24th Annual SAET Conference in Ischia, Italy

The conference chairs are Achille Basile, Maria Gabriella Graziano, Marialaura Pesce, and Nicholas Yannelis.

The local website of the conference that includes registration, program, and full conference details is available at https://www.mathematical-economics-naples.eu.

Submit Session Information

If you are a confirmed session organizer, please complete this form to submit your full session details.

Registration, SAET Membership, and Fees

SAET Individual and Student/Post-Doc Members qualify for a discounted registration rate.

Please click here to become a SAET Member.

Please click here to register for the conference.

Conference Registration Fees

Registration Dates Discounted for SAET Members Non-SAET Members Student/Post-Doc (discounted for SAET Members) Student/Post-Doc (non-SAET Members)
Before April 30, 2025 €380 €500 €120 €170
May 1 – May 31, 2025 €430 €550 €145 €200
After June 1, 2025 €530 €650 €180 €230

Registration Fee includes coffee breaks, first day reception, a conference dinner, a second social event (to be determined), and conference material.


We agreed with the management of the Leohotels group to reserve a limited number of rooms in the two hotels below. We strongly advise you to book rooms as soon as possible. The hotels will lift the hold on rooms after May 20, 2025, and we cannot guarantee a room reservation.


Double Room (occupied by 2 people) € 225,00 per room, per night
Double Room (single use) €175,00 per room, per night
Prices include breakfast and VAT, prices do not include City Tax consisting of €3,00 (unless it increases by the municipality of Ischia) per person per day

Reservation Form – Hotel Continental Terme Send the completed reservation form for Hotel Continental Terme directly to booking@hotelcontinentalischia.it

Please click here to download the Hotel Continental Terme booking form.

Reservation Form – Hotel Continental Mare Send the completed reservation form for Hotel Continental Mare directly to contimare@leohotels.it

Please click here to download the Hotel Continental Mare booking form.

Lunch/Dinner services available at Hotel Continental Terme
For all the participants and their accompanying people, even if they do not stay in the Hotel Continental Terme, it is possible to have lunch and/or dinner at the restaurant of this hotel.

A lunch will cost 35 Euro per person (water and local wine included)

A dinner will cost 40 Euro per person (water and local wine included).

Tickets can be bought upon arrival or, for those staying in Continental Terme, booked together with a room.

Gala Dinner
The Gala Dinner is included in the registration fee, whereas for accompanying people it will cost 80 Euro per person.

Welcome Reception
A reception will be offered on Sunday, June 29, at 7:30 p.m.

Excursions and Transfers
Soon information about transfers and excursions that may be booked will be available here.

Aragonese Castle is a landmark in the Tyrrhenian sea near Ischia island, Italy.

Plenary Speakers

Aliprantis prize Lecture: TBA

Presidential Lecture (July 4, 2025): Pierre-André Chiappori, Columbia University
Chair: Chris Pissarides, London School of Economics and University of Cyprus

McKenzie Lecture: Sanjeev Goyal, University of Cambridge

David Cass Lecture: Salvador Barbera, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and BSE

Edward C. Prescott Lecture: Mariacristina De Nardi, University of Minnesota

Sir John Hicks Lecture: Eddie Dekel, Northwestern University

Program Committee

Rabah Amir, University of Iowa, USA
Aloisio Araujo, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil
Achille Basile, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Benjamin Brooks, University of Chicago, USA
Pierre-André Chiappori, Columbia University
Bernard Cornet, University of Kansas, USA
Claude d’Aspremont, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Laura Doval, Columbia University, USA
Piotr Dworczak, Northwestern University, USA
John Geanakoplos, Yale University, USA
Maria Gabriella Graziano, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Timothy J. Kehoe, University of Minnesota, and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, USA
David Levine, University of London, UK
Andreu Mas-Colell, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
Eric Maskin, Harvard University, USA
Stephen Morris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Dan Kovenock, Chapman University, USA
Hervé Moulin, University of Glasgow, UK
Theodore Papageorgiou, Boston College, USA
Marialaura Pesce, Università di Napoli Federico II and CSEF, Italy
Chris Pissarides, London School of Economics and University of Cyprus
Marcus Pivato, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Charles Plott, California Institute of Technology, USA
John Quah, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, and National University of Singapore
Aldo Rustichini, University of Minnesota, USA
Nancy L. Stokey, University of Chicago, USA
Robert Townsend, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Nicholas Yannelis, University of Iowa, USA

Local Organizing Committee

Achille Basile
Francesco Caruso
Maria Carmela Ceparano
Anna De Simone
Maria Gabriella Graziano
Claudia Meo
Marialaura Pesce
Vincenzo Platino
Alba Roviello
Vincenzo Scalzo
Ciro Tarantino
Local Executive Assistants
Enrico Cafaro
Maria Carannante
Stefania Maddaluno

Session Organizers as of February 16, 2025

Peter Achim, University of York, and Kemal Ozbek, University of Southampton, New Perspectives on Costly Learning
Ş. Nuray Akin, Özyeğin University, TBA
Larbi Alaoui, UPF & BSE, and Antonio Penta,ICREA-UPF & BSE, TBA
Nizar Allouch, University of Kent, Games on Networks
Rabah Amir, University of Iowa, Game Theory and Applications
Rabah Amir, University of Iowa, TBA
Aloisio Araujo , FGV EPGE and IMPA, General Equilibrium with Taxation and Default
Claude d’Aspremont, CORE-Université Catholique de Louvain, and Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, BETA-University of Strasbourg, Topics on Oligopolistic Behaviour
Andrea Attar, Toulouse School of Economics, Topics in Mechanism Design
Marco Bassetto, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and Selahattin Imrohoroglu, University of Southern California, Monetary-Fiscal Interactions
Lorenzo Bastianello, University of Venice Ca’ Foscari, Time and Uncertainty
Pierpaolo Battigalli, Bocconi University, Psychology, Games, and Experiments
Bhavook Bhardwaj and Marco LiCalzi, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Choice Theory
Matteo Bizzarri, University of Naples and CSEF, Network Theory
Francis Bloch, Paris School of Economics, Networks and Public Goods
Anna Bogomolnaia, and Hervé Moulin, University of Glasgow, Fair Division I
Anna Bogomolnaia, and Hervé Moulin, University of Glasgow, Fair Division II
Raouf Boucekkine, Rennes School of Business, Environmental and Resource Economics
Raouf Boucekkine, Rennes School of Business, and Ted Loch-Temzelides, Rice University, Environmental and Resource Games
Anuj Bhowmik, Indian Statistical Institute, and Nicholas Yannelis, University of Iowa, Topics in Economic Theory
Svetlana Boyarchenko, University of Texas at Austin, Economic Theory and Applications
Rene van der Brink, VU Amsterdam, TBA
Gabriele Camera, Chapman University, and Barry Sopher, Rutgers University, Monetary Economics and Finance: Theory and Experiments
Guilherme Carmona and Krittanai Laohakunakorn, University of Surrey, Matching and Organizations
Andrés Carvajal, University of California Davis, General Equilibrium with Incomplete Financial Markets
Luciano de Castro, University of Iowa, Dynamic Economics
Susumu Cato, University of Tokyo, Collective Decision-Making
Tiago Cavalcanti, University of Cambridge, Topics in Macroeconomics Development
Alain Chateauneuf, IPAG Business School, and Bernard Cornet, University of Kansas, Finance and Decision
Been-Lon Chen, Academia Sinica, Altruism, Education, and Inequality
Been-Lon Chen, Academia Sinica, Technology Decisions, Economic Growth, and Labor Share
John Conley, Vanderbilt University, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
David J. Cooper, University of Iowa and University of East Anglia, Experiments in Behavioral Game Theory I
David J. Cooper, University of Iowa and University of East Anglia, Experiments in Behavioral Game Theory II
Joao Correia-da-Silva, University of Porto, Economics of Information
Liuchun Deng, National University of Singapore, and M. Ali Khan, John Hopkins University, Recent Advances in Optimal Economic Dynamics
Pietro Dindo, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, and Pablo Beker, University of Warwick, Prediction Markets
Laura Doval, Columbia University, TBA
Paweł Dziewulski, University of Sussex, and John Quah, National University of Singapore, Monotone Comparative Statics
Paweł Dziewulski, University of Sussex, and John Quah, National University of Singapore, Revealed Preference Analysis
Paweł Dziewulski, University of Sussex, and John Quah, National University of Singapore, TBA
Jeff Ely, Northwestern University, Information Design and Mechanism Design
Hulya Eraslan, Rice University, Games on Networks
Hulya Eraslan, Rice University, Information Acquisition and Learning
Hulya Eraslan, Rice University, Information and Strategic Experimentation
Hulya Eraslan, Rice University, Topics in Economic Theory I
Hulya Eraslan, Rice University, Topics in Economic Theory II
Simona Fabrizi, The University of Auckland, Misinformation and Democracy
José Heleno Faro, Insper, São Paulo, Brazil, Stochastic Choice Behavior
Minako Fujio, Yokohama National University, and M. Ali Khan, Johns Hopkins University, Topics in Economic Dynamics
Tristan Gagnon-Bartsch, University of Iowa, and Antonio Rosato, University of Queensland and Università di Napoli Federico II, Misspecified Beliefs in Games
Tristan Gagnon-Bartsch, University of Iowa, and Antonio Rosato, University of Queensland and Università di Napoli Federico II, Experiments on Misspecified Beliefs
Spyros Galanis, Durham University, Information Acquisition and Aggregation
Aditya Goenka, University of Birmingham, Economic Epidemiology
Susanne Goldlücke, University of Konstanz, Contracts and Mechanism Design
Stéphane Gonzalez, GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne, and Federica Ceron, GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne, Axiomatizations in Economic Theory
Piero Gottardi, University of Essex and Venice, Credit Chains
Michel Grabisch, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Advances in Cooperative Games
Gabriella Graziano, University of Naples Federico II & CSEF, and Elena del Mercato, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, PSE, & CES, Externalities in Economic Theory
Michael Greinecker, ENS Paris-Saclay, Topics in Game Theory
Pierfrancesco Guarino, University of Udine, and Gabriel Ziegler, University of Edinburgh, Topics in Economic Theory
Jang-Ting Guo, University of California, Riverside, Topics on Macroeconomics
Guillaume Haeringer, Baruch College, and Michael Richter, Baruch College & University of London, Matching and Markets
Peter Hammond and Agustín Troccoli-Moretti, University of Warwick, Decision Theory
Wei He, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Recent Development in Mechanisms Design I
Wei He, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Recent Development in Mechanisms Design II
Wei He, and Jiangtao Li, Singapore Management University, Recent Development in Mechanisms Design III
Jean-Jacques Herings, Tilburg University, Financial Networks
Carlos Hervés-Beloso, Universidad de Vigo, and Emma Moreno-García, Universidad de Salamanca, Topics in Economic Theory
Toomas Hinnosaar, University of Nottingham, Digital Economy: Theory and Applications I
Toomas Hinnosaar, University of Nottingham, Digital Economy: Theory and Applications II
Ed Hopkins, King’s College London, Behavioral Game Theory
Johannes Hörner, Yale/TSE(CNRS), Experimentation and Verification
Tai-Wei Hu, University of Bristol, Costly Information Processing
Yannis Ioannides, Tufts University, Endogenous vs. Exogenous Social Networks
Selahattin Imrohoroglu, University of Southern California, Quantitative Macroeconomics I
Selahattin Imrohoroglu, University of Southern California, Quantitative Macroeconomics II
Felicia Ionescu, Federal Reserve Board, Micro Data in Macro Models
Alejandro Jofré, University of Chile, Optimal Contract Theory and Applications to Energy and Finance
Ludovic Julien, Université Paris Nanterre, Strategic Interactions and General Equilibrium
Thomas Jungbauer, Cornell University, The Economics of Organization
Timothy Kehoe, University of Minnesota, Debt Accumulation: Theory and Applications
Timothy Kehoe, University of Minnesota, International Trade: Theory and Applications
Timothy Kehoe, University of Minnesota, Labor Economics: Theory and Applications
Timothy Kehoe, University of Minnesota, Fiscal Policy: Theory and Applications
Timothy Kehoe, University of Minnesota, Applied Economic Theory
Kyungmin (Teddy) Kim, Emory University, Applied Game Theory I
Kyungmin (Teddy) Kim, Emory University, Applied Game Theory II
Bhaskara Rao Kopparty, Indiana University, Social Choice Correspondences, Social Choice and Social Welfare
Leonidas Koutsougeras, University of Manchester, Games and Markets
Dan Kovenock, Chapman University, Contests
Silvana Krasteva, Texas A&M University, and Yunus Aybas, Texas A&M University, Strategic Communication and Persuasion
David Levine, University of London, Theory vs. Experiments
Vina Liu, University of Economics and Business, and Nicholas Yannelis, University of Iowa, Topics in Economic Theory I
Vina Liu, University of Economics and Business, and Nicholas Yannelis, University of Iowa, Topics in Economic Theory II
Igor Livshits, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Consumer Finance and Macro
Teresa Lloyd-Braga, Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, Topics on Macrodynamics
Michele Lombardi, University of Liverpool and University of Naples Federico II, Implementation Theory
Lina Mallozzi, University of Naples Federico II, and Robert Gilles, The Queen’s University of Belfast, New Solutions for Cooperative Decision Situations
Mihai Manea, SUNY Stony Brook, Bargaining
Chantal Marlats, Université Panthéon-Assas-Paris-II, Learning, Experimentation, Information, and Knowledge Economics
Cesar Martinelli, George Mason University, Political Economy of Democracy
Richard McLean, Rutgers University, Topics in Game Theory and Mathematical Economics
Alan Miller, Western University, Law and Economics
Stefania Minardi, HEC Paris, and Fan Wang, ESSEC Singapore, Uncertainty in Decision Making
Antonio Miralles, University of Messina, Matching and Market Design
Elena Molis, Universidad de Granada, Topics on Game Theory
Joshua Mollner, Northwestern University, and Markus Baldauf, University of British Columbia, Market Microstructure Theory I
Joshua Mollner, Northwestern University, and Bart Taub, University of Glasgow, Market Microstructure Theory II
Hervé Moulin, University of Glasgow, Fair Division
Rachel Ngai, London School of Economics, Structural Transformation and Development
Rachel Ngai, London School of Economics, and Victor Ortego Marti, University of California Riverside, Search in the Housing Markets
Antonio Nicolò, University of Padova, Dynamic Matching: Theory and Applications
Wojciech Olszewski, Northwestern University, Evaluating Contracts by their Performance in the Worst Cases
Lucas Pahl, University of Sheffield, and Mich Tvede, University of Sheffield, Game Theory and Foundations
Theodore Papageorgiou, Boston College, Topics in Trade and Urban Economics
Szilvia Pápai, Concordia University, Axiomatic Analysis
Szilvia Pápai, Concordia University, Segregation, Sorting, and Trust
Ana Elisa Pereira, Universidad de los Andes, Finance Theory
Marialaura Pesce and Claudia Meo, University of Naples Federico II, Topics in Matching and Social Choice Theory
Angelo Petralia and Alfio Giarlotta, University of Catania, Rationality in Preferences and Choices I
Angelo Petralia and Alfio Giarlotta, University of Catania, Rationality in Preferences and Choices II
Davide Petturiti, University of Perugia, and Barbara Vantaggi, Sapienza University of Rome, Models for Dynamic Reasoning Under Partial Knowledge to Make Interpretable Decisions
Marcus Pivato, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Normative Decision Theory
Vincenzo Platino and Carla Guerriero, University of Naples Federico II, Family Economics
Luciano Pomatto, California Institute of Technology, Risk, Uncertainty, and Information
Kym Pram, University of Nevada, Disclosure
Edward S. Prescott, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Topics in Banking and Contract Economics
Pavlo Prokopovych, Kyiv School of Economics, and Nicholas Yannelis, University of Iowa, Topics in Economic Theory
Daniela Puzzello, Indiana University, Theory and Experiments
Doron Ravid, University of Chicago, Economics of Information
Frank Riedel, University of Bielefeld, Aspects of Knighting Uncertainty in Interactions
Klaus Ritzberger, University of London, Game Theory and Applications
Brian Roberson, Purdue University, Contests, Auctions and Mechanism Design
Santanu Roy, Southern Methodist University, Transparency and Search
Anna Rubinchik, Western Galilee College, Microfoundations of Macroeconomics
Agnieszka Rusinowska, CNRS – University Paris 1 & PSE, Social and Economic Networks
Tarun Sabarwal, University of Kansas, Economic Theory and Applications
Anna Sanktjohanser, Yale/TSE, Topics in Dynamic Games
Sudipta Sarangi and Hector Tzavellas, Virginia Tech, Networks
Elia Sartori, Naples University and CSEF, Learning in Behavioral and Misspecified Models
Vincenzo Scalzo, University of Naples Federico II, Set-Valued Analysis in Game Theory
Eddie Schlee, Arizona State University, and M. Ali Khan, Johns Hopkins University, Topics in Economic Theory
Tridib Sharma, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), Willful Default
Stephen Spear, Carnegie Mellon University, and Eungsik Kim, University of Kansas, Macro-Finance I
Stephen Spear, Carnegie Mellon University, and Leland Farmer, University of Virginia, Macro-Finance II
Jack Stecher, University of Alberta, Frontiers of Decision Theory
Yeneng Sun, National Singapore University, Mathematical Economics
Caroline Thomas, University of Texas Austin, Dynamic Games
Iryna Topolyan, University of Cincinnati, Contests and Competition
Juan Pablo Gama Torres, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Regulation, Inequality, and Labor Market
Rabee Tourky, Australian National University, Decision Theory
Matteo Triossi, University of Venice, Matching and Assignment
Agustin Troccoli-Moretti, University of Warwick, Decision Theory
Dimitrios Tsomocos, University of Oxford, Topics in Financial Stability, Monetary and Regulatory Policy
Niccolò Urbinati, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Economic Theory
Alain Venditti, AMSE-CNRS-AMU, Macroeconomic Dynamics
Anne Villamil, University of Iowa, Topics in Macro
Nicodemo De Vito, University of Salerno, Epistemic Game Theory and Applications
Ping Wang, Washington University in St. Louis & NBER, and Juan Carlos Cordoba, Iowa State University, Technology and Labor Market Frictions
Ping Wang, Washington University in St. Louis & NBER, and Guillaume Vandenbroucke, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Labor Markets
Ping Wang, Washington University in St. Louis & NBER, and Marla Ripoll, University of Pittsburgh, Capital, Entrepreneurship and Firm Dynamics
Ping Wang, Washington University in St. Louis & NBER, and Rachel Ngai, London School of Economics, Structure Transformation
Ping Wang, Washington University in St. Louis & NBER, and Wenli Li, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Family and Demographic Changes
Xinyang Wang, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), Topics in Economic Theory
Bertrand Wigniolle, Paris School of Economics & Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and Jean-Pierre Drugeon, Paris School of Economics & CNRS, Axiomatics of Temporal Preferences
Tim Worrall, University of Edinburgh, Intergenerational Insurance
Lukasz Wozny, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, and Kevin Reffett, Arizona State University, New Methods for Dynamic Economies I
Lukasz Wozny, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, and Kevin Reffett, Arizona State University, New Methods for Dynamic Economies II
Dimitrios Xefteris, University of Cyprus, Information Aggregation Through Voting
Boli Xu, University of Iowa, Information Economics I
Boli Xu, University of Iowa, Information Economics II
Constantine Yannelis, University of Cambridge, Financial Economics
Andy Zapechelnyuk, University of Edinburgh, Communication and Persuasion
Michael Zierhut, Kobe University, Matching Theory
Peio Zuazo-Garin, NYU Shanghai, Contingent Reasoning

Full Session Details

Contracts and Mechanism Design
Organizer: Susanne Goldlücke

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Inga Deimen (University of Arizona, USA)
Andreas Asseyer (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Giovanni Valvassori Bolgè (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
Susanne Goldlücke (University of Konstanz, Germany)

Digital Economy: Theory and Applications I
Organizer: Toomas Hinnosaar
Chair: Toomas Hinnosaar

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Martino Banchio (Bocconi University, Italy)
Aranyak Mehta (Google Research, USA)
Andres Perlroth (Google Research, USA)
Ads in Conversations
Anastasiia Parakhoniak (Durham University, UK)
Cole Williams (Durham University, UK)
Popularity or Price: Which Should Determine the Display of Top Firms?
Marcel Preuss (Cornell University, USA)
Yi Chen (Cornell University, USA)
Fei Li (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, USA)
Attention Design on Social Platforms
Egor Starkov (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Aleksei Smirnov (Higher School of Economics, Russia)
Designing Social Learning

Digital Economy: Theory and Applications II
Organizer: Toomas Hinnosaar

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Arina Nikandrova (City, University of London, UK)
Claudia Herresthal (University of Bonn, Germany)
Tatiana Mayskaya (Higher School of Economics, Russia)
Data Linkage between Markets: Does the Emergence of an Informed Insurer Cause Consumer Harm?
Róbert Somogyi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
Johannes Johnen (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Gianmarco Luu (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Deceptive Counterfeits and Consumer Protection
Alkis Georgiadis-Harris (University of Warwick, UK)
Maximilian Guennewig (University of Bonn, Germany)
Yuliyan Mitkov (University of Bonn, Germany)
Smart Banks
Toomas Hinnosaar (University of Nottingham, UK)
Marit Hinnosaar (University of Nottingham, UK)
Influencer Cartels

Evaluating design by its performance in the worst cases
Organizer: Wojciech Olszewski
Chair: Wojciech Olszewski

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Alexis Ghersengorin (Oxford University, UK)
Udayan Vaidya (Duke University, USA)
Juuso Tikka (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Wojciech Olszewski (Northwestern University, USA)
On evaluating contracts by their performance in the worst cases

Experiments in Behavioral Game Theory I
Organizer: David Cooper

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

David Cooper (University of Iowa, USA)
John Kagel (Ohio State, USA)
Shi Qi (William & Mary, USA)
Modeling Strategies in Indefinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Games
Tim Cason (Purdue University, USA)
Stanton Hudja (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Yaroslav Rosokha (Purdue University, USA)
Feedback and Information Free-Riding in Collective Experimentation: An Experimental Investigation
Ala Avoyan (Indiana University, USA)
Paula Onuchic (London School of Economics, UK)
How do Groups Speak and How are They Understood?
Marco Casari (University of Bologna, Italy)
Jesus Erubiel Ordaz Cuevas (University of Bologna, Italy)
Alessandro Tavoni (University of Bologna, Italy)
I will if you will in climate mitigation

Experiments in Behavioral Game Theory II
Organizer: David Cooper

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Anna Bayona (ESADE, Spain)
Jordi Brandts (Institut d'Analisi Economica, Spain)
Xavier Vives (University of Navarra, Spain)
Information bias, communication networks, and financial markets
Giuseppe Attanasi (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Pablo Brañas Garza (Loyola Andalucia University, Spain)
Gilles Grolleau (ESSCA School of Management, France)
Angela Sutan (ESSEC, France)
Belief-based vs. opportunity-based kindness in a reciprocal dictator game
Jeongbin Kim (Florida State University, USA)
Thomas Palfrey (California Institute of Technology, USA)
Jeffrey Zeidel (NYU - Abu Dhabi, UAE)
Crisis Bargaining with Collective Decision Making
Tracy Xiao Liu (Tsinghua University, China)
Mingshi Chen (Tsinghua University, China)
You Shan (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
Shu Wang (Tsinghua University, China)
Songfa Zhong (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Yanju Zhou (Central South University, China)
How General Are Measures of Choice Consistency? Evidence from Experimental and Scanner Data

Game Theory and Applications
Organizer: Klaus Ritzberger

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Cole Williams (Durham University, United Kingdom)
Eeva Mauring (University of Bergen, Norway)
Anastasiia Parakhoniak (Durham University, Unite Kingdom)
Search Auctions with Endogenous Participation: Strategic Non-Participation and Platform Bias
Thomas Jungbauer (Cornell University, USA)
Yuhan Chen (Cornell University, USA)
Michael Waldman (Cornell University, USA)
Education Signaling and Asymmetric Employer Learning
Kostas Koufopoulos (University of Sussex, United Kingdom)
Xuyuanda Qi (NYU Shanghai, China)
Giulio Triglia (University of Rochester, USA)
Demandable Debt and Leverage Ratchet Effect
David Kelsey (Nottingham University, United Kingdom)
Lorenz Hartmann (University of Basel, Switzerland)
Location Invariance and Games with Ambiguity

Law and Economics
Organizer: Alan Miller

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Sue Mialon (Emory University, United States)
Economic Analysis of Abortion Bans and Restrictions
Murat C. Mungan (Texas A&M University School of Law, United States)
Abbreviated judgments and asymmetries
Danisz Okulicz (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Emre Dogan (HSE University, Russia)
Onur Kesten (University of Sydney, Australia)
Achieving Efficiency and Fairness in a Congested Lawyer Assignment Problem
Simone Sepe (University of Toronto, Canada)
Roberto Giacobazzi (University of Arizona, United States)
Legal Formalism and Abstract Interpretation

Learning in Behavioral and Misspecified Models
Organizer: Elia Sartori

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Daniele Condorelli (University of Warwick, UK)
Tommaso Denti (NYU Stern, USA)
Giacomo Lanzani (UC Berkeley, USA)
Franz Ostrizek (SciencesPo, France)

Matching Theory
Organizer: Michael Zierhut

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Daisuke Hirata (Doshisha University, Japan)
Strong Observable Substitutability and the Cumulative Offer Mechanism
Pawel Gola (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Pond Dilemma with Heterogenous Relative Concerns
Tomoya Kazumura (Kyoto University, Japan)
Strategy-proofness and Competitive Equilibrium with Transferable Utility: Gross Substitutes Revisited
Michael Zierhut (Kobe University, Japan)
Solving the Roommate Problem with Rock-Paper-Scissors

Political Economy of Democracy
Organizer: Cesar Martinelli

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Barton Lee (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Álvaro Delgado-Vega (University of Chicago, USA)
Growth and Conflict with Collective Goods
Hans Gersbach (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Kremena (Valkanova, Switzerland)
Voting with Random Proposers: Two rounds suffice
Arthur Schichl (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Hans Gersbach (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Competing with Term Length
Cesar Martinelli (George Mason University, USA)
David K. Levine (Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom)
Nicole Stoelinga (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Germany)
Vote or Fight?

Theory and Experiments
Organizer: Daniela Puzzello

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Jonathan Chiu (Bank of Canada, Canada)
Cyril Monnet (University of Berne, Switzerland)
Designing the Future Monetary System
Leo Ferraris (University of Milan Bicocca, Italy)
Luis Araujo (Michigan State University, United States)
Physical vs digital currency. A difference that makes a difference
Alejandro Zamora-Pérez (European Central Bank, Germany)
Luca Nocciola (European Central Bank, Germany)
Transactional demand for central bank digital currency
Daniela Puzzello (Indiana University Bloomington, United States)
Luis Araujo (Michigan State University, United States)
Leo Ferraris (University of Milan Bicocca, Italy)
Marco Mantovani (University of Milan Bicocca, Italy)
Experimenting with Digital Currency

Topics in Economic Theory
Organizers: Eddie Schlee and M. Ali Khan
Chair: Eddie Schlee

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Eddie Schlee (Arizona State University, USA)
Prices vs Quantities with Risk Aversion
Michael Jerison (University of Albany, USA)
Arthur Paul Pederson (CREST Institute, USA)
David, Schrittesser (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)

Topics in Economic Theory
Organizers: Anuj Bhowmik and Nicholas Yannelis
Chair: Aldo Rustichini

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Stephen Morris (MIT, USA)
Coordination and Policy
Alvaro Sandroni (Northwestern University, USA)
The Law-Decision Game
Anuj Bhowmik (Indian Statistical Institute, India)
Nicholas Yannelis (University of Iowa, USA)
Bayesian Equilibrium with a continnum of players and with discontinuous payoffs
Aldo Rustichini (University of Minnesota, USA)
Genesis of Institutions

Topics in Economic Theory
Organizers: Pavlo Prokopovych and Nicholas Yannelis
Chair: Pavlo Prokopovych

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

John Geanakoplos (Yale University, USA)
Monies and Inflation
Philippe Bich (University of Paris1-Pantheon-Sorbonne, Frnace)
Cherif Yaker (University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, France)
A New Non Cooperative Foundation of Pairwise Stability with Some Applications
Hamid Sabourian (University fo Cambridge, UK)
Collusive Behaviour, Efficiency and Cheap Talk Negotiation in Repeated Games
Pavlo Prokopovych (Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine)
Nicholas Yannelis (University of Iowa, USA)
On the Existence of Monotone Pure-Strategy Equilibria in an Auction Model with Multidimensional Types

Topics in Economic Theory
Organizers: Zhiwei (Vina) Liu and Nicholas Yannelis
Chair: Geoge Georgiadis

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Ben Brooks (University of Chicago, USA)
Songzi Du (UC-San Diego, USA)
Dual Reductions and the First-Order Approach for Informationally Robust Mechanism Design
Alec Sandroni (Caltech, USA)
Stability in Open-Ended Dynamic Matching
Zhiwei (Vina) Liu (Capital University of Economics and Busines, China)
Nicholas Yannelis (University of Iowa, USA)
Bayesian Persuasion Under Asymmetric Information: Achieving Truthful Implementation
George Georgiadis (Northwestern University, USA)
Incentives and Selection

Topics in Economic Theory
Organizers: Nicholas C. Yannelis and Vina(Zhiwei) Liu

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Zhigang Cao (Beijing Jiaotong University, China)
Sixian Shen (Beijing Jiaotong University, China)
Guopeng Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
Feng Zhu (Beijing Jiaotong University, China)
Potentials in Quadratic Cournot Cross-holding Games
Fanqi Shi (Peking University, China)
Litian Chen (Peking University, China)
Screening Network Degrees: Optimal Network Interventions under Asymmetric Information
Yifei Sun (University of International Business and Economics, China)
Soumen Banerjee (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China)
Yi-Chun Chen (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Full Implementation with Adaptive Heuristics
Zheng Wang (Capital University of Economics and Business, China)
John S. Heywood (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA)
Public Firms on an International Border: A Model of Spatial Price Discrimination