebastian Findeisen (Mannheim University, Germany)Dominik Sachs(EUI, Italy) | Designing Efficient College and Tax Policies |
Tom Krebs (Mannheim University, Germany)Sebastian Findeisen(Mannheim University, Germany)Dominik Sachs(EUI, Germany) | Optimal Taxation with Moral Hazard and Risky Human Capital |
Political Economy I
Organizer(s): Francesco Squnitani & Amrita Dhillon
Presenter | Title |
Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay (University of Birmingham, UK)Kalyan Chatterjee(Penn State University, USA)Jaideep Roy(Murdoch University, Western Australia) | Manufacturing Dissent: Political Consequences of Profit-seeking Media |
Robert L. Powell (Berkeley, USA) | Taking Sides in Wars of Attrition |
Antonio Nicolo (Manchester University, UK)S. Barbera | Voting and Information Disclosure |
Willemien Kets (Northwestern University, USA)Alvaro Sandroni(Northwestern University, USA) | A Belief-based Theory of Homophily |
Political Economy II
Organizer(s): Francesco Squnitani & Amrita Dhillon
Presenter | Title |
Enriqueta Aragones (IAE, Spain)Dimitrios Xefteris(University of Cyprus, Cyprus) | Voters’ Private Valuation of Candidates’ Quality |
Francesco Squintani (University of Warwick, UK) | Networks of Experts |
Amrita Dhillon (King’s College London, UK)P.KrishnanM.PatnamC.Perroni | The Natural Resource Curse Revisited: Theory and Evidence from India |
Matias Iaryczower (Princeton, USA)Nemanja Antic(Princeton University, USA) | Optimally Toothless Policies |
Political Economy III
Organizer(s): Francesco Squnitani & Amrita Dhillon
Presenter | Title |
Alberto Bisin (New York University, USA)Thierry Verdier(Paris School of Economics, France) | On the Joint Dynamics of Culture and Institutions |
John Londregan (Princeton, USA) | Free Association and Dictatorial Rule |
Odilon Camara (USC, USA)Ricardo Alonso | Political Disagreement and Information in Elections |
Giulio Seccia (University of Southhampton, UK)Anurag BanerjeeSarit Markovic | The Endgame |
Political Economy IV
Organizer(s): Francesco Squnitani & Amrita Dhillon
Presenter | Title |
Pablo Montagnes (University of Chicago, USA)Alexander V. Hirsch(California Institute of Technology, USA) | The Lobbyist’s Dilemma: Gatekeeping and the Profit Motive |
Jacopo Perego (NYU, USA)Sevgi Yuksel(New York University, USA) | Media Competition and the Source of Disagreement |
Joseph McMurray (Bingham Young University, USA) | Ideology as Opinion: Polarization in a Spatial Model of Common-value Elections |
Political Economy V
Organizer(s): Francesco Squnitani & Amrita Dhillon
Presenter | Title |
Renee Bowen (Stanford University, USA) | Collective Choice in Dynamic Public Good Provision: Real versus Formal Authority |
Konstantinos Matakos (LSE & King’s College London, UK)Dimitrios Xefteris(University of Cyprus, Cyprus) | Divide and Rule: Redistribution in a Model with Differentiated Candidates |
Galina Zudenkova (Mannheim University, Germany)Maria Petrova(University Pompeu Fabra, Spain) | Content and Collective Action Censorship in Authoritarian Regimes |
Public Economics and Networks
Organizer(s): Nizar Allouch
Presenter | Title |
Nicole Tabasso (Surrey University, UK) | Diffusion of Multiple Information |
Samson Alva (University of Texas, USA) | Electoral Competition and Social Influence Networks |
Luca Paolo Merlino (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belguim)Markus Kinateder(Universidad de Navarra, Spain) | Public Goods in Endogenous Networks |
David Minarsch (Cambridge University, UK)C. Matthew Leister(University of California-Berkeley, USA) | Knowledge and Pricing in Intermediated Markets |
Quantitative Macroeconomics
Organizer(s): Selo Imrohoroglu
Presenter | Title |
Vincent Sterk (University College London, UK)Petr Sedlacek(University of Bonn, Germany) | The Growth Potential of Startups over the Business Cycle |
Tomoaki Yamada (Meiji University, Japan) | Can Guest Workers Solve Japan’s Fiscal Problems? |
Gary Hansen (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) | Low Frequency Fluctuations |
Selo Imrohoroglu (University of Southern California, USA) | Capital Income Tax Reform and the Japanese Economy |
Real Option Games
Organizer(s): Frank Riedel
Presenter | Title |
Jacco Thijssen (York University, UK) | Attrition and Preemption in a Continuous-Time Investment Game with Stochastic Payoffs |
Jan-Henrik Steg (Bielefeld University, Germany) | Subgame-Perfect Equilibria in Stochastic Timing Games |
Nick Huberts (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) | Entry Deterrence by Timing rather than Overinvestment in a Strategic Real Options Framework |
Tobias Hellmann (Bielefeld University, Germany) | Ambiguity in a Real Options Game |
Repeated games
Organizer(s): Guilherme Carmona
Presenter | Title |
Guilherme Carmona (University of Surrey, UK)Hamid Sabourian(University of Cambridge, UK) | Approachability with Discounting and the Folk Theorem |
Olivier Gossner (Université Paris-Saclay (CNRS École Polytechnique) and LSE, France) | The Robustness of Incomplete Penal Codes in Repeated Interactions |
Antoine Salomon (Université Paris Dauphine, France)Francoise Forges(Université Paris Dauphine, France) | Bayesian Repeated Games |
Juan Escobar (University of Chile, Chile)Gastón Llanes(Catholic University of Chile, Chile) | Cooperation Dynamics in Repeated Games of Adverse Selection |
Risk and Risk Sharing in Decentralized Markets
Organizer(s): Marzena Rostek, Chair: Antonio Cabrales
Presenter | Title |
Maryam Farboodi (Princeton University, USA) | Intermediation and Voluntary Exposure to Counterparty Risk |
Jonathon Hazell (MIT & University of Cambridge, USA & UK)Matt Elliott(Caltech, USA) | Efficiency, Stability and Contagion in Financial Networks |
Kathy Yuan (LSE Finance, UK)Edward Denbee(Bank of England, UK)Christian Julliard(LSE Finance, UK)Ye Li(Columbia University, USA) | Network Risk and Key Players: A Structural Analysis of Interbank Liquidity |
Antonio Cabrales (UCL, UK)Piero Gottardi(EUI, Italy)Fernando Vega-Redondo(Bocconi University, Italy) | Risk Sharing and Contagion in Networks |
Skill, Technology and Development I
Organizer(s): Ping Wang
Presenter | Title |
Alexander MongeNaranjo (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, USA)Pedro-Cavalcanti Ferreira(Fundacao Getulio Vargas) | Slums, Skill Formation and the Urban and Structural Development of Countries |
Yin-Chi Wang (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)Pei-Ju Liao(Academia Sinica, Taiwan)Ping Wang(Washington University in St. Louis, USA)Chong K. Yip(Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) | Educational Choice, Rural-urban Migration and Economic Development: The Role of Zhaosheng in China |
David Wiczer (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, USA)Stephen Parente(UIUC, USA) | Productivity Gaps, Unemployment, Migration and Development: Harris-Todaro Meets Mortensen Pissarides |
Skill, Technology and Development II
Organizer(s): Ping Wang, Chair: B. Ravikumar
Presenter | Title |
B. Ravikumar (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, USA)German Cubas(University of Houston, USA)Gustavo Ventura(Arizona State University, USA) | Talent, Labor Quality, and Economic Development |
Chong K. Yip (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)Tsz-Nga Wong(Bank of Canada, Canada) | A Model of Technology Assimilation |
Carlos Garriga (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, USA)Yang Tang(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)Ping Wang(Washington University in St. Louis, USA) | Spatial Misallocation Across Chinese Cities |
Lin Ma (National University of Singapore, Singapore)Yang Tang(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) | Understanding Spatial Wage Distribution Within and Between Chinese Cities |
Social Choice
Organizer(s): Anna Bogomolnaia
Presenter | Title |
Dolors Berga (University of Girona, Spain)Riste Gjorgjiev(University of Girona, Spain) | Impartial Assignment of m prizes |
John Ledyard (Caltech, USA) | Auction Design for Buybacks in Fisheries |
Patrick Harless (University of Rochester, USA) | Solidarity in Preference Aggregation: Improving on a Status Quo |
Emel Ozturk (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) | Measurement of Equality of Opportunity: A Normative Approach |
Social Choice and Cooperative Game Theory
Organizer(s): Youngsub Chun
Presenter | Title |
Shiran Rachmilevitch (University of Haifa, Israel) | Parametrized Bargaining Solutions |
Joosung Lee (University of Edinburgh, UK) | Bargaining and Buyout |
Gerard van den Laan (VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands)Rene van den Brink(VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands)Chris Dietz(VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands)Genjiu Xu(VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands) | Comparable Characterizations of Four Solutions for Permission Tree Games |
Youngsub Chun (Seoul National University, South Korea)Duygu Yengin(University of Adelaide, Australia) | Welfare Lower Bounds and Strategyproofness in the Queueing Problem |
Social Networks
Organizer(s): Agnieszka Rusinowska
Presenter | Title |
Anja Prummer (The Cambridge – INET Institute, UK)Francesco Nava(LSE, UK) | A Model of Mobilisation |
Tim Hellmann (Bielefeld University, Institute of Mathematical Economics, Germany)Herbert Dawid(Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics, and Institute of Mathematical Economics) | Investments in R&D and the Formation of R&D Clusters |
Florian Gauer (Bielefeld University, Center for Mathematical Economics, Germany) | Strategic Formation of Homogeneous Bargaining Networks |
Agnieszka Rusinowska (Paris School of Economics CNRS, University of Paris 1, Centre dEconomie de la Sorbonne, France)Philipp Moehlmeier(Bielefeld University, Center of Mathematical Economics, Germany)Emily Tanimura(University of Paris I, Centre dEconomie de la Sorbonne, France) | Competition for the Access to and Use of Information in Networks |
The Theory of Value: A Memorial Session for Monique Florenzano
Organizer(s): M. Ali Khan
Presenter | Title |
Emma Moreno-Garcia (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain) | On Convergence of Bargaining Sets for Exchange Economies |
Kali P. Rath (University of Notre Dame, USA)M. Ali Khan(Johns Hopkins University, USA)Lei Qiao(National University of Singapore, Singapore)Yeneng Sun(National University of Singapore, Singapore) | General Equilibrium Theory on a Finitely-Additive Measure Space of Agents: A Viable Option? |
Cuong Le Van (University of Paris I, France)Takashi Kamihigashi(Kobe University, Japan) | Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Solution to the Bellman Equation to be the Value Function: a General Principle |
Nizar Allouch (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)Maia King(Queen Mary, University of London, UK) | Policy Reform in Networks |
Topics in Applied Theory
Organizer(s): Rabah Amir
Presenter | Title |
Yu-Fai (Michael) Choi (University of Iowa, USA) | The Economics of Web Search |
Adriana Gama-Velazquez (El Colegio de México, Mexico) | Oligopoly with Incompatible Networks |
Charlene Cosandier (Mines Paris Tech, France) | Intermediaries vs Trolls in Contests for Patents |
Rabah Amir (University of Iowa, USA)Luciano De Castro(University of Iowa, USA) | Nash Equilibrium in Games with Quasi-Monotonic Best-Responses |
Topics in Auctions, Contests and Markets
Organizer(s): Diego Moreno and John Wooders
Presenter | Title |
John Wooders (Department of Economics, University of Technology Sydney, Australia)Matt Van Essen(University of Alabama, USA) | Equilibrium and Maximin Perfection in a Dynamic Fair Division Auction |
Angel Hernando-Veciana (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) | Rounding in the Libor Submissions |
Jason Shachat (Durham University Business School, UK)J. Todd Swarthout(Georgia State University, USA)Yun Wang(Xiamen University, China) | The Market Allocation of Property Rights and the Destruction of Trust |
Diego Moreno (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)Ezra Einy(Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)Benyamin Shitovitz(University of Haifa, Israel) | The Value of Public Information in Common-Value Tullock Contests |
Topics in Dynamic Incentives
Organizer(s): Hector Chade, Chair: Juan Ortner
Presenter | Title |
Gonzalo Cisternas (MIT Sloan, USA)Alessandro Bonatti(MIT Sloan, USA)Juuso Toikka(MIT, Department of Economics, USA) | Dynamic Oligopoly with Incomplete Information |
Yingni Guo (Northwestern University, USA)Johannes Horner(Yale University, USA) | Dynamic Mechanisms without Money |
Juan Ortner (Boston University, USA)Sylvain Chassang(Princeton University, USA) | Collusion in Auctions with Price Limits: Theory and Evidence from Procurement |
Topics in Economic theory
Organizer(s): Svetlana Boyarchenko
Presenter | Title |
V. Bhaskar (University of Texas at Austin, USA) | Learning, New Technology and the Ratchet Effect |
Maxwell B. Stinchcombe (University of Texas at Austin, USA) | Updating Ambiguous Beliefs: Theory and Applications |
Caroline Thomas (University of Texas at Austin, USA) | Career Concerns and Policy Intransigence – A Dynamic Signaling Model |
Svetlana Boyarchenko (University of Texas at Austin, USA)Sergei Levendorskii | Poisson Bandits of Evolving Shade of Gray |
Topics in Financial Decision Making
Organizer(s): Jan Wenzelburger
Presenter | Title |
Philipp Weinschenk (Max-Planck Institut, Bonn, Germany) | What Determines Success? The Complex Relationship Between Incentives and Performance |
Conrad Spanaus (TU Kaiserslautern, Germany) | Asset Pricing Using Downside Risk of Payoffs |
Jan Wenzelburger (University of Liverpool, UK)Fei Su(University of Liverpool, UK) | Catastrophe Bonds, Innovations, and the CAPM |
Fabrizio Perri (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, USA)Dirk Krueger(University of Pennsylvania, USA)Kurt Mitman(IIES, Stockholm University, Sweden) | Macroeconomics and Heterogeneity |
Topics in Financial Stability
Organizer(s): M. Udara Peiris, Chair: Dimitrios P. Tsomocos
Presenter | Title |
Juan Francisco Martínez (Central Bank of Chile , Chile)Sebastin Becerra(Central Bank of Chile, Chile)Luis Cabezas(Central Bank of Chile, Chile) | Macro Financial Model: A Proposal for Chile |
Daniele Siena (Banque de France, France)Tommaso Monacelli(Bocconi University, Italy)Luca Sala (Bocconi University, Italy) | Exchange Rate Regimes, Financial Imperfections and Productivity |
Jacqueline Dai (HSBC Business School, Peking University, China)Kwangwon Ahn(HSBC Business School, Peking University, China)Chansoo Kim(Korean Institute of Science and Technology,, South Korea)Dimitrios P. Tsomocos(University of Oxford, UK) | Systemic Risk and Financial Fragility in China |
M. Udara Peiris (NRU Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation)Charles Goodhart(LSE, UK)Dimitrios P. Tsomocos(University of Oxford, UK) | Capital Adjustment Costs Through Corporate Default |
Topics in Game Theory
Organizer(s): Richard P. McLean
Presenter | Title |
Metin Uyanik (Johns Hopkins University, USA) | On the Non-emptiness of the Alpha-Core of Discontinuous Games |
Haomiao Yu (Ryerson University, Canada)Xiang Sun(Wuhan University, China) | Pure Strategy Equilibria in Non-atomic Games with Discontinuous Payoffs |
M.Ali Khan (Johns Hopkins University, USA)Yongchao Zhang(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China) | On Pure Strategy Equilibria in Games with Correlated Information |
Ahmet Alkan (Sabanci University, Turkey)Alparslan Tuncay(Sabanci University, Turkey) | Pairing Games and Markets |
Topics in Game Theory I
Organizer(s): Xiao Luo
Presenter | Title |
Takashi Kunimoto (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)Yi-Chun Chen(National University of Singapore, Singapore)Yifei Sun(National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Implementation with Transfers |
Yi-Chun Chen (National University of Singapore, Singapore)Takashi Kunimoto(Hitotsubashi University, Japan)Yifei Sun(National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Robust Dynamic Implementation |
Shravan Luckraz (University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China)Gafurjan Ibragimov(UPM, Malaysia) | Pursuit-evasion Games on a Graph – On a Class of Evasion Strategies |
Xiao Luo (National University of Singapore, Singapore)Ben Wang(National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Toward a Unified Theory of “Perfectly” Rational Strategic Behavior: MACA |
Topics in Game Theory II
Organizer(s): Xiao Luo, Chair: Ming Li
Presenter | Title |
Chen Qu (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway) | Endogenous Coalition of Intellectual Properties: A Three-Patent Story |
Bin Liu (National University of Singapore, Singapore)Jingfeng Lu(National University of Singapore) | Optimal Two-Stage Procurement with Private R&D Efficiency |
Xin Feng (National University of Singapore, Singapore)Jingfeng Lu(National University of Singapore, Singapore)Yeneng Sun(National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Revenue-Maximizing Auction with Bi-Dimensional Private Information on Value and Entry Cost |
Ming Li (Concordia University, Canada)Sourav Bhattacharya(SourUniversity of Pittsburgh, USA) | Strategic Communication and Group Formation |
Topics in Industrial Organization and Economic Theory
Organizer(s): Emma Moreno-García
Presenter | Title |
Joana Resende (Cef.Up, University of Porto, Portugal)Rosa Branca Esteves(NIPE, University of Minho, Portugal) | Geo-fence versus Geo-conquest: Price Discrimination through Target Advertising |
Joana Pinho (Cef.Up, University of Porto, Portugal)António Brandão(Cef.Up, University of Porto) | How Do Asymmetries in Firms Productivity Affect the Labor Market? |
Joaquin Gómez-Miñambres (Bucknell University, USA) | Employment and Unemployment Benefits as Gifts: A Road to Voluntary Exploitation in Labor |
Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato (Duke University, USA) | The One Child Policy and Promotion of Mayors in China |
Topics in Industrial Organization and Finance
Organizer(s): Marta Faias
Presenter | Title |
Filomena Garcia (Indiana University and UECE/ISEG, USA)Andrea Vezzulli (ISEG and UECE, Portugal) | Optimal contracting for innovation |
Jaime Luque (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)Timothy Riddiough(University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) | A Theory of Subprime Mortgage Lending with Applications to the Rise and Fall of the Subprime Mortgage Market |
Philip J. Erickson (University of Iowa, USA) | Information Asymmetry in Profit-generating Graduate Education Markets: A Structural Approach to Law Schools |
Margarida Catalão-Lopes ( CEG-IST, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)Duarte Brito(Universidade Nova de Lisboa and CEFAGE-UE, Portugal) | Endogenous Post-merger Internal Organization and Consumer Welfare |
Topics in Microeconomic Theory I
Organizer(s): Siyang Xiong
Presenter | Title |
Siyang Xiong (University of Bristol, UK)Yi-Chun Chen(National University of Singapore, Singapore) | The Incentive Compatibility Critique |
Georgios Gerasimou (University of St Andrews, UK) | Dominance Solvable Games with Multiple Payoff Criteria |
Xiaojian Zhao (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)Fuhai Hong(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) | Sunk Cost as a Self-Disciplining Device |
Jiangtao Li (National University of Singapore, Singapore)Yi-Chun Chen(National University of Singapore, Singapore)Wei He(University of Iowa, USA)Yeneng Sun(National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Deterministic Implementation of Bayesian Incentive Compatible Mechanisms |
Topics in Microeconomic Theory II
Organizer(s): Beth Allen
Presenter | Title |
Patrick O’Callaghan (University of Queensland, Australia) | How to Measure Utility or Elicit Beliefs without Mixing Apples and Oranges: An Application to Brownian Motion |
Valeriy M. Marakulin (Sobolev Institute of Mathmatics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia) | On the Theory of Spatial General Equilibrium and Tiebout Equilibrium in Multidimensional Space |
Cigdem Gizem Korpeoglu (Carnegie Mellon University and University College London, USA and England) | Consumer Unions: Blessing or Curse? |
Beth Allen (University of Minnesota, USA) | TBA |
Topics on Economic Development
Organizer(s): Tiago Cavalcanti
Presenter | Title |
Julian Neira (University of Exeter, UK) | Bankruptcy and Aggregate Productivity |
Julieta Caunedo (Cornell University, USA) | Industry Dynamics, Investment and Uncertainty |
Francesco Caselli (London School of Economics, UK)John ColemanChristian Siegel | Domestic Market Size, Inward Orientation, and Industrialization |
Tiago Cavalcanti (University of Cambridge, UK) | Finance and Development: On the Causal Effect of Access to Credit on Productivity |
Wealth Distribution: Empirics
Organizer(s): Alberto Bisin
Presenter | Title |
M. De Nardi (University College of London, UK)F. Yang(, USA) | Wealth Inequality, Family Background, and Estate Taxation |
F. Kindermann (University of Bonn, Germany)D. Krueger (University of Pennsylvania) | High Marginal Tax Rates on the Top 1%? Lessons from a Life Cycle Model with Idiosyncratic Income Risk |
A. Bisin (New York Univerisity, USA)J. Benhabib(New York Univerisity, USA)M. Luo(New York University, USA) | The Dynamics of the Wealth Distribution and Social Mobility |
S. Zhu (National University of Singapore, Singapore)C.C. Yang(Academia Sinica, Taiwan)S. Wu(Tsing Hua University, Taiwan) | Elasticities of Pareto Parameters and the Optimal Top Tax Rate |
Wealth Distribution: Theory I
Organizer(s): Alberto Bisin
Presenter | Title |
B. Moll (Princeton University, USA)Xavier Gabaix(New York University, USA)Jean-Michel Lasry(University of Paris-Dauphine, France)Pierre-Louis Lions(College de France, France) | The Dynamics of Inequality |
J. Benhabib (New York University, USA)A. Bisin(New York University)S. Zhu(National University of Singapore, Singapore) | The Wealth Distribution in Bewley Models with Investment Risk |
R. Fernholz (Claremont McKenna College, USA) | A Model of Economic Mobility and the Distribution of Wealth |
Wealth Distribution: Theory II
Organizer(s): Alberto Bisin
Presenter | Title |
M. Nirei (Ministry of Finance, Japan)S. Aoki(Hitotsubashi University, Japan) | Zipf’s Law, Pareto’s Law, and the Evolution of Top Incomes in the U.S. |
C. Ewald (University of Glasgow, UK) | On the Stochastic Dynamics of Distributions |
A. Toda (Univesity of California, San Diego, USA)Yoshiyuki Miyoshi(Univesity of California, San Diego, USA) | Growth, Welfare, and Inequality under Basic Income/Flat Tax |
M. D’Amato (University of Salerno, Italy)C. Di Pietro(University of Salerno, Italy) | Left and Right. A Tale of Two Tails in the Wealth Distribution |