Session | 2023 |
Submission Date | 04/20/2023 |
Room | 12: Boston - FIAP |
Date | 07/20/2023 |
Time | 09:00 AM |
Title of Session | Dynamic Decision Problems |
Organizer | Dominik Karos |
Organizer's Email Address | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Organizer's Affiliation | Center for Mathematical Economics, Uni Bielefeld |
Organizer's Country | Germany |
Second Organizer Details | |
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Number of Presenters | 4 |
Presenter #1 | |
Name | Xavier Venel |
Email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Affiliation | LUISS |
Country | Italy |
Title of Paper | The value of information in discounted problems |
Co-Authors (if applicable) | Name |
Affiliation |
Country |
Ludovic Renou |
Presenter #2 | |
Name | Galit Ashkenazi-Golan |
Email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Affiliation | LSE |
Country | United Kingdom |
Title of Paper | Multi Agent Learning and the Folk Theorem |
Abstract | The folk theorem establishes an abundance of equilibrium payoffs for a non zero sum repeated game with patient payoffs.
However, considering a multi-agent repeated games where the players employ learning techniques - which of these payoffs is obtained by an equilibrium strategy that the agents can learn?
We present results connecting the repeated game literature with recent learning results.
Co-Authors (if applicable) | Name |
Affiliation |
Country |
Ed Plumb |
Domenico Mergoni |
Presenter #3 | |
Name | Artur Dolgopolov |
Email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Affiliation | Center for Mathematical Economics, Uni Bielefeld |
Country | Germany |
Title of Paper | Automated Mechanism Design with Memory |
Abstract | The paper offers an automated method for solving mechanism design problems that involve repeated interactions without money. The method can be used for arbitrary discount factors and relies on dynamic programming and promised utility. I illustrate the approach with a problem of taking turns at performing an indivisible chore. Additionally, I discuss the relationships between different classes of mechanisms and show that promised utility mechanisms are more general than mappings from histories of finite memory.
Presenter #4 | |
Name | Dominik Karos |
Affiliation | Center for Mathematical Economics, Uni Bielefeld |
Country | Germany |
Title of Paper | A taste for variety: repeated decision problem with frequency-dependent payoffs |
Co-Authors (if applicable) | Name |
Affiliation |
Country |
Galit Ashkenazi-Golan |
Ehud Lehrer |