Session | 2023 |
Submission Date | 04/12/2023 |
Room | 8: Fidji - FIAP |
Date | 07/17/2023 |
Time | 11:00 AM |
Title of Session | Economic Theory |
Organizer | Anuj Bhowmik |
Organizer's Email Address | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Organizer's Affiliation | Indian Statistical Institute |
Organizer's Country | India |
Second Organizer Details | |
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Number of Presenters | 4 |
Presenter #1 | |
Name | Sandipan Saha |
Email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Affiliation | Indian Statistical Institute |
Country | India |
Title of Paper | On Blocking Mechanisms in Economies with Club Goods |
Presenter #2 | |
Name | Philippe Bich |
Email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Affiliation | Université Paris 1, Paris School of economics |
Country | France |
Title of Paper | Oddness of the number of Nash equilibria: the case of polynomial payoff functions |
Abstract | In 1971, Wilson proved that “almost all” finite games have an odd number of mixed Nash equilibria. Since then, several other proofs have been given, but always for mixed extensions of finite games. In this paper, we state a new oddness theorem for large classes of polynomial payoff functions and semi-algebraic sets of strategies, and we provide some applications to recent models of games on networks such that Patacchini-Zenou’s model about juvenile delinquency and conformism, Calvo ́-Armengol-Patacchini-Zenou’s model about social networks in education, Konig- Liu-Zenou’s model about R&D networks, Helsley-Zenou’s model about social networks and interactions in cities.
Presenter #3 | |
Name | Anuj Bhowmik |
Email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Affiliation | Indian Statistical Institute |
Country | India |
Title of Paper | Equilibria in Abstract Economies with a Continuum of Agents with Discontinuous and Non-Ordered Preferences |
Co-Authors (if applicable) | Name |
Affiliation |
Country |
Nicholas Yannelis |
University of Iowa |
Presenter #4 | |
Name | Ruhi Sonal |
Email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Affiliation | Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur |
Country | India |
Title of Paper | Optimal search for the best alternative in lists |
Abstract | We model the search problem of a reward maximizing agent who encounters a finite sequence of alternatives, each of which yields an ex-ante unknown reward. The agent pays a cost for exploring each alternative and decides when to terminate the search. This setting is an adaptation of Weitzman (1979) in the framework of lists. We characterize the solution to the search problem: the optimal policy uses a specific notion of reservation rewards that is sensitive to the list structure.
Co-Authors (if applicable) | Name |
Affiliation |
Country |
Abhinaba Lahiri |
Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur |
India |
Saptarshi Mukherjee |
IIndian Institute of Technology, Delhi and Jodhpur |
India |